Role of Personality Types, Gender and Locality in Self-Report of Hiv/Aids Stigmatization

Role of Personality Types, Gender and Locality in Self-Report of Hiv/Aids Stigmatization.


The study investigated the role of personality type, gender and locality in self-report of HIV/AIDS stigmatization. Three hundred (300) participants living with HIV/AIDS (126 males and 174 females) were selected for the study.

They were individually administered the Type A behaviour scale and HIV/AIDS-Related stigmatization questionnaire.

The design of the study was a cross-sectional survey design. A three- way analysis of variance (ANOVA) involving two levels of personality types, two levels of gender and two levels of locality was used to test the three hypotheses of the study.

Results show that none among personality type, gender and locality was a basis for significant differences ( = .05) in the HIV/AIDS stigmatization reported by the participants: F(1, 292) = 0.05; F(1,292); = 0.02; and F(1,292) = 0.05 respectively. This shows that the 3 main effects of personality types, gender and locality were not significant.


Stigmatization has been an age long phenomenon with many ugly implications and devastating effects on both individuals and society at large. Stigmatization seems to be associated with negative connotations, particularly among people with devastating life threatening illness.

This phenomenon seems to be particularly observed among individuals confronted with the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) scourge. Stigmatization is often understood to mean unlawful acts of exclusion, social or physical isolation, gossip, abuse and loss of job or business.

It has been associated with diseases that are incurable and severe, and with routes of disease transmission that are associated with individual behaviours, especially behaviours that ma not conform to social norms (Crandal & Moriarty, 1995). People living with HIV/AIDS face stigmatization that is associated with the disease.

Stigmatization is probably the single most important factor in producing and extending the negative psychological effects of HIV/AIDS. The scourge of the deadly disease called HIV/AIDS has sporadically overwhelming effects on numerous individuals unknowingly around the globe.

The deadly nature of this disease took the advantage of peoples’ reckless attitude to life and relationships due to unawareness. At the onset, most people doubted the existence of HIV/AIDS thereby creating a very big opportunity for it to spread fast (Daniel, 1991).


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