CHAPTER ONE of this book is simply talking about the inability and the failure of the Nigeria leaders both erstwhile and even the current one to provide an exemplary, competent and accountable leadership to Nigerians starting from the Nigeria’s inception of independent in 1960 to this date. However, this has thus subject the country under the perpetual hardship, underdevelopment, immerse dependency on foreign economies and control of alien country, unrestrained violence from the different groups in the country, disorder and of course political turmoil are common in the country. Conceivably, Nigeria is a country where most of citizens engage into tussle or aspire to ascend to power solely to loot government treasury at the expense or detriment of the masses in the country. Invariably, most people in Nigeria are only clamour to rule just to swindle money for his or her self centered, selfish interest. However, to buttress my statement these are the great epitome of my analysis:

The kind of money loot by Sani Abacha before his demise, Ibrahim Babangida, Obasanjo who sold or privatize numerous of the Nigeria enterprise and was striving to remain in the office, if not the effort of the national assembly.

However Nigeria can perhaps be transformed to a better and commendable country if the leaders and other great compatriot of the country concurred or agree to run selfless and exemplary leadership in the country.

CHAPTER TWO of this Chinua Achebe is solely tried to point out some certain challenges and the adverse effect of tribalism in the country. Conceivably, since Nigeria got her independent from colonial masters in 1960, different tribes and ethnic groups in Nigeria has pose enormous challenges and threat to the country. However, inspite of having about 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria, it have never better the country nor promote the unity and progress of the country. Invariably, the rationale behind that thus predicated upon the inherent of different cultures, religious doctrines, languages, historical background of those tribes are perhaps led to the fermentation of troubles and challenges from those ethnic groups. However, tribalism had no doubt engender mysterious disgust, prejudice and of course an enormous segregation among the compatriot of Nigeria. To epitomize my analysis, if I would retrospect the major course of the commencement of the military rule of January 15th 1966, when the government of Abubakar Tafawa Belewa was overthrew and other military dictatorship and of course even the course of the Nigeria civil war of 1967-1970. Someone would really see that tribalism and ethnic groups have never encouraged unity and progress of Nigeria starting from her inception of independent.

CHAPTER THREE of this book is solely talking about most of the Nigeria leaders, that when they ascend to power, they will be making a spurious promises whereas they know that it would be difficult for them to achieve it without being renege. However the author made mention of the promises made by the erstwhile president of Nigeria when he was in power, president Olusegun Obasanjo in 1979 in August that Nigeria will become one of the ten leading nations in the world by the end of the century. However, some Nigeria leaders makes an unpalatable statement against the country, painting the country according to the author as the most disorderly nations in the world, corrupt, inefficient, one of the most expensive countries in the world etc. whereas every thing lies in their hand. For my own view, leaders are the course of every thing because the country is very vast, and numerous of citizens are unemployed, those who are working are neither well paid nor motivated. Our economy is not well distributed or managed by the leaders whereas they are there is enough resources in country to address those issues but our leaders are solely busy looting public or government treasury for their egocentric and selfish interest only to live luxurious life and pressure for their sibling and children.

CHAPTER FOUR of the book excesses of the people who are regarded as the founding fathers of Nigeria people like Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Tafawa Belawa and so on tracing their style of leadership and the way the strive to clinch a position of leadership, it would be comprehensible and perhaps undoubted that it was their style of leadership is what those in power in this contemporary era are mainly using. Example struggling to remain in power like continuous to vied for the post of leadership till even 1979 when he contested and subsequently flunk. Obasanjo tried to remain in power if not national assembly and so many of them lie that whereas they are mostly struggle to  be in power just continue in looting government treasury, they are not there to protect the interest of masses.


This chapter is trying to know the level of admiration and love people have in their country, otherwise known as patriotic. Although, some persons especially those in powers try to act as patriotic citizens, while some citizens’ remains unpatriotic and equally a traitor. Some rationale behind it is that such is not embodied or enshrine in the constitution meaning that there is no sanction or penalty for that. Another reason is when government in power promise to do something to the masses or citizens of the country and later flunk or fail to do it. Such makes people to withdraw their love and admiration from the government of the country. However, a good patriotic citizen must think well about his or her country and equally think good and wellbeing of his fellow citizens. Such person can not be selfish in nature, he must be outspoken in condemnation of some wrong attitude from the leaders and others.


This chapter made mention of unfair treatment and social injustice which are very common in Nigeria, however, this social injustice and unfair treatment is thus predicated upon tribalism. For example somebody from southeast apply for a job and someone from north apply and especially if it a strategic position, even though the person has the right qualification of competence and character but is not from the expected tribe, he or she will loose the job. While the other person who didn’t qualify for the job but he or she is from the right tribe will eventually secure the job. Even at the university, in the issue of admission people are being admitted base on indigenous and non-indigenous and at the federal level, quota system.


