Religious Happy Birthday Wishes for Son from Mother and Father

With each passing day, hopes are held high and the beauty of life is seen from many perspectives. As a parent who knows the beauty of life and family, be it a father or mother, you would always love to celebrate your son on his birthday, but how do you wish someone a happy birthday without a tinge of prayers? Have you ever wondered why wishes are sometimes seen as prayers? Then, you will understand that religious birthday wishes from mother and father are so important for the celebration of a son.

How do you say a word of prayer to your son on his birthday without running out of words? It’s only by being in the right place for help. Viola! You are here- yes at the right place indeed.

Here, you will find a collection of religious happy birthday wishes for son that will bless your son and usher him into a glorious new year. I know how much you cherish your beliefs, so, I have adapted that to fit into your choicest birthday texts for your son. So, let’s take a tour!

Dear son, this birthday promises to be the best you have ever celebrated and because of your love for our religious activities, as a mother, I have decided to celebrate you as such. From my side here, I say, have a fantastic birthday, my dear son. May the good Lord bless and keep you.

1. My lovely son, today is another day to be proud of you as a mother. You have brought me so much peace and joy. May the peace of our Lord Jesus that supersedes all others radiate all over your life. You are the anointed of the Lord. Happy birthday to you, from mother.

2. With love from your mother: I could sell the whole earth and give to you, but we serve a God that is capable and by His only begotten Son Jesus, is ever willing to give you all that you need. He will give you abundantly above what you can ever think or imagine. Happy birthday to you.

3. The Lord Almighty has promised you that he will never leave you or abandon you. Therefore, know that are no heights that you won’t be able to reach. No depth that will be too difficult for you to dig out. I wish you success in all ahead. With love from your mother, happy birthday to you.

4. Just as our Lord has promised in his word that you will never beg, so I am glad as a mother to wish you a splendid birthday my handsome and dynamic son. You are the joy of a mother and I am so happy that you were gifted to me by God. Cheers.

5. There is unlimited grace with the God that we serve. He is able and abundantly to deliver and to save. Son, you are the hope of the family and the joy of any mother. You are special to me and I am happy I have you as my son. As you mark another birthday today, I wish you endless joy and happiness.

6. We serve a living God, always ready to hear and answer us because I don’t know how I deserve a son so smart and intelligent but I am eternally grateful to God for you, my lovely son. Happy birthday to you. I wish you all around joy and growth.

7. God looked down from heaven and saw my need of a son, so, he sent you to me. Since you have into my life, my life has not remained the same. I cherish your kindness and love. I wish that all the joy and happiness that birthday brings, may be given to you in double portions. Happy birthday to you, my dear son. With love from your mother.

8. A mother may be a vehicle that conveys a child to the earth but God is actually the mother and also the father of all. Dear son, this is from your mother: your addition to my life transcends just the birth of another child; it entails all blessings that come along. My dear son, I wish you light of our Lord Jesus in your life and laughter all your days.

9. Every good and perfect gift comes from heaven; they come from our Lord Jesus. I am the most blessed mother in the entire universe because I have the most gifted son in the world. My dear son, I rejoice greatly in celebrating you and on this day of your birth, I wish you excellence and bigger achievements in life.

10. As the Spirit of excellence was given to Daniel, may the same Spirit rest upon you. This is a toast to your success, breakthrough, happiness, comfort and joy. As we raise this glass for you, so shall you be lifted in life because God is seated in the heavenly places and never coming down. Cheers, my dear son.

11. Because you are ordained of the Lord and because he will never forsake you, I can be glad to say happy birthday to the most admirable son in the world. I am blessed to be your mother. I wish you a glorious future. Cheers.

15. You have brought more memory than I anticipated. As a mother, I thought it would be all responsibility but you have proven to be a so that adds value to life. I wish you many years in good health and peace of mind and may the joy of Christ abide with you now and forever. Happy birthday to you, son.

16. When God is your maker, no difficulty can operate within your vicinity. He who formed the earth is ready to give you the earth. No mountain shall be able to able to stand before you because they shall all be brought low like plains. Happy birthday to you. my son.

17. We overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. My life is a testimony because you have become a major part of it. My lovely son, I wish you the fulfilled life in Christ Jesus and many happy returns of this day. Happy birthday from mother to you, dear son.

