Sad Birthday Wishes for Husband

Birthdays are supposed to be happy moments but we would not deny the fact that life may hit us hard sometimes and we have no other option but to yield and take a retreat.

There are definitely some situations beyond our control, and when they happen, the best to do is to allow the moment to pass away. How do you wish a happy birthday to someone bereaved? Or what do you say to your husband on his birthday when something unpleasant recently happened? There are many more sad situations that overshadow some times of joy.

Having your husband’s birthday very close to the period when something unpleasant happened may require sad birthday wishes. It could even be that he had hurt you somehow or he is not with you on his birthday and you are sad about it. Whatever be the case, putting these in mind, I have written some sad birthday wishes for husband, heavily tainted with sentiments and emotions to express yourself. If you are using any of these messages here, I also empathize with you.

Words are few when the heart is heavy. A sad moment should be isolated and when it coincides with your birthday, then, my best wishes are for you in spite of what has happened. Happy birthday, dear husband.

1. In good times, we rejoice. In bad times, we mourn. Dear husband, though it is your birthday, I can see you in sickness and not moved.

2. No one prays to be sad but when it comes; we endure it and wish it passes away fast. I recognize your birthday today, my dear husband.

3. Bad times are times when we wish the world can spin away and forget. For your birthday, I want the world to pause, but for these gloomy hours, I want to forget in a jiffy.

4. In good times, we want the earth to pause and the days longer, but in bad times, we quickly want it forgotten. I acknowledge your birthday.

5. It’s your birthday, my dear husband. If you were here, I would have rejoiced but with this absence, what would I do?

6. My wish for you on this birthday is that no sadness as this would ever occur in your life again, dear husband.

7. Dear husband, I’m so sorry for your loss and that it coincides with your birthday is so bad. I wish you a better year ahead.

8. My heart will always want you to be happy even though the times are saying otherwise, but I wish for your birthday that you will rise again very fast.

9. Dear husband, I know how it feels to be in the present state you are. On this occasion of your birthday, I wish you a forgotten memory of this sad event.

10. It takes a better understanding to fully comprehend what you are passing through and on this birthday, it becomes even sadder that you cannot celebrate it.

11. The joy of your birthday is clouded by the accident that just recently occurred. I wish you a total restoration.

12. The more I try to understand why this should be happening now, the more confused I become. Dear husband, I wish you a complete restoration of the joy of your birthday.

12. No one deserves to be sad on his birthday, so, I wish you a quick make-up from heaven for this sadness.

13. My husband, you have been the source of my joy. You don’t deserve what is happening to you right now. I wish you the fortitude to sail through this period.

14. My lovely man, how can I wish you a happy birthday when it is obvious that nothing is so right with you at this time. I wish you a total turnaround.

15. My dear husband, your day is here, I do not wish you many returns of this day because this day is not a good day and I hope we could change the day.

16. I will not forget your birthday even though the turn of events especially as it concerns your deteriorating health is saddening, yet I hope you get a better day for your birthday.

17. Dear husband, I wish you the courage and might o weather this ugly storm that coincided with your birthday.

18. I want to be very happy but my dear husband, I would lie if I say what has happened to you does not affect me even though it is your birthday.

19. I know many things have happened over the years, but I don’t expect today to be as dark as today. I wish you rays of light ahead.

20. Today is one of those days you don’t want to remember history but what can I say, it’s still your birthday. I wish you quick relief from the terrible events of the past few days.

21. There are some things I want to say but they are better reserved for the days of clear air and not in these days of sadness and gloom. Your birthday today will be better celebrated, my dear husband.

22. Dear husband, the beautiful birthday is the merriment. This year is exceptional because we are denied that merriment because of the accident that just befell you. Hoping for better days ahead.

23. Your birthday today dear husband is coming at a time when one would not want it to come. I wish that today can be postponed.

24. I want you to know that even though the atmosphere of today is a sad one, I still remember your birthday, my dear husband.

25. A birthday without cake, without sound because of the terrible things in our lives.

26. You are truly loved though you may be down in health and your situation brings sadness to the hearts that are close to you. I wish you a better day to celebrate.

27. Longer are the days of rejoicing, but shorter should be the day of mourning. As today marks your birthday, I wish you a ray of light in these dark hours.

28. Good news is medicine to the soul. Birthdays are supposed to be good news but when it is tinged with sadness especially of the celebrant, what shall we do?

29. Dear husband, I want you to know that what has happened affects all of us and not just you alone; we however wish that it comes to an end soon.

30. My fabulous husband, I know your strength is being tested with the recent sad incidents but I wish it wouldn’t coincide with your birthday. I wish you the courage to face it all.

31. I am not happy that today is your birthday because we have hit by a storm bigger than us. I wish you a quick recovery.

32. Dear husband, I want to hold you in my arms for love and joy and not to cry and mourn as we did today. By the way, it is our birthday. How I wish today comes without its sadness.

