Scholarships for High School Juniors: 2022 See Application Portal Update

– Scholarships for High School Juniors –

It’s never too early or late to apply for scholarships for high school juniors. Though some students wait until senior year in high school before applying for scholarships, please note. Junior year is a great time too to apply for a scholarship.

This is because I made many big decisions during this period. Also, high school juniors are eligible to receive scholarships open to all high school students.

Some Outstanding Scholarships for High School Juniors

It’s important you pay attention here. With the large availability and generosity of scholarships, there comes a certain amount of competition.

However, there are scholarships for high school juniors. Thus, they have the chance to compete. And some of these prestigious scholarships are:

1. “Species On The Edge 2.0” Social Media Contest

This is one of the outstanding scholarships for high school juniors. The fun and educational “Species on the Edge 2.0” Social Media Contest capitalizes on high school students’ expertise.

And this is with social media platforms.

Also, it provides students with the opportunity to showcase their talent. As well as their creativity. And the love of nature.

However, for more information or to apply, please visit the application link below.

▸Award Amount: $1,000.

▸Requirement: Visit the application link for this information.

▸Deadline: May 19, 2022.

▸Application: CLICK HERE

▸Awards Available: 3.

2. $1,000 College JumpStart Scholarship

Also, this is one of the outstanding scholarships for high school juniors. The College JumpStart Scholarship is an annual, merit-based competition.

Also, it is open to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. Additionally, it’s open to college students and non-traditional students.

Applicants must be high school sophomores, juniors or seniors, or adult students. However, for more information or to apply, please visit the application link below.

▸Award Amount: $1,000.
▸Requirement: Applicants must be high school sophomores, juniors or seniors or adult students.
▸Deadline: October 17, 2022.
▸Application: CLICK HERE
▸Awards Available: Visit the application link for this information.

3. AG Bell College Scholarship Awards

Also, this is one of the outstanding scholarships for high school juniors. The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) offers several scholarships for full-time students.

And they’re for those who are deaf or have difficulty in hearing. Also, it’s for those pursuing a four-year undergraduate.

Or, degree or a graduate degree at an accredited mainstream college or university. For more information, visit the link below.

▸Award Amount: $5,000.

▸Requirement: Spoken communication must be the applicant’s primary mode of communication. And hearing loss must have been diagnosed before the applicant’s fourth birthday.

Also, the hearing loss must be bilateral and in the moderate to profound range. Also, applicants must have an unaided Pure-Tone Average (PTA) of 60dB.

Or greater in the better-hearing ear in the speech frequencies of 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz.

▸Deadline: March 08, 2022.

▸Application: CLICK HERE

▸Awards Available: Visit the application link for this information.


4. Air Force ROTC Scholarship

This is another scholarship for high school juniors. And this scholarship cover college tuition and most lab fees. Also, you will receive an annual textbook allowance.

As well as up to a $500 spending cash monthly stipend. However, for more information or to apply, please visit the application link below.

▸Award Amount: Visit the application link for this information.

▸Requirement: You must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Also, must have a minimum 1240 SAT score / 26 ACT Store. And, you must be under 31 years old as of December 31 of the year you will be commissioned.

However, there are physical requirements that must be met as well. And you must complete a 24-day summer field training course at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.

And this is usually between your sophomore and junior years.

▸Deadline: Varies. But take note that the important scholarship dates are: June 1, December 1, January 12, and May 1.

▸Application: CLICK HERE

▸Awards Available: Visit the application link for this information.

5. ARTBA’s Student Transportation Video Contest

This is another scholarship for high school juniors. The top two student videos (one winner in each category), as selected by ARTBA, will each be awarded a $500 cash prize.

Also, the winners, along with other submitted videos, may be shown at the ARTBA National Convention. And entrants may work in teams.

But only one prize is awarded per video. However, for more information or to apply, please visit the application link below.

▸Award Amount: $500.

▸Requirement: All Entrants must be US students. And must be currently enrolled at a university, college, high school, middle school, or elementary school.

And this is in any discipline. Also, teachers/directors of elementary, middle, or high school students are eligible to participate in their class/program.

However, the video must primarily be the work of the students.

▸Deadline: August 29, 2022.

▸Application: CLICK HERE

▸Awards Available: 4.

6. BBB Student Ethics Scholarship Award – Connecticut

Also, this is one of the outstanding scholarships for high school juniors. And this scholarship recognizes college-bound high-school students.

Especially those who personify high ethics. This is demonstrated through leadership, community service, overall integrity, and academic standing.

For more information, or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider’s website.

▸Award Amount: $2,500.

▸Requirement: Students must apply while in their junior year of high school. Also, the scholarship must be applied toward school-related expenses including tuition, books, room and/or board, or other related items.

And the applicant must be a resident of Connecticut.

▸Deadline: August 01, 2022.

▸Application: CLICK HERE

▸Awards Available: Visit the application link for this information.

If you’re a high school junior, then wait no more. Make sure you grab this moment. Moments like this are precious. Also, don’t wait any longer.

And stop the procrastination. Pick one of the scholarships and apply.

However, before applying, make sure you meet the requirements. Also, make sure it favours you. Additionally, feel free to share this information with your friends. Good luck.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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