
Aflatoun as a concept refers to explorer. It also refers to plato, the great Greek philosopher, who is known for his ideas on ethics, citizenship, social justice, respect, conservation, friendship and love. The name Aflatoun was chosen by children who first participated in the program in India and the character a little fire ball from out space, is based on a Bollywood movie they liked. It was created to lead children through their learning journey and help to create emotional attachment between children and the program materials. Aflatoun postulates that all children have the potential to be agents of change in their own lives and that of others when inspired and given the opportunity to act and think independently.

            Aflatoun builds on three building blocks namely. The concept of balancing social and financial education, the program itself which brings the concept to the children in the best and most efficient way and the network consisting of the implementing partners such as donors, financial institutions, NGOs governmental institutions academia and research institution. The concept has five core elements that encapsulate the aflatoun concept of child social and financial Education. They include: personal understanding and exploration, right and responsibilities, saving and spending, planning and budgeting and child enterprise (social and financial). The aflatoun program is anchored on the believe that children are quite entrepreneurial, therefore if properly guided, they should be able to understand their self-worth, rights and be able to manage their own resources. The aflatoun philosophy is in tune with the overall objective of basic education in Nigeria, which is aimed at imparting a functional knowledge and skills (vocational and life) to those that submit themselves to it (FRN 2004). It helps to complement the effort currently made by government in introducing entrepreneurial education in basic education program in Nigeria. Entrepreneur education on the other hand is aimed at bringing about quality in basic education. To embraces provision of life-long skill-based education that enables children to acquire the relevant knowledge and “know-how” to adapt and develop in any society. Entrepreneurial education is crucial in meeting contemporary challenges in the society today. This is because it will go a long way to address the issue ofgraduate unemployment in the society as graduate of our educational system at all levels will finish schools and have idea of the type of enterprise to go into. This is contrary to the current practice where school leavers wait on government to provide the non-existing white colar jobs.

            Aflatoun program will also work suitably in a society like Ebonyi, which is considered less developed than other sister states. The state is still lagging behind in areas such as education, economy, politics e.t.c. The aflatoun program is also aimed at achieving the UN convention on the rights of the child (CRC). It will also help to achieve the millennium development goals (MDG). MDG is a UN instrument for development and eradication of poverty. It therefore means that aflatoun is most suitable for a state like Ebonyi where there are people who live in extreme poverty. This is the reason why most basic school aged Ebonyi children are found in big cities like Lagos, Port Harcourt, Onitsha, Calabar, Benin, etc hawking instead of remaining in schools. Their parents prefer to withdrew them from schools and send them away to earn a living due to the fact that after school, the children do not acquire skills that will help them earn a living in life. The Aflatoun program will help to reverse this ugly impression in the mind of these illiterate parents. It will restore confidence in the system. It will also impart the relevant skills in them that will enable them break the cycle of poverty which the current get-rich-quick syndrome has entrenched the people. This is obvious as the children will not only learn about entrepreneurial education but will also learn about saving culture. This is lacking in the current educational system which places much emphasis on the cognitive development, leaving out the psychomotor. This is the season why this proposal is been made to the state planning commission (SPC) for funding as it will help establish a pilot aflatoun schools in each of the thirteen LGAs of Ebonyi State. The impact will be numerous as the program addresses the fundamental challenge in the state.

Statement of Need

In some states in UNICEF ‘A’ field office, most especially in Ebonyi State, parents prefer to send their wards to roadside vocational skills centres or big cities to learn trade or hawk rather than allowing them remain in school until completion (UNICEF 2001). The reasons for this amongst others include their believe that formal school system as it is now is a gross waste of children’s time. Children currently complete basic education but are unable to acquire relevant skills to earn a living in life. They rater are financially dependent on their parents. Moreover, when the children earn money, they do not know how to prudently utilize it. This shows that the school is still incapable of prepa
ring the children to face the real challenges of life. Therefore the school is not meeting the real needs of children. Aflatoun has come to reverse this trend. Although there is government’s current drive in introducing entrepreneurial education in the school system, but nobody can vouch that, the content of the curriculum takes care of all aspect of the challenges that have eroded the confidence of the society on basic education. This is the reason why this proposal is being made as it will help to address all the aspects of short comings in basic education. It will help to break the cycle of poverty that is currently ravaging the citizens of Ebonyi Sate, which has made them be classified as less developed state in Nigeria.

Planned Results:

*          Children acquire skill-based education and utilize them for their proper functioning in life.

*          There will be break in the cycle of poverty in the state as children will acquire saving and investment skills.

*          Children act as change agents in the society by acting as advocates of conservation, child rights, friendship, and social justice e.t.c.


In a bid to institutionalize the practice, the following are activity to be carried out in each of the schools to be selected:

1.         Sensitization of pupils

2.         Sensitization of teachers

3.         Training of pupils on identification of local skill of interest and embedding it.

4.         Sensitization of parents on aflatoun in order to win their support.

There will be paper presentation brains storming and group work

Target Audience

The target audiences are the children who are the primary beneficiary of the program.