33. If it is possible for one to be able to select that which you want in each day, I would have ticked only your birthday celebration and not his sad event. But who are we mortals to determine?

34. I know you are stronger than what may come your way, my dear husband. I only wish you more strength as you endure today which is supposed to be your birthday but overtaken by sad occurrences.

35. I believe that this birthday of yours today is for your leap of faith for a better life because these terrible things are only here to make you strong.

36. My love, please always remember that no matter how terrible the day may be, there will be light at the end of the tunnel for you.

37. Everyone has his/her share of the wilderness experience. Yours has come; I wish you that you see it through. And even though your birthday is today, receive strength.

38. Sweetheart, this time too shall pass away and we have a better year to celebrate your birthday which we are not able to celebrate today.

39. Dearest husband, you are in the dark times, but look ahead, there’s a ray of light. Your birthday this year is messed up with stains of joys.

40. I hope to see you next year celebrating in high spirits after this year’s edition is riddled with these accidents that I know you will recover from, my dear husband.

41. If there was an event I always long to celebrate; it’s your birthday, my dear husband. This year has come with a negative turn. it’s shame we cannot celebrate because of the pathetic turn of events.

42. Your birthday should not have been today. Your beautiful day does not deserve this sad occurrence.

43. A day to mourn should not be for birthday; my dear husband. You deserve better.

44. I will always remember your birthday but I will quickly forget the accident that has plunged the family into mourning.

45. My lovely husband, last year was a beautiful year and we look in great expectation of this year but unfortunately, we have been bedevilled with this sad occurrence.

46. What a day today is. A day with mixed feelings; first, it’s your birthday, my dear husband, then a day we have to be with you in hospital. This is not how we planned to spend your birthday.

47. The sadness of the heart cannot be weighed when negative events hit us hard. Though your birthday is today, yet, we had hoped for a better day and not what we have.

48. We are not in charge of what we get but we are in charge of how we react to it. Sadness cannot be resisted when bad things happen but we have your birthday as a solace amidst this sickness.

49. Let the day be given an additional speed of time. It’s your birthday but we wish it end fast because we are too overwhelmed by this sadness.

50. Dear husband, I am not happy even though it’s your birthday because I wish we had a better ambience to celebrate.

My heart is heaving and the moments are touching times. My message is of hope and though your birthday is here, I hope that life treats us very well and let this sad moment disappear very fast.

51. Today should have been the day of great joy and celebration, but who would have known that the unknown was lying in wait for us to make this day such that would not be enjoyed. It’s your birthday though, my loving husband.

52. Your birthday in the times past have been the best day of the year for me, but this year, we have been hit by the worst event. I hope we can find joy in better times.

53. I have always feared the unknown but I never knew it would come a time when I would be so helpless.  I wish your birthday could come better than this my dear husband.

54. In my sad moments, I still remember your birthday in spite of these unfortunate events that have befallen me. Dear husband, your birthday deserves more joy and not gloom.

55. My dear husband, I don’t know how to celebrate you with this terrible sickness that added bitterness to the joy that you are supposed to be relishing today. What a birthday.

56. Deep inside, I wish for an exchange of times, but what would I do? I am helpless to change the times. My lovely husband, I wish I could celebrate this birthday in a better way than these terrible times.

57. Dear husband, I love you more than you can imagine. Though it seems sadness has overtaken everywhere and we are clouded with so much uncertainty, yet, your birthday is on my mind.

58. In the most terrible times in life, we seek succour and comfort but what happens when the place we seek these are gone. Dear husband, I wish you joy on your birthday but alas! It is not the case.

59. Men don’t control the universe; the universe determines what to give at any time. Why should I be the recipient of these events that has turned everything sour? Dear husband, I wish I could roll back the hand the hands of time to celebrate this birthday more than ever.

60. It’s your birthday today, my lovely husband, but we can’t celebrate because you are not here in good health. In fact, our hearts are heavy because we only believe in a miracle to see you back. This birthday can be paused while we hope for a better one later.

61. It’s a sad day, my dear husband, yet it is your birthday. On a normal day, I would have wished your birthday overwhelms the sadness in today but the revere is the case. I wish you a better birthday.

62. It is supposed to be a happy birthday to you, my husband. My strength is sapped from me. I hope you get the joy you want from your day.

63. It is the day of your birthday but it is shrouded in uncertainty because of the spate of terrible events n the times past days. Beloved husband, I hope you find peace on your birthday.

64. It is the day to mark your birthday, but I wish this day can be postponed so that these sad times can pass by. You are loved.

65. My lovely husband, today become a sad day to me instead of the opposite. A day I’m supposed to celebrate my dear husband has turned out to the day I’m hoping for a miracle of liberation from this sickness.

66. I am here wailing and depressed in sadness because of the state of your health. I used to be very happy on your birthday, but today is a day I seek someone to wipe my tears.

