Role of Commercial Banking In Agricultural Developmemt In Nigeria.

Role of Commercial Banking In Agricultural Developmemt In Nigeria.

Table of Contents


The study examines the role of commercial banks in Agricultural development in Nigeria, spanning from 1986-2010.

The study used Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) techniques for analyzing the findings, from the study, support the view that commercial bank loans do not reach real farmers.

Commercial banks loan to the Agricultural sector has a positive growth and significant at 5% level, contributing 67.65 percent variations in Real Agricultural output in Nigeria.

Real interest rate and real exchange rate are both having positive growth, but not significant at 5% percent level. The positive real interest rate shows that Investments in Agricultural sector in Nigeria has a very high rate of return.


Title Page – – – – – – – – – – –     i

Certification – – – – – – – – – –  ii

Dedication – – – – – – – – – –   iii

Acknowledgement – – – – – – – – –   iv

Abstract – – – – – – – – – – –    v

Table of Content – – – – – – – – –  vi


  • Introduction————————————————————-  1
  • Background Study——————————————————  1
  • Statement of the Problem———————————————- 2
  • Objective of the Study————————————————-   4
  • Hypothesis of the Study———————————————-    4
  • Significance of the Study———————————————    5
  • Scope and Limitation of the Study———————————-    6


  • Literature Review—————————————————–     8
  • Agricultural Development in Nigeria——————————       8
    • Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund (ACGSF)—       13
    • The National Fadama Development Project——————  17
    • Agriculture and Export Earnings——————————- 22
    • Agriculture and Nigeria balance of Payment—————–  23
    • Agriculture and Food Supply———————————-   24
    • Agriculture and Employment in Nigeria———————-  25
    • Past Efforts at Revamping Agriculture in Nigeria———     26
  • Literature Review————————————————–        30


  • Research Design and Methodology—————————–      38
  • Design and Methodology—————————————-       39
  • Model Specification———————————————-       39
    • Dependent Variable——————————————- 39
    • Explanatory or Independent Variable———————   39
  • Structural Presentation of the Model————————          40
  • Mathematical Presentation of the Model——————–         40
  • Method of Evaluation—————————————–          41
  • Data Required and Sources————————————       45


  • Introduction—————————————————- 46
  • Data analysis—————————————————- 53
  • Test of hypothesis———————————————- 53
  • Summary of Findings—————————————— 53


5.1 Summary of Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion –              46

5.2 Summary of Findings————————————————— 56

  • Recommendation—————————————————    58
  • Conclusion———————————————————-     59

References            60



Agriculture involves the cultivation of land, raising and rearing of animals and raw materials for industries. It involves cropping livestock, forestry, and fishing, processing and marketing of these agricultural products.

Food is man’s most important basic need before those of clothing and shelter. It is provision therefore, has been the major concern of man from the past years since it is both an essential condition and sequential to life.

Agriculture being the provider of food can then be concluded as the life wire of any nation and thus be concluded as the life wire of any nation and thus its importance cannot be over emphasized.

When Nigeria gained their political Independence in 1960, agriculture was dominant sector of the economy.


John Black (1979), Agricultural credit policy in U.S, Publishing.

James Caruin (ed.) Economic for agriculture.Harward University press.

Donal Gordon (1979), Credit for small farmers in developing countries, Oxford university press.

SiyanbalaTomori (1979), Agriculture forestry and fishing: published in structure of The Nigerian economy. Macmillan Press.

M.O. Ijere (1982), New Perspective   in    Financing Nigerian Agriculture.Published By fourth dimension.

Oleih (1979), Indigenous Banking Problems and Prospects, Central Bank of Nigeria.

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