The school-based Teacher Development is an approach to in-service teacher education (INSET) using carefully prepared materials for training, self-instruction and development of enabling skills for reflective practice. It is a cost effective teacher capacity development approach which encourages teachers to adopt activity-based methodology in the classroom. It is delivered through a school-based approach, which allows the teacher to benefit from professional development opportunities while continuing to teach full time in the classroom.

            Teachers’ interaction opportunities on the program are offered through school based and cluster meetings. At the school-based meeting, teachers will have the opportunity to interact with their peers and mentors for support and also to share experiences.

            The cluster meetings get teachers from various schools together so that issues at cluster level could be tabled and discussed with the support of Master trainers (MTS) at a teachers’ forum. The programme offers a model for delivery of continuing professional development which not only changes classroom practice but is also cost effective.

            Data and statistics from survey and research show that out of the 10 million children out of school in Nigeria, 62% are girls. Researchers have shown that one of the reasons for this is the low teacher quality, poor teaching and gender insensitive child friendly teaching methodologies among others (FME 2011). SBTD seeks to address the lack of professional development opportunities for basic education teachers in general, specifically support government’s intentions as expressed in the draft Education sector plan and Education Road MAP (FME 2009). It comprises self-instructional modules and training packaged teaching resources to support the school-based INSET, gender sensitivity and modalities to ensure cost-effective system.

            It consists of a core pedagogy professional development module and four subject specific modules covering the application of an active pupil-centred and participating methodology in the teaching of Basic Science and technology; English, mathematic and social studies.

            Following participation in the programme, teachers in the LGEAs will be able to plan and organize activities that will promote active teaching in their learners and will be able to reflect and improve on their practice; promoting active learning will result in a more child-centred approach in teaching and learning.

            The biggest set back to effective implementation of the basic education programe in Nigeria and Ebonyi State in particular is the absence of a well co-ordinated in-service teacher training program that engages all the serving teachers in the state. In-service program for teachers is very vital and remains the pivot for improved teachers practice. This is because teachers still need constant retraining after their graduation from teacher training institutions to enable them perform effectively. Constant retraining program is needed in an educationally  less developed state like Ebonyi, to enable the teachers develop the skills to impart the right knowledge that enables the Ebonyi children catch up with other educationally developed ones. One way of providing this continuous professional Development for teachers at the basic education level in the state is the school based teacher Development programme. This is the reason why this proposal is being made. It will help to synergize the knowledge which the teachers had acquired in other retraining programme earlier organized for them and the knowledge they acquired in their teacher training institution.

Statement of need/Justification

            In Ebonyi State which was created from Enugu and Abia states in 1997, there is glaring lack in teacher proficiency. This is to say that teachers capacity development is low. The worst aspect is that there is no well co-ordinate teacher development packages. Furthermore, there is also no in-service training programmes for teachers. The ones organized by the Universal Basic Education Board through the assistance of Universal Basic Education Commission, and donor agencies such as UNICEF is sometime haphazard, atomistic and irregular. As a result of the above short comings, the objectives of improving the teachers capacity are not achieved. Secondly, the method is not cost effective nor is it continuous. It does not also cover all the teachers in the state. But SbTD targets every teacher and is a continuous teacher capacity development process.

            What the SbTD methodology requires is the right political will by education stakeholders. Indeed, if it is given the needed support, SbTD will greatly enhance the capacity of teachers in the basic education sector. This is why this proposal is being made. If it is approved and implemented and thereafter supported it will go a long way to enhance the capacity of teachers in the state.

            SbTD is most suitable for professional capacity development of teachers in Ebonyi state, because there is acute shortage of teachers in the basic school system, as such the few available ones cannot be lost by allowing t
hem to undertake a full time teacher in service training INSET), this will deplet the system the more. It is hoped that if this activity is supported and implemented, it will help to fill the current existing gap created by the non-existence of well organized, coordinated and systematically implemented in-service teacher training program.


            Due to the crucial nature of this training and in a bid to ensure a greater coverage the training workshop will be LGA based. Three LGAs will be selected with one LGA drawn from each of the three educational zones of the state. To achieve the full objectives of the training, both plenary and group sessions will be used. The resource person drawn from the state college of Education who have earlier in 2011 been trained by UNICEF will be the resource persons. At the end of the training the participants will be divided into clusters, so that they will train other teachers.

Planned Results

*          A frame work for gender sensitive INSET developed.

*          Availability of a modality that supports teacher with self learning module and training packages/teaching resources that support school based professional development in place.

*          Cost effective system of in-service teacher education in place.


It is going to be sustained as both the ministry and UBEB are already appreciating the need to put in place a training package of this form. The absence has impacted negatively on the system.

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