67. Dear husband, what can I say today on your birthday? Your birthday has been overtaken by this sickness that has kept you in the hospital. There seems to be an aura of glom that is so thick. I wish for a ray of light.

68. In sad times, everyone hopes for a light at the end of the tunnel, but even today that marks your birthday, our hopes for that light seems to be just a mirage. I wish you a better birthday, my dear husband.

69. No one can wipe my tears except you. What do I want for this birthday of yours? That you are healed totally from this sickness that has kept you inactive for years.

70. I want you to be happy every day but when life comes at us in a negative way, our mortality is exposed and then we know that we are like pawns in the hands of the Almighty. On your birthday, I hoped for happiness instead of this sadness.

71. Everyone longs for seasons of celebration. I had hoped that on your birthday, we would have the best of time together but look at me, I am left to take this sad moment alone with no one to share my plight with. I love you, husband.

72. Dear husband, what have we done to deserve such things as this especially on your birthday. Let this year roll away and may we be restored to celebrate better years.

73. Today is your birthday, my dear husband; it is, unfortunately, the saddest day of my life this year. I wish times can rewind.

74. I long to touch your face, hold you in my arms and kiss your lips but your flu wouldn’t let me. Not even today that is your birthday. It’s so unfair.

75. Dear husband, today is your birthday, yet we have no room to celebrate because it is not a good time to celebrate. The recent happening hasn’t given us such an opportunity. Wishing you the best.

76. It is a birthday to you, but can I wish you a happy birthday? I wish I could but I know that the best lies ahead and this time too shall pass away.

77. Though I have best wishes for you on your birthday, yet, I can’t really say today is a beautiful day because you are not hale and hearty to celebrate this day. I hope you have the best of health as we long for better times.

78. The birthday I desire for you isn’t the one I am experiencing today. It is so sad to see you wriggling in pain.

79. Dear husband, today, I want you to know that I remember your birthday but I am deeply sad that I cannot celebrate you the way that I want to.

80. Dear husband, you know what I can do if want to celebrate your birthday. Unfortunately, I am so sad because you are the one I used to know. The events of these last weeks have turned things sour.

81. My lovely husband, the days are not friendly and I am so sad to see you in this state you are. I wish you were in your sound state of mind to enjoy today which is your birthday.

82. Your birthday used to be a day when everywhere will be lit up. But look at today, I can’t believe you are not in your right frame of mind. We can only hope for a better future.

83. My dear husband, I wish I could celebrate this birthday of yours more than this. It is rather sad that things have gone so awry.

84. Dear husband, I cannot underestimate the effect of today as your birthday. I wish today were better than what it is.

85. Weeping, they say may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning. How long would I wait for this morning? I want your morning to come to restore our joy.

86. No one plans for bad times but times come at us. Today, I was hit by this storm and I hope to come out alive unscathed. Your birthday should have come at a later time.

87. The love in our lives are tested when bad times come at us. I hope I can share this with you but this day wouldn’t even give you the joy to celebrate your birthday.

88. Your birthday is today, I wish that you can be as happy as you desire even though the times are not giving us reasons to smile. Yet, I celebrate your birthday.

89. Your birthday is a day to give you a special treat but who knew that the times we are was such that we didn’t plan for. The sadness in this day is one that cannot be quickly forgotten.

90. Dear husband, I know that today is your birthday. I want to celebrate you with a no-ending joy but this joy is tainted with sadness that is thicker than the joy. I hope for quick restoration.

91. It’s a sad day here but nevertheless, it is still your birthday. You are the smile I inject every day. I know that the present day will not determine the future of our lives.

92. Even if today is filled with sorrow, I know that tomorrow will be okay. I hope you find joy on your birthday.

93. My husband, this is a sad message but it is expressed with the intention of joy because of your birthday.

94. It’s a sad day to celebrate; your birthday is today. The sadness of today will not always be remembered but I hope better days are to come.

95. The best of today is usually embedded in your birthday celebration but as today has turned out to be, I cannot but express that I wish today be quickly faded.

96. What is a birthday without the wishing of a Happy birthday, but it is so sad that I cannot express that today because I am obviously not happy seeing you in this state.

97. It is so sad to see you in this condition, my dear husband. Birthdays are supposed to be celebrated with joy and happiness.

98. Today, I am supposed to be wishing you a good and joyful celebration but who celebrates with these things happening at this time. I wish you a better year ahead.

99. Love is better expressed in an ambience of joy bit today as you mark your birthday; I wish you more years in joy and not like this sad event.

100. It is a sad day but it is still your birthday. Let this day pass away quickly and let the time be restored.

Bad times are like stains of paradise to everyone. No matter what has happened, expressing it is one of the best ways to get healing and with these sad birthday wishes for husband, you should find respite. This birthday may not be very splendid as you wish, but there is hope for the future. Share this with your friends who may need it when they pass through the same.

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