Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes to Motivate You

– Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes –

The Rich Dad Poor Dad quotes of financial books by Robert Kiyosaki has profoundly changed the way many people think about money and investing.

Table of Contents

Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes

Below are most famous quotes from the series. 

1. “In the real world, the smartest people are people who make mistakes and learn. In school, the smartest people don’t make mistakes.”

2. “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”

4. “It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life,it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power!”

5. “It’s more important to grow your income than cut your expenses. It’s more important to grow your spirit that cut your dreams.”

7. “Don’t be addicted to money. Work to learn, don’t work for money. Work for knowledge.”

8. “A mistake is a signal that it is time to learn something new, something you don’t know before.”

10. “A winning strategy must include losing.”

11. “Failure inspires winners. And failure defeats losers. It is the biggest secret of winners. It’s the secret that losers do not know. The greatest secret of winners is that failure inspires winning; thus, they’re not afraid of losing.”

13. “In today’s fast-changing world, it’s not so much what you know anymore that counts, because often what you know is old. It is how fast you learn. That skill is priceless.

14. “Always start at the end before you begin. Professional investors always have an exit strategy before they invest. Knowing your exit strategy is an important investment fundamental.”

15. “Everything the working class has been told to do, the rich do not do. That is my message.”

16. “Forget the Camel. If a man can pass through the eye of the needle, he will enter the world of tremendous wealth.” Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes

18. “If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.”


19. “In the real world, the smartest people are people who make mistakes and learn. In school, the smartest people don’t make mistakes.

20. “In today’s rapidly changing world, the people who are not taking risks are the risk-takers.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad

21. “There is a difference between being poor and being broke. Broke is temporary, poor is eternal.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad

22. “Often in the real world, it’s not the smart who get ahead, but the bold.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki. Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes

23. “Unfortunately for many people school is the end, not the beginning.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

24. “It’s more important to grow your income than cut your expenses. It’s more important to grow your spirit than cut your dreams.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad

25. “Often in the real world, it’s not the smart who get ahead, but the bold.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki,

26. “Most people fail to realize that in life, it’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

27. “Most people fail to realize that in life, it’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki,

28. “You’re only poor if you give up. The most important thing is that you did something. Most people only talk and dream of getting rich. You’ve done something.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

29. “Wealth is a person’s ability to survive so many number of days forward— or, if I stopped working today, how long could I survive?”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

30. “Proper physical exercise increases your chances of health, and proper mental exercise increases your chances for wealth. Laziness decreases both health and wealth.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

31. “Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

31. “Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

32. “The lack of money is the root of all evil.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki. Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes

33. “Money is only an idea. If you want more money simply change your thinking. Every self-made person started small with an idea, then turned it into something big. It takes only a few dollars to start and grow into something big.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad

34. “A person can be highly educated, professionally successful, and financially illiterate.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki. Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes

35. “A person can be highly educated, professionally successful, and financially illiterate.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

36. “If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

37. “Money comes and goes, but if you have the education about how money works, you gain power over it and can begin building wealth.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad

38. “So many people say, ‘Oh, I’m not interested in money.’ Yet they’ll work at a job for eight hours a day.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

39. “So many people say, ‘Oh, I’m not interested in money.’ Yet they’ll work at a job for eight hours a day.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

40. “The primary difference between a rich person and poor person is how they manage fear.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad

41. “The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

Poor and Middle Class

Here are some quotes about rich dad poor dad quotes.

42. “The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

43. “A winning strategy must include losing.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

44. “Cash flow tells the story of how a person handles money.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

45. “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

46. “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki,

47. “It’s easier to stand on the sidelines, criticize, and say why you shouldn’t do something. The sidelines are crowded. Get in the game.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki. Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes

48. “Success is a poor teacher. We learn the most about ourselves when we fail, so don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process of success. You cannot have success without failure.”  –  Robert Kiyosaki

49. “An intelligent person hires people who are more intelligent than he is.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

50. “Leadership is what you need to learn next” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

51. “The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

52. “If fear is too strong, the genius is suppressed” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

53. “People who avoid failure also avoid success.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

54. “There is always risk, so learn to manage risk instead of avoiding it.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

55. “Going into our fear and confronting our greed, our weaknesses, our neediness is the way out. And the way out is through the mind, by choosing our thoughts.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

56. “Today, wealth is in information. And the person who has the most timely information owns the wealth.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

57. “They get up every day and go work for money, not taking the time to ask the question, ‘Is there another way?” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

58. “We only memorize historical dates and names, not the lesson.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

59. “Balanced people go nowhere. They stay in one spot.” ― Robert Kiyosaki

60. “In today’s fast-changing world, it’s not so much what you know anymore that counts, because often what you know is old. It is how fast you learn.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

61. “It’s not how much money you make. It’s how much money you keep.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

62. “Accounting is possibly the most confusing, boring subject in the world, but if you want to be rich long-term, it could be the most important subject.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

63. “There is an old cliché that goes: “Job is an acronym for ‘Just Over Broke.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

64. “Life is sometimes tough when you do not fit the standard profile.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

65. “An asset is something that puts money in my pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of my pocket.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

66. “Life is much like going to the gym. The most painful part is deciding to go. Once you get past that, it’s easy.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

67. “How can I afford it?” opened up the brain and forced it to think and search for answers.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

68. “Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. But have fun. Most people never win because they’re more afraid of losing.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

69. “The main reason that over 90 percent of the American public struggles financially is because they play not to lose. They don’t play to win.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki


70. “Most people never win because they’re more afraid of losing.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

71. “Most of the time, life does not talk to you. It just sort of pushes you around.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

72. “Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

73. “Financial struggle is often directly the result of people working all their lives for someone else.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

74. “Being able to know when to make quick decisions is an important skill.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

75. “Rich people acquire assets. The poor and the middle class acquire liabilities that they think are assets.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

76. “Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

77. “When you know you are ignorant in a subject, start educating yourself by finding an expert in the field or a book on the subject.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

78. “Rule One. You must know the difference between an asset and a liability, and buy assets.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

79. “The briar patch is our fear and greed. Confronting fear, weaknesses, and neediness by choosing our own thoughts is the way out.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

80. “Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die.” ― Robert Kiyosaki

81. “Most people go along with the crowd. They do things because everybody else does it.” ― Robert Kiyosaki

82. “When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard.” ― Robert Kiyosaki

83. “The fear of being different prevents most people from seeking new ways to solve their problems.” ― Robert Kiyosaki

84. “Once government got a taste of money, the appetite grew.” ― Robert Kiyosaki

85. “Some people are terrified of snakes. Some people are terrified about losing money.” ― Robert Kiyosaki

86. “The hatred of money is generally a subconscious attempt to alleviate the pain of being broke or poor.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

87. “Wealth is a person’s ability to survive so many number of days forward— or, if I stopped working today, how long could I survive?” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

88. “An asset is something that puts money in my pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of my pocket. This is really all you need to know.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

89. “A truly intelligent person welcomes new ideas, for new ideas can add to the synergy of other accumulated ideas.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

90. “One dad recommended, “Study hard so you can find a good company to work for.” The other recommended, “Study hard so you can find a good company to buy.” ― Robert T. Kiyosaki

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