The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and the Nigerian Police Force can be said to be related on the basic of fighting crime. The Nigeria Police Force is changed with a holistic duty for the maintenance of law and order while the Commission is stereotyped for financial crimes. The Nigerian Police Force is established by the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is important to know that both the former and present “point persons” of the Commission are Police Officers and that points to the fact that both of them cannot be separated.

The far reaching implication of the provisions of the Constitution is that the chairman of the commission, a superior officer of the Nigerian Police, is subject to the control, command and directive of the Inspector General of Police, for as long as the chairman retains his position with the Commission.

The Nigerian Police Force and the Economic and Financial crimes commission are both organized and administered in accordance with such provisions as may be prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly. For examples, the Constitutional revision of the Nigerian Police provides  that the Nigeria police force shall be organized and administered in accordance with such provisions as may be prescribed by an act of the nation assembly. The constitution also provision that the members of the Nigeria police force shall have such power and duties as may be conferred upon them by them by the law. The police act helps to expatiate on the provision above . 

The E.F.C.C. establishment acts provides for a liaison with the office of the attorney-general of the federation, and all government security and law enforcement agencies.The E.F.C.C. and the Nigeria police force are some what related in a number of ways even as seen above. One of the striking relationship between E.F.C.C. and the Nigeria police force is that both commission can cause investigation to be conduced into the properties of any person.

The maintains of liaison is also obvious in their dealings. the E.F.C.C. functions in the area of maintaining data, statisties, records and reports on persons, organizations proceeds, properties, documents, other items or assets involved in economic and financial crimes. Besides these functions, the Police Force is also known to keep records and reports on criminal activities. At this juncture, it is sufficient to say that the functions of the Commission and the Nigerian Police force are embedded with the duplication of duties. The only difference might be the fact that the Nigeria police forces has a wider scope.

 It is important to street here that the E.F.C.C. Act is not a creation of the Constitution but a creation of the National Assembly. The Commission was established by the executive through an Act of the National Assembly and to that extent, every officer of the Commission is a public officer. By virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, it is submitted therefore that E.F.C.C. falls under the category of Extra-Ministerial Department of the Federation, the name given to it notwithstanding.

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