Safe in His Arms Quotes

The feeling of safety and security is what we all want. There are different kinds of safety and security. Physical safety is where you’re safe from physical harm, emotional safety is where you can be yourself and not be judged for it, financial safety is where you have enough money for the future, and family security is where you have a support structure around you to help you.

Think about how special you feel when God, your dad or your boyfriend, your male partner or your brother holds you in their arms. When we are safe and secure within those arms, the whole world just seems to melt away and we can just enjoy being together. This comes from a place of love, safety and security. The opposite is true when we do not feel safe. When there is fear, that energy can run through our body and prevent us from feeling calm, relaxed or able to relax with you.

Imagine the feeling of knowing you have someone in your life who will always be there for you. A person to care for and comfort you in times of need. Someone to bring out your playful side, or even your serious side when needed. That’s what it feels like to be safe in his arms. Here is a safe in his arms quotes collection suitable for every male figure in your life.

We are in God’s safe hands. The Lord is watching over us, keeping us safe because we trust Him. And there’s no need to fear because He will always love, care and protect us. We can be safe in His arms every day.

1. I’m safe in God’s arms because his watchful eyes are on me and he will protect me from evil.

2. I know that I’m safe in God’s arms because he watches over me and I trust him to protect me from evil.

3. I feel safe in God’s arms because I know that he can protect me from the devil and all his evil schemes.

4. God’s watchful eyes never leave me. He will keep me safe in a place of safety and peace.

5. I am grateful for God’s watchful eyes. He sees me and my girls every day, and he will protect us from evil.

6. No matter what happens, God is always watching over me, protecting me from evil and giving me strength to face any challenge.

7. God is watching over us and I am grateful for his tender mercies.

8. I feel safe in God’s arms because I know that he has a watchful eye and he protects me from evil.

9. To feel safe in the arms of God, believing that his watchful eyes are on you, protecting you from all evil.

10. I am confident in God’s protection because I know he is watching over me.

11. The world is a scary place, but I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil.

12. Hey there, I’m safe in his arms and I feel warm and protected from evil.

13. It feels so good to be held with someone who cares. I am safe in his arms.

14. I am safe in his arms. He’s my protector, and he’ll never let me down.

15. And I feel so safe in his arms. He is my safe place where I can always go and find comfort.

16. His arms are around me, protecting and warming me from evil.

17. Distracted from the world, and all its worries. I am safe in his arms.

18. I sleep safe in his arms. The world looks so peaceful and calm when I’m with you.

19. I feel like the strongest woman in the world when I’m nestled up in your arms.

20. No matter where life takes me, I know my love will be waiting, arms wide open.

21. I’m safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil — even when I am alone.

22. I am safe in his arms, I am warm and protected from evil. I feel safe and at home with you.

23. I’m safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from all the madness and evil around me, knowing he will never let me down.

24. I feel safe and protected with you. Thank you for your love.

25. Your love gives me strength, freedom and security. I am safe in your arms.

26. I like the feeling of holding someone close, safe from all the evil in the world.

27. I have a new home, where I’m safe and warm. You’re always around to protect me

28. Soft as a cloud, strong as a tree. You’re here for me and I’m here for you.

29. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil no matter what happens.

30. Once again, I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil.

31. I feel safe and protected from evil in his arms.

32. Sleep tight, and stay warm. I am safe in his arms.

33. He is my safe place. This is the spot where I feel safe and protected from the evils in life.

34. I feel safe in his arms. I feel like no one can touch me, no one can hurt me, and I don’t want to be anywhere else but right here with him.

35. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil monsters that lurk around me.

36. I feel safe in his arms. I’m warm and protected from evil.

37. I’m safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from the evil outside.

38. I am safe, I feel warm and protected from evil. I cannot wait to see him again since we’ve been apart for so long.

39. Being in his arms is like being wrapped up in a warm blanket. It feels safe and I feel protected from evil.

40. I feel safe in his arms. He holds me up when I’m down, he comforts me and his love is pure and true.

41. Until the world has turned to light, I will always feel safe in his arms. He protects me from evil and never lets me down.

42. The safety of his arms, the warmth he brings to my heart, the protection from all evil.

43. My heart is where you are. I feel safe, protected and loved when I’m with you.

44. God is always watching over me and protecting me from evil. I can count on him to keep me safe from any danger.

45. God’s watchful eyes are always on you, keeping you safe from harm.  Thank you for protecting me and watching over me like a parent.

46. God is always with us, and he has promised to protect us from every evil thing. He will watch over us in the dark of night and keep us safe.

