Ring Engraving Quotes and Sayings

We engrave items to help us remember the essence and emotions behind our memories because words are powerful, and they can also transform ornaments into special pieces and place people in bubbles of pleasant thoughts that no one else can penetrate.

We can trace the practice of engraving jewellery pieces back to medieval times when people concretized their devotion to family and religious deities with words. From verses of scriptures to dates of special meetings and secrets, there were no bars!

Engraved words can range from celebratory messages to words of affirmation, quotes to live by, and dates with significant meanings. The idea is to communicate warmth and assurance to the owner (or recipient).

To find your perfect words to engrave on that ring, scroll down to see the specially curated ring engraving quotes and sayings.

Everything else fades away when I’m with you. This is because you make me feel as if all my problems in the world have gone far away, never to return. I love you, and I will never forget you.

1. For me, you’ll always shine the brightest.

2. Our story will always be my favourite.

3. Dear friend, I’m stuck with you for life.

4. It’s your choice to either get up or stay down.

5. The light you seek starts inside you.

6. I will always love you.

7. When life happens, I’ll still be here.

8. Being friends with you has been a lifesaver.

9. Forever will not be enough with you.

10. The journey is easier when you work with people.

11. Can I marry you all over again?

12. You’ll still be the one for me in another lifetime.

13. You are the favourite part of my life.

14. You’re a good friend to me and for me.

15. You’re the best life partner for me.

16. Even if you insist, I’ll never leave you.

17. Live with no expectations from people.

18. I’ll never trade you for anything in this world.

19. No season will put out my love for you.

20. Can we be best friends in another lifetime?

21. In another lifetime, I’ll still marry you.

22. You’re the best woman for me.

23. Remember to be actively present in life.

24. For me, you’re the best husband.

25. You are the best wife for me anytime.

26. Even when we’re old and grey, I’ll still love you.

27. I’m thankful for the gift of your friendship.

28. Nobody else can love me as you do.

29. The measure of a man is obvious in turbulent times.

30. I promise to hold your hands forever.

31. We’ll fight sometimes, but we’ll always win.

32. You’re the sister I didn’t know I needed.

33. A bit of you everywhere will make the world better.

34. You act or not, time ticks either way.

35. You’re forever engraved in my heart.

36. With you as a friend, I have the world.

37. You’re proof that change is possible.

38. There’s no doubt that I love you with all my heart.

39. Even when you annoy me, I’ll still love you.

40. Our imaginations are the real battlefields.

41. Your presence makes all our lives easier.

42. You make friendship, and my life feel good.

43. You’ll always give me goosebumps.

44. With you, I have the greatest gift of life – friendship.

45. My life is beautiful because of you.

46. Even when we’re apart, we’re still together.

47. Goodness never goes out of fashion.

48. Never known anyone as amazing as you.

49. You rub off on me in good ways.

50. Keep moving, and the balance will come.

51. My love and excitement are for you.

52. I find the most happiness with you.

53. You’ll always have my love, regardless of the season.

54. Life is a lot easier with you as a friend.

55. I promise to be your friend for every season.

56. You’re whole and enough by yourself.

57. I’ll save myself because I’m strong.

58. It’s never too late to rewrite your story.

59. The ability to trust shouldn’t rest with one person.

60. Seize every moment, and your life will be full.

61. Happy people create their happiness.

62. You’ll be happy if you actively live your life.

63. Life changes quickly – bad situations never last.

64. Let’s stay friends till we’re old and grey.

65. Sometimes, life favours the swift person.

66. If you keep at it, you’ll get everything you want.

67. You’ll always be my favourite person.

68. Anything is possible if you want it badly enough.

69. Sometimes, shutting doors guarantee happiness.

70. Knock on as many doors as it takes.

71. You’re braver than you give yourself credit for.

72. Your gift of friendship means the world to me.

73. It’s insane how you completely fill my heart.

74. You’re the most amazing and talented friend to have.

75. Our friendship is never a second place for me.

76. You make me feel warm and safe.

77. It’s easier to hold on to when it’s yours.

78. Age becomes nothing for the man that has a dream.

79. Life doesn’t get easy; we just become tougher.

80. You make me the happiest person.

81. For wholeness, experiences should change.

82. Impossibilities exist for the unwilling.

83. How to move on is to move on.

84. Abrupt changes can make the soul lighter.

85. No one else can light a torch to you.

86. The more pressure, the more refinement.

87. Cheers to holding your hands forever.

88. Also, extend the grace to yourself.

89. Your arms are the safest place for me.

90. Our love is strong enough to conquer all.

91. I will forever love you.

92. Be courageous with your fears.

93. I’ll always love and crave you.

94. Be open to love regardless of the past.

95. Be prepared to live and thrive.

96. Act with your destination in mind.

97. Upturn all the stones on your path.

98. When you want something, pursue it relentlessly.

99. Be willing to live life with all your heart.

100. Sometimes, take no for an answer.

Hopefully, you’ve found the perfect words to capture your thoughts during special moments with our ring engraving quotes and sayings.

Thank you for reading, and please do share this list with all your loved ones. Also, check out other interesting titles on our site too!

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