18. My dear son, He who God has blessed, no man can curse. You are blessed beyond curse. You are a royal priesthood. You are a blessing to many generations. I wish you a splendid day and a fruitful year. Happy birthday to you.

19. From a mother to her lovely son; my son, blessed be the day you were born. I am happy to see you grow so big and as you mark another birthday in Christ today I wish you many abundant years in prosperity and deeply rooted in the love of Christ.

20. Christ Jesus said, ‘He who follows me will never know lack’. You have been more than a son to me. You are a buddy and also a friend. I wish you a blissful journey in life and unending laughter all the days of your life. Cheers.

21. There is no mother whose son performs and wouldn’t be glad. Our Lord rejoices over you because you are his anointed son. I am happy to have you and today as you celebrate, I wish you well in your health and that you continue to grow higher and bigger in life. Happy birthday to you.

22. God is your helper, no man shall be able to disconnect you from him. There is nothing that shall be too difficult for you to overcome because Christ overcame all for your sake. I wish you an excellent year and more success in all your endeavours.

23. My heart rejoices as a mother and my soul is satisfied that you are here celebrating another year on earth. Dear son, I commit you in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ. May His joy, peace and laughter never depart from you. Happy birthday to you.

24. According to the word of the Lord, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

25. As a mother, I am glad to see you doing well. God owns your tomorrow. Commit your ways into his hands, I wish you a glorious future and an unlimited breakthrough as you keep putting effort into all the things you do. With Christ, success awaits you. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

26. God is all in all to you. Even when a woman forgets the son of her breast, always know that you have a God on whose palms you are engraved. Happy birthday to you, dear son. Wishing you all the best.

27. God is your anchor in the sea of life. While the tempest roll and the sea billows go up. I wish you a safe landing and an adventurous year. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

28. I know that my redeemer, Jesus Christ, lives and he will not let you be put to shame. My son, happy birthday to you. I pronounce upon you the blessing f a mother. Great be your days and years ahead.

29. You have been a jewel to the family and especially to me as your mother, so I wish you a great year in the love of our Lord Jesus and I know that he will open many doors for you. Happy birthday to you, son.

30. My lovely son, with the confidence I have in my Master, Jesus Christ, I wish you a big birthday and joy that will outlive you. Cheers to a better new year.

In our religious lives, we cherish moments when we celebrate just as we are doing today on your birthday. The best wishes from a father are that his son is better than him and that is my desire for you. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

31. A son like a father is a perfect gift from God. I wish you steady growth and multiple blessings from God. Happy birthday to you, my son.

32. Dear son, happy birthday to you today. You have constituted a great part of me and you have brought me so much peace. I am a lucky father to have a son like you. I wish you a peaceful year, one given by your Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.

33. Who is this celebrating birthday today? How come he so much resembles me? Happy birthday to a son like his father. I wish you many more successes than I recorded. I wish you a stronger foundation in Christ Jesus who is mighty to save. Cheers.

34. Happy birthday to you, my son. Without you in my life, I don’t know where I would have been. I will always thank God for your presence in my life. I wish you eternal joy.

35. He that watches over you neither sleep nor slumber. My dear son, as a father, I am limited in what I can do but you have a father in heaven who is unlimited. To him I commit you. Happy birthday to you, my son.

36. My lovely son, were the whole world a present, I’ll gift it to you. My lovely son, happy birthday to you. I wish you long life in Christ and may his prosperity with no stain be given to you.

37. A son must take after his father or his mother. I am glad that you took after me, your father. Today I celebrate my look-alike. The love of God is the purest form of love, this, I wish you in overflowing measures.

38. My dear son, God is always ready to answer all your prayers. Today I wish you speedy answers to all your prayers and may good things never be far from you. Receive increase at all sides.

39. My protégé, my son and my friend. Happy birthday to you. You are the blessings of God to me in human form. I cannot thank God enough for the great privilege of having you a son. Happy birthday to you, my son.

40. Happy birthday to a son who is learned yet humble. Your life is the epitome of grace and a model for many children and sons in our world. I thank God because you took the attitude of Christ Jesus. He gives an increase to each of our efforts. Happy birthday to you. I wish you a fruitful year.

41. The joy that I have today as a father is indescribable because you have become to me a son in whom I am well pleased just as Jesus pleased his Father in all he does. I wish you excellent greatness and a skyrocketing growth that will marvel the world.

42. My dear son, you are a wonder already. I ask that heaven honour you in all your ways and make you a beacon of light in your world. Happy birthday to you.