47. God watches and protects me. He never leaves me to face the dangers of life alone.

48. God is always watching over me. He is the protector of my life, but he wants me to put my trust in him and not in myself.

49. I feel safe in God’s arms because I know that he is watching over me and he will protect me from evil.

50. I feel safe in God’s arms because I know my Savior is watching over me and keeping evil away from me.

51. I am safe in the arms of God because he watches over me and protects me from evil.

52. In God’s arms I feel safe, but on my own, I feel naked.

53. I am safe in the arms of God because I know he will never leave me.

54. I know that God is my protector, and he will watch over me so long as I remain faithful to him.

55. Our Heavenly Father is always watching over us and protecting us from evil.

56. He is my shield and my weapon, he protects me from the words of the wicked one.

57. I am safe in the arms of God because I know he will never leave me. No matter what happens, he will be with me.

58. I am safe and secure in the arms of God because I know he will never leave me.

59. I am safe in the arms of God because he will never leave me.

60. I am safe in the arms of God. He will never leave me and I have no need to fear anything.

61. When you are safe in the arms of God, you can’t be afraid of anything.

62. I am not afraid of what tomorrow has in store for me because I know that God is fathers, he will never leave me or abandon me.

63. God is my protector, my best friend, and the love of my life. God will always be with me wherever I am in the world.

64. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil here with you.

65. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil with him by my side.

66. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from the evil of this world.

67. I feel safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil.

68. My heart is full of love right now. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil.

69. I feel safe and protected from the evilness of the world. I am safe in his arms.

70. I feel safe when he holds me tight, I can forget about all my worries.

71. I feel safe in his arms, knowing that no matter what, he will be here to protect me and keep us both safe.

72. There’s no place like home, where you feel safe, warm and protected.

73. His arms are a shield, his hands a fortress. The man I love is here to protect me; he is my rock, my foundation.

74. He holds me tight, he’s holding me close. I feel warm and protected from evil.

75. My love fits you so perfectly. I feel safe in your arms like nothing will ever be able to harm me again.

76. You’re safe and warm with me. I’ll keep you safe from the evils of the world, tonight.

77. This is the way we should always feel when we are in the arms of our love.

78. You’re in my heart and you’ll never be alone. You always have a home here, sweetheart.

79. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil. My heart races when I think of our future together.

80. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil, safe and secure like a bug caught in the headlights.

81. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil. I feel a sense of calm that I haven’t felt in a long time.

82. I am safe, I feel warm and protected from evil.

83. I feel safe and warm in his arms. He is protecting me from the dark and evil that exist in the world.

84. I’m safe with you, I feel warm and protected.

85. I’m safe in his arms. He protects me from too much sadness and makes me smile when things get bad.

86. The feeling of safety, warmth and trust is what I feel when I’m in his arms.

87. When you feel safe and loved in someone’s arms, there is no evil that can come between you.

88. I feel warm and protected from evil, in the arms of my saviour.

89. I am safe in the arms of my lover. He’s a powerful protector and he will protect me always

90. He makes my heart smile. He keeps me warm on the coldest nights. He understands my every thought and cares for me more than I do.

91. The world might be a scary place, but the only thing that frightens me is being alone.

92. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil, who only wants to make me sad.

93. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil, and nothing can harm me while he holds me tight.

94. I feel safe in his arms; I am warm and protected from evil.

95. You feel safe in his arms. You feel warm and protected from evil

96. You love me, and I’m safe in your arms. You keep me warm and protected from evil.

97. I am safe with you. You are keeping me warm, protecting me and inspiring me to be a better person.

98. Your arms are the only place I feel safe, secure and loved.

99. He keeps me safe from all the things that try to hurt me.

100. He’s here. I feel safe in his arms. We’ll make it through this together.

101. I can’t wait for you to see how I feel when I’m in your arms. You are my safe place, and I want to be with you forever.

102. There’s nothing like a man who knows how to hold you tight and protect his woman from all harm.

103. it’s my favourite time of year and it will always be. with you by my side, it’s a beautiful thing.

104. I feel safe in his arms. I am warm and protected from evil.

105. I feel safe in his arms. I feel warm and protected from evil, I’m home.

106. I am safe in his arms. I feel warm, secure and protected from evil.

107. I feel safe and protected in his arms. I know he would never let anything bad happen to me.

108. You are safe in my arms, and I will protect you from any harm that may come.

109. You’re my everything, darling. I can’t wait to spend a lifetime counting your blessings and loving you.

I hope you liked this safe in his arms quotes above. Please, let me know which of the quotes is your favourite in the comment section below. You can also share this post with your friends and loved ones. Thank you.

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