Royal College of Pathologists Undergraduate Essay Prize in UK 2021

Royal College of Pathologists: The Royal College of Pathologists offers undergraduate essay prizes in the UK. Science, medical and veterinary undergraduates, are invited to write 1000 words. A prize of £200 will be awarded to the competition winner.

 Here you will know how to apply for a Royal College of Pathologists. See more details below.

About Royal College of Pathologists

The RCP is a professional membership organization. Its main function is the overseeing of postgraduate training, and its Fellowship Examination () is recognized as the standard assessment of fitness to practice in this branch of medicine.

Training and examinations

The Fellowship Examination of the Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath) is the main method of assessment for UK pathology training – evaluation of a candidate’s training program, indicating fitness to practice, whilst also marking the entry into independent practice and the beginning of continuing professional development. Upon successful completion, trainees are awarded Fellowship status of the Royal College.

Fellowship may also be awarded on the basis of submitted published works, though this does not contribute to the award of the Certificate of Completion of Training and is not a mark of eligibility for appointment to a Consultant post or unsupervised practice.

The College runs a national scheme for overseeing of continued education of pathologists in clinical practice, as well as sponsoring workshops, lectures, and courses

Submission Criteria

  • The essay competition is open to all UK science, medical, and veterinary undergraduates
  • Only one entry per student is permitted
  • The maximum word count for entries is 1,000 words
  • Word count excludes references and bibliography
  • Only two images or tables will be accepted
  • Entries should be unique (i.e. not published elsewhere or submitted to other science/medical/pathology essay competitions.)
  • Entries must be submitted in either Microsoft Word (doc, doc) format or PDF format. No other formats are acceptable.

A certificate and cheque of £200 will be presented to the winner at the National Pathology Week reception in Newcastle.

The College will cover travel expenses for the winner to attend the reception.

The winning essay will be published on our website and in the College magazine, The Bulletin.

Due to a large number of entries we regret that no feedback will be provided for individual essays.

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