43. When God is your boat, you can smile at the storm. I wish you wisdom and strength to smoothly run the affairs of your life and to smoothly surmount all the challenges of your life. Dear son, happy birthday to you.

44. My son, happy birthday to you. You are worth more to me than all the precious stones and metals in the world. You are a blessing because you have been pronounced blessed by our Father in heaven. Enjoy to the fullest your special day.

45. Dear son, when you were born, I looked at your eyes and smiled. To date, you have given me every day a reason to keep smiling. Because the Lord is with you like a mighty warrior, I wish you ending joy and happiness. Happy birthday to you.

46. Happy birthday to you, my amiable son. I pray that your new age will usher more strength, grace, peace, joy and more blessings from heaven to you. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

47. On this memorable day, I felicitate with you on the special occasion of another year to your life, my dear son. You have been a son whose life is worthy of emulation to many other sons. I am proud of you as a father. Wishing you all the best in Christ Jesus.

48. Happy birthday to you, my son. May the Lord bless and keep you. May he look unto you and do you good. May the light of his face shine upon you. Cheers, my dear son. With love from your father.

49. From a father: Happy birthday to you, my dear son. I wish you many more useful years ahead. My dear son, in Christ, is fulfilment. I pray that the remaining of your life will be fulfilling to you. You are cherished and adored. Cheers.

50. With love from a father. Happy birthday to you, dear son. I cannot count how many times I have thanked God silently that you are my son. You have brought to me as your father rest. I wish you the rest of God from all struggles of life. Happy birthday to you, son.

51. Dear son, happy birthday to you. The Lord had made you a blessing to my life. Happy birthday to you. I wish you many more years in good health and prosperity.

52. My secret prayer was answered openly the moment you came into this earth. You were such a great addition to my family. I wish you joy and peace. I also wish that mercy shall never depart from your life.

53. Happy natal anniversary my dear son. You are my biggest source of inspiration. I wish and pray that the Lord will grant unto you many years filled with life and love. Enjoy your birthday.

54. Happy day of escape from the womb, my dear son. It was really an escape from the womb because you hit the ground running. The Lord is your strength. It was a delight watching you grow into maturity. I wish you all the best as you continue to break records.

55. I can never forget how glad I was on your first day on earth. As a father, I had goose pimples all over because you were such a wonderful son. I wish you many more years of pleasant surprises and divine help from the Lord Jesus Christ.

56. All of our help comes from the Lord. Today as you mark your birthday, I commit your life into the hands of the Almighty that he will be all in all to you. Happy birthday to you, son. With love from your father.

57. Happy birthday to you, my dear son. Today I want to give thanks to the Almighty for his faithfulness that is ever sure. You are a year older. I wish you joy unspeakable and ease of access into greatness.

58. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his mercy endures forever. On this occasion of your birthday, I wish you a more fulfilling year. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

59. On your birthday, I want you to know that heaven cares for you. As a father here, I can only make effort but the best father you have is our Father in heaven; he’s always with you even when others fail, he will not. Happy birthday to you, my fabulous son.

60. Dear son, the name of the Lord is a strong tower where there is absolute security. I commit you into his hands as you mark another birthday today. I wish you every good thing you deserve. Cheers.

There are more blessings in religious celebrations. That’s why today, I can celebrate you with words like, there’s time for everything; a time to celebrate your birthday is here. Happy birthday, son. May you enjoy God’s blessings.

61. For wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be also. My heart is always with you, my dear son because you are my treasure in the human body. Happy birthday to you.

62. God is your refuge; an ever-present help in times of trouble. Happy birthday to you, my lovely son. You are exceptional.

63. Like children born in one’s youth are sons in the hands of the Lord. Happy birthday to you, my dear son. The sky is your launching pad.

64. Greater work shall you do if you abide in Him. My lovely son, you are created to be a star. Continue to manifest on all sides.

65. The glory of the son is apart from the glory of the moon. Dear son, your glory shall shine beyond borders. Happy birthday to you.

66. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. I speak greatness to your life today even as you celebrate your birthday today.

67. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. My dear son, as you mark another birthday today, please remember to be of a cheerful heart and be positive in all you do. Happy birthday to you.

68. Dear son, the sky is just the beginning for you because heaven is your limit. Happy birthday to you.

69. Creativity lies deep inside of you because you are the handiwork of a creative God. So, as you celebrate another birthday, go out there and explore to the fullest. Happy birthday to you, son.

70. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it comes issues of life. My dear son, this new age is the age of responsibility and decision making. Ensure you get it right. Happy birthday to you.

My dear son, happy birthday to you. My message to you today as you celebrate your birthday is to do unto others as you want them to do unto you. Proud to know you still hold in high regard your religious beliefs.

71. My dear son, no matter where you go, always remember that the home you come from must reflect in your attitudes and speech. Happy birthday to you. you are a royal priesthood loved by God

72. My dear son, you are the epitome of love, obedience and humility as exemplified in our Lord Jesus. This birthday will bring you to a world of satisfaction enjoyment.

73. Even if the entire world comes together, they can never defeat our Father in heaven. No matter the number of your opposition, you shall always flourish. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

74. I have the best son in the entire world; his birthday is today. Happy birthday to you, my son. As you mark this special day, everything is gelling together for your good according to the promise of God for our lives.

75. Because you are so special, you are more than a conqueror and no evil planned against you shall come to fruition in Jesus Name. Happy birthday to you.

76. Stay blessed. Remain blessed. Be a blessing to your generation. The world is waiting for you to shine forth for Christ is your light. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

77. Let your light so shine because you have a Father in Heaven who takes pride in your shining. My dear son, you are a special breed. Happy birthday to you.

78. The greatness of the Lord is endued upon you. You are the glory of the Lord here on earth. Happy birthday to you, dear son.

79. No matter how dark the clouds may be, just like the rays of the sun, you will breakthrough. Happy birthday t the most dynamic son I have. Cheers.

80. You are ordained of the Lord because he has turned to you to do you good. As you celebrate another year, he will crown all your efforts with glory. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

81. The beauty of the Lord overshadows every other thing in your life. Go in this might and prosper. Happy birthday to you.

82. My dear son, you may look at yourself as small but hear what the Lord says about you: you are a mighty man of valour. Go in this strength into a new age. Happy birthday to you.

83. It is not about you; it is about whom you are with. My dear son, fear not because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Happy birthday to you.

84. The joy of the Lord is your strength. When others are weak, the grace of the Lord will be sufficient or to you.

85. In your weakness the Lord will manifest his strength, in your need the Lord will manifest his abundance. Cheer on, my dear son and happy birthday to you.

86. Since I was born and now I am getting older, I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. My dear son, rejoice because God has you in his plans.

87. God is in control of your life and just as he is able to provide to do abundantly more than we can ever think or imagine, I want you to know that he has you in His thoughts.

88. For I know the thought that I think over you, thoughts peace and not of evil. To give you hope and a future says the Lord. My dear son, that’s for you. Happy birthday to you.

89. The glory of the Lord that fills the temple surrounds those who put their trust in him. My son, the glory of the Lord over you will continue to manifest enjoy your new age.

90. What is that mountain before your path; they shall be levelled and become like plains. As you climb onto another age today, you are formidable in the Lord.

91. You are the perfect reflection of the beauty of the Lord. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

92. One with God is a majority. It doesn’t matter how many they are on the other side, you are in the winning team. Happy birthday to you.

93. Shout it aloud. Celebrate it because today is your birthday. Happy birthday to you, dear son. You are highly favoured.

94. Among other men, you are highly favoured because the sanctuary of the Lord has been instituted in your life. Happy birthday to you, my son.

95. There is not impossible in your dictionary because with God all things are possible. Happy birthday to you, my lovely son.

96. Happy birthday to you, my special son. No man shall be able to resist you and stop you from moving forward. You will receive new grace to function.

97. With this new age, you are being lifted to a place of higher glory and higher operations, a newer realm of success. Happy birthday to you, son.

98. Your birthday is the announcement you have to tell the world that you are going higher, so don’t keep it to yourself because it’s a great achievement. Keep flying higher.

99. Fire goes before the Lord and consumes his enemies at all sides. You have nothing to worry about because you are loved by the Lord. Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

100. Happy birthday to the son of the Most High. Your heavenly father lives on high, you cannot be down. The top is meant for you. Happy birthday to you.

There you have it, sending religious happy birthday wishes from father or mother to your son is the perfect way for a parent to celebrate the birthday of his/her son. So, what are you waiting for? Use any of the above, customize it by adding the name of your son and wish him that happy birthday in a special way.

Please, remember to share with fellow fathers and mothers.

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