In the pre-colonial days when population was less, refuse generated was quite  minimal this was wither, buried, thrown into the river, burnt or thrown into deep pit and also used as a manure for agriculture. In  the  colonial and past days incinerators where built and used in combination of the abovre named methods. Until  1st October 1996  when Ebonyi State was created out of the present Enugu and Abia State. On creation in  1996, Ebonyi was best with myriad of

environmental problems ranging  from  inadequate environmental education  and awareness campaign, poor  personal and environmental hygiene. 

 Every street  was adorned by heaps of  refuse wheile the  state capital (Iyiudele and Iyokwu) were  converted   to dumping ground for domestic waste and human  faces.  Infact it is one record that the world youth soccer championship slated for Nigeria in 1995 was cancelled because of out break of cholera (product of filthy environment) in Abakaliki.  The deplorable environmental condition of Abakaliki necessitated the setting up of the Ebonyi State Environmental Protection Agency (EBSEPA) on  6th  December,  1996  barely a month after   the  appointment of the pioneer military administrator, commander Walter Feghabo for the young state.

Recently,  the waste management  sector, the agency, (EBSEPA) has achieved sustained and routine  clearance of wastes in the capital city and its environments.  Daily and monthly refuse collection and disposal are in practice within the Ebonyi State Environment, particularly, Abakaliki Urban.  The agency introduced standard plastic dustbin for waste collection and evacuation. They are also involved with house-to-house sanitary inspection and waste collection. 

The agency mapped out dumping sites in various strategic locations, some which were along water works road, new layout primary school,  Nkaliki Road, Goddy Ogbaga Road, St. Patrick church Kpirikpiri  and also final disposal point located along Enugu  Abakaliki  express way near Sperando junction. Waste disposal in abakaliki  urban does not follow the conventional method such as sanitary landfill, incineration compositing and recycling  due to lack of funds, equipments, etc. what is obtainable  in the  content of refuse disposal, is simple a transfer of refuse from one point to another. Waste accumulated in  designated dumping  areas  are usually carried away in an open trucks and transfer  to areas not being inhabited by people. Duping continues until dry season when some of  the waste becomes dry and can  burn. After burning, a  caterpillar would be made to level the area before fresh  soil is used for final covering. The  agency currently is researching on conversion of waste to wealth (Ukpah,  2010).


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