This chapter is talking about some unbridled and wayward life of the people in the society although such life is rampant and common in all spheres of the society. However, this can be found in road users, government workers, student, businessmen and women, politicians and so on. People of this contemporary era don’t use their discretion in most of their dealings. This attitude is common mostly in the third world countries which is thus exacerbated by the numerous of uneducated, corrupted, avarice, inept people in the country example Nigeria. however, in the advance countries where people are more civilized and educated, self content with what they have, uses their prowess in most of their dealings, and their activities both their place of work, when driven on the road, even in their dwelling place. They use their intellect and discretion in carrying out their activities. For example in America according to the author, the issue of highway motoring is a major national activity and is been handled in a meticulous manner. Both drivers license, cars are well maintained and built, no unfilled pot-holes, abandoned wrecks, strict enforced speed limit of fifty-sixty miles or eighty-eight kilometers per hour whereas Nigeria have no time for all those things in our country while there multitude of reckless lunatic and drivers that drinks copiously and applying vehicles on the road.


This chapter talks about corruption. Although, it is undoubted and comprehensible that corruption has remain or become an impediment to the development of Nigeria starting from it inception, invariably, corruption has become a great challenges facing the entire country. However, it appalling that since Nigeria got her independent, no administration has ever being exempted or said to be free from being exempted or said to be free from corruption even the regime of Abubaka Tafawa Belewa hitherto we are now. Corruption is inherent in both government ministries, Business enterprises, election and so on corruption can also be found in individual, group, organization etc. However, corruption is becoming deteriorated instead of depreciating, thus people at the different level don’t want corruption to be ameliorated rather they engender corruption. However, the epitome of my analysis is the regime of Abacha, the way he loot and swindle the public treasury, Ibrahim Babangida, Obasanjo who sold multitude of government companies and swindle government fund for his personal and egocentric use. According to the education gave by the author that, some leaders tries to make a pretext or spurious statement, saying that Nigeria is not much corrupted whereas is true the writer maintain that, an astounding words were made by the president Shagari which was given some publicity in Nigeria and abroad that, there is corruption in Nigeria but that had not reached alarming proportions. That is to say that, he is not living in the country and see what is happening.


This chapter is trying to look after some rationale behind the segregation and the denying of Igbo’s ascendancy into the position of presidency, especially since 1970 that the Nigeria or Biafran civil war ended. However, a distinguished political scientist from south gives some definite reasons for that. The scholar perhaps maintain that among all the ethnic groups in Nigeria who are protesting for split and disintegration of Nigeria, the professor no doubt saw the Igbo as a particular irritant, and that has being a great problem in the politics of Nigeria. He maintains that Nigerians of all other ethnic groups will probable achieve consensus on no other matter than their common resentment of the Igbo. They describe them as aggressive, arrogant and clannish. However, the problem of Igbo can be encapsulating thus the receptive nature of Igbo culture to change, individualistic and highly competitive. Igbos found it difficult to come together and choose or decide on one person to stand as their consensual candidate for election as the result of competitive and individualistic in manner.


This is talking about the mischievous and delude attitude of politician on the masses of the country after hustling for the mandate or the support of the people to represent them in a various offices in the country. However, in most occasions, politicians use violence on people during the election solely to secure the power they are aspirin for. That was the reason Amino Kano during his television interview asks what the purpose of political power is. Why do seek political office? Why do you want to rule? According to the scholar that every politicians gives answer to those question, but then answer are so alike, and of course this attract all sort of questions of different individuals, whey attitude of the politicians are lie that. Although, it is undoubted that politicians attempt to deceive and hoodwink, Nigeria seems to be worst. Invariably, the course of this can said to be, because of various ethnic groups inherent in Nigeria. however, the ethnic and other divisions which politicians inflicts so assiduously on the nation in his time of pursuit of electoral goals don’t benefit the voter in any way. However, Nigerians and to wake not to remain emasculate, they need to be wise in choosing their leaders to power.


Chinua Achebe was solely tried to mention why Nigeria still remain underdeveloped despite the abundant natural endowment they have. However, it is comprehensible and undoubted that, starting from the inception of independent of Nigeria in 1960, Nigeria has never had a leader that provide an effective, competent, exemplary and accountable leadership, conceivably, Nigerians leaders have never tried much in the transformation of the country to better society, rather to loot government treasury for their self-centered and selfish interest, otherwise this is the fifty one years anniversary but they can not be pride of having a quality schools for education rather the affluent or prominent ones sent their own children to abroad to obtain or achieve quality education, prominent men goes to abroad for medical treatment, Nigeria still depend on importation of so many goods and services even cloth and so on. He also went to write about tribalism in the country. Whoever, culture, religion, language, historical background has create a serious segregation, prejudice and disunity of the country. The book is also talked about excesses of the erstwhile leaders of Nigeria like Zik, Awolowo and others.


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The Trouble With Nigeria By Chinua Achebe

Nigerian Author Chinua Achebe

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Review Of The Book Trouble With Nigeria By Chinua Achebe

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Chinua Achebe – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chinua Achebe’s Booker Award, Nigeria’s Glory. Read..
Global Politician – Chinua Achebe And The Nobel Politics
The Trouble with Nigeria – Chinua Achebe – Google Books
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Prof Chinua Achebe is dead – Premium Times News in Nigeria
Chinua Achebe and Nigeria’s leadership crisis – The Punch

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