Reduplication in Nigerian English

Reduplication in Nigerian English.


This work is concerned with reduplication in Nigerian from the speeches and  utterances  of some  students  in  the  Department  of Modern European Languages and Linguistics, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

The  study  shows  that  reduplication  occurs  to signify contrastive meaning, , emphasis and creation of new words with different semantic forms.

was therefore further discovered to be one of the of Nigerian English.


Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of content v
Abstract viii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Research Questions 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study 3
1.4 Significance of the Study 3
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study 4


2.0 Introduction 5
2.1 Overview of Nigerian English 5
2.2 Reduplication and Repetition 8
2.3 Reduplication and Triplication 10
2.4 Reduplication and Tautology 12
2.5 Full and Partial Reduplication 14
2.6 Functions of Reduplication 16


3.0 Introduction 18
3.1 Sources of Data 18
3.2 Methods of Data Collection 19
3.3 Analytical Procedure 20


4.0 Introduction 21
4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis 21
4.2 Contrastive Meaning in Reduplication 24
4.3 Pluralism in Reduplication 26
4.4 Emphatic Expression in Reduplication 26
4.5 Discussion 28


Summary of Findings and Conclusion 30
5.0 Introduction 30
5.1 Summary of Findings 30
5.2 Conclusion 31
References 33


Reduplication  is  a morphological  process   in which   the  root   of a word or a part of it is  repeated. In many  languages, reduplication  is  used in inflections to convey grammatical functions and in lexical derivations to create semantic functions .

Kachru (1982) noted that the reduplication of items belongs to various  word  classes. For  instance, some  English  words  are   often   reduplicated   or   repeated consecutively, either for emphasis, pluralisation or to create  new meanings.

Bobda (1994) identified three categories of words which generally  undergo the  process  of reduplication; numerals, intensifiers  and quantifiers.

1.1 Background to the Study

Reduplication  is an  important  phenomenon  in language  studies. Its attributes have long been studied  in terms  of various  formalist theories. However, there is a general consensus that the role of reduplication in English language has been widely ignored. Recent

corpus based studies have indicated that the  usage  of reduplication  among   English   language   speakers   is  more   widespread   than assumed to be and needs in-depth study (Nadarajan, 2007).


Bilber, D., Conrad, S.&Rappen, R. (1998), Corpus Linguistics investigating Structure and Use. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Conrad S. (1999) “The importance of corpus based  research  for  Language Teachers”. System (27), 1-18.
Ghomesi, J. Jackendoff, R; Rosen, N. &Russel, K. (2004). Contrastive focus : Reduplication in English (The salad salad paper): Natural language and Linguistics Theory (22), 307 -357.
Halliday, M. (1994). An introduction to Functional Grammar Edward Arnold: London.
Lusberg, H. (1998). Handbook of the literacy Rhetoric: A function of Literacy Study(Trans by Method Bliss). Netherlands. Brill, Leiden
Marvesik, E. (1978) Reduplication constructions. In J. Greenberg (ed).Universal of Humans languages: Word Structure. (PP.. 297 – 334). Stanford University Press.

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