Scared of Marriage Quotes and Sayings

For most people, marriage is a wonderful thing, but it’s also terrifying. You know you love the person you’re going to marry and it feels right to take that next step. But your future is about to change in ways you can’t imagine, and you are scared at the very thought of marriage because you feel your whole life will take a completely new turn.

You probably don’t have a clear picture of what marriage will look like for you — and neither does anyone else. But if you’re scared of getting married, that doesn’t mean it isn’t the right move for you. It just means that, like everyone else, you’re afraid of the unknown. Many people are scared to get married. They feel marriage is just not for them, as it may lead to unpleasant realities they would rather not face.

Are you scared of getting married or do you have some friends in such a situation? Here are some scared of marriage quotes and sayings that best describe these feelings, and can also help you overcome your fears and give you a new mindset. Enjoy!

The anxiety of getting married because of the uncertainty of the future seems to get more and more real and disturbing as the days go by. The thought of it is exciting, but something seems not to feel right. That is likely to be fear- that terrifying feeling that flows down your spine because you are afraid of marriage.

1. The thought of being committed to one person for the rest of your life can be scary. It takes the fearless to venture into marriage without being afraid.

2. You will find true happiness when you give up your fear of loving someone. There is really no need to be afraid of marriage.

3. Believe in love, believe in marriage while your heart is still young, and your mind is still new, you have little time to be afraid of marriage.

4. I am not afraid of marriage because I am not afraid of anything else in life.

5. My marriage will come to a happy conclusion since every marriage that has ever existed has done so. I am not afraid of marriage.

6. You don’t need to be afraid of marriage, you need to be afraid of being alone.

7. Love is when you’re not afraid of growing old together, and all the things that come with it – like the wrinkles, bloating, and grey hair! Love is a gift that should be cherished, marriage is a feat that is to be desired and not afraid of.

8. Fear is the worst feeling to have towards marriage, one who is afraid of marriage can never make a good spouse.

9. In marriage, the worst fear is of the unknown. You fear not knowing your spouse’s true nature, you fear not knowing the heart of your spouse. You cannot just help being afraid of marriage.

10. It’s never a question of fear because there is nothing to be afraid of in marriage.

11. Fear is the worst feeling to have towards marriage. Don’t be afraid, because if you are, then you are not ready to say, “I do”.

12. Anyone afraid of marriage just hasn’t found the right person yet.

13. Those who are afraid of marriage say they don’t want to live in a cage, well being alone because of fear, is the most enclosed cage to be in.

14. Marriage isn’t for the faint at heart, it’s a work of art that requires patience. Those who can’t embrace this reality are afraid of marriage.

15. Sometimes we are afraid of marriage but, marriage is an adventure and love is a choice and every choice has a consequence.

16. Marriage is not for the faint at heart, it is a promise to be faithful, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part. Those who are afraid of marriage cannot make this promise.

17. The greatest adventure is to take a step in life you think you aren’t meant to take, so is the case of those who go into the adventure of marriage after being afraid.

18. When making a list of the things you are afraid of, make sure that marriage isn’t at the top of the list.

19. Marriage is only a reflection of the pictures you paint about it. It’s only if you picture a bad marriage that you have something to be afraid of.

20. There’s nothing stronger than love and there is no good thing about being afraid of marriage.

21. You can be happy without marriage, you don’t need a spouse to be complete, but marriage is not something to be afraid of.

22. When you first get married, it’s hard to see, what you’re about to go through, but if you’ve been married long, you know, it’s all worth it in the end. So don’t be afraid of marriage.

23. Don’t be afraid of marriage –it’s a life full of love and fun and laughter.

24. Marriage is a big word, it has many definitions, but you must choose to desire it, and not be afraid of it.

25. The last thing to be afraid of is marriage it’s a lot easier than you think.

26. There is nothing to be afraid of, there is nothing to fear. But if you are still afraid of marriage, you have not even started yet.

27. Marriage is a beautiful thing, so don’t be afraid, be confident, and know you are stronger than you think.

28. Marriage is priceless and to be desired. There is no use to be afraid of it, all you need is help and you should ask for it.

29. Marriage is fragile, it needs to be carefully considered because it is always a risk. But you can still believe in it, and not be afraid of marriage.

30. Marriage is like the train that’s coming to take you out of the dark tunnel. Marriage is a great help so don’t be afraid of it.

31. Life is short, there’s no need to love slowly, everything happens only once, and marriage is a beautiful thing, so don’t be afraid of marriage.

32. Marriage is a beautiful thing, and you’re beautiful too, it’s the most wonderful thing you can have with someone else. Marriage is magical, it’s not something to be afraid of.

33. Getting married doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong, brave and happy, so don’t be afraid of marriage.

34. Don’t be a superstitious man, recognize the fact that marriage is the most beautiful thing, so never be afraid of marriage.

35. Marriage is like a big cake. It takes two to build but only one to eat, but if you’re afraid of a big scary cake, like a little mouse you’ll never learn to fly.

36. Give yourself to love, don’t be afraid and you will find that when the world takes its toll, teardrops are only pain and laughter is only free. Live a life free of the fear of marriage.

37. You have been in a marriage before, and now you are afraid, frightened by the thought of being tied to another. Never be frightened, only let love grow in your heart again, and don’t be afraid of marriage.

38. Don’t be afraid to give marriage a chance if you love someone. There are many ways to say I’m sorry but if you love someone, why be afraid?

40. The worst thing is being afraid to give love a chance, a chance to change your world, a chance to have a good marriage and be fulfilled.

41. Love is not always just a game, like the birds you can’t see, people fall in love, but some people don’t dare to love. Let your story be different, don’t be afraid of marriage.

42. It is better to marry than to burn out. It is better to marry than to fade. It is better to marry than to be afraid of giving marriage a chance.

43. This is your life, this is your chance, to give marriage a chance, and stop being afraid.

44. There is no reason to be afraid of marriage, you have got to be full of hope, and believe it’s the best thing for you.

45. When you are afraid of marriage, you lose the opportunity to spread your arms wide open to receive love.

46. The only thing that can last forever is love, and that’s the only thing that’s worth the price. Give love a chance, give marriage a chance, don’t be afraid to give love a try.

47. But why are you afraid of marriage? It can make you the happiest person you ever could be.

48. We all go through different phases, and the fear of marriage is one of them. But you’ve got to stand up for what you believe and stop being afraid of marriage.

49. You know marriage is beautiful when you see your friends and family, with a smile and a smile on your face, enjoying what you claim to be afraid of.

50. Leave it or love it, marriage is for those who truly want to give love a chance. Quit the fears, embrace the love and stop being afraid of marriage.

51. To be afraid of marriage is to be afraid of love. Don’t be afraid of marriage, because you were born to be loved.

Being scared of marriage is not a strange thing, especially if you are young. You are probably still trying to focus on yourself and your goals. There are lots of reasons why some people may feel scared of marriage, but the bottom line is that it isn’t healthy to hold off on something that you want so badly because of fear.

Did you find these quotes and sayings about being scared of marriage inspiring? Then it’s good that you share this post with others around you so that they can also be motivated. Also, you can share your feedback in the comments section below.

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