Scholarships for Teachers to Study Abroad 2023/2024 Application Portal

Scholarships for Teachers to Study Abroad

Scholarships for teachers to study abroad aims at providing financial support for potential teachers. However, this support is to help students facing financial challenges to achieve their academic dreams.

Some Scholarships for Teachers to Study Abroad

The following are some of the scholarships for teachers to study abroad:

1. NILRR Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship

This is one of the scholarships for teachers to study abroad. And it was set up in honour of three Michigan teachers. They refused to pay union fees. As such, were consequently fired.

Furthermore, this scholarship is for both undergraduates and graduates. However, students have to pursue or are pursuing a degree in education at an accredited and publicly-funded institution.

Approval is dependent on the applicant having a teaching license. Also, or pending acceptance of said license. Additionally, an applicant will be expected to write a mini-essay on the subject of voluntary unionism and the problems of compulsory unionism.

➢ To Apply:

➢ Deadline: December 31st  of every year.

➢ Eligibility: Applicant must pursue or be pursuing a degree in education at an accredited and publicly-funded institution. Also, must have a teaching license.

2. Sol Hirsch Education Fund

Also, this is one of the scholarships for teachers to study abroad. And it is a grant for teachers of children of all ages. However, they must wish to improve their teaching of the understanding of weather.

Furthermore, the grant is worth $750. And you must already be in a teaching position. Also, the money may be used for professional development.

Also, it’s for learning materials. As well as anything else that may help towards teaching children about the importance of weather systems and their importance.

➢ To Apply:

➢ Deadline: 1st June of every year.

➢ Eligibility: Log on to the website for details.

3. Lewis & Clark MAT Teaching Scholarships

This scholarship is offered by the Graduate School of Education and Teaching. Also, it offers scholarships that range from $500 to $6,000.

However, candidates must be a student of the university. Also, or recently had an application accepted.

Furthermore, anybody wishing to apply for this scholarship must already have applied for the FAFSA scheme. This is in order to be considered.

➢ To Apply:

➢ Deadline: 1st December of every year.

➢ Eligibility: Applicant must be a student of the university. Also, or recently had an application accepted. Furthermore, anybody wishing to apply for this scholarship must already have applied for the FAFSA scheme.

4. TEACH Early Childhood

Also, this is one of the scholarships for teachers to study abroad. And it is the most extensive Federal program presently available.

Also, the money is to be used against earning an Associate’s Degree. Or other accredited programs to improve the standards of preschool education. Also, one applicant is chosen per state.

➢ To Apply:

➢ Deadline: End of September of every year.

➢ Eligibility: Log on to the application website for details.

5. Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Also, this is one of the scholarships for teachers to study abroad. And it is designed to assist students of Hispanic heritage to obtain a university degree. Also, scholarships are available, on a competitive basis, to:

1. High school seniors.

2. Also, to undergraduate students (all years).

3. Furthermore, to community college students transferring to four-year universities.

4. Additionally, graduate students.

However, you can get more details from the application link below.

➢ To Apply:

➢ Deadline: Log on to the application website for details.

➢ Eligibility: Applicant must be of Hispanic heritage. Also, must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for high school students.

And a minimum of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for undergraduate and graduate students.


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6. CSDIW Scholarships

Also, this is one of the scholarships for teachers to study abroad. The Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars is a group dedicated to strengthening ties and preserving the records of Native American descendants.

Also, as part of a wider scheme to encourage and aid education, they have a single scholarship worth $5000. However, any woman over the age of 16 who can prove lineage may join. Also, only members can apply for the scholarship.

➢ To Apply:

➢ Deadline: 15th June of every year.

➢ Eligibility: Applicants can be studying any education-related course. And this may include administration. Or social service as an undergraduate.

And a letter of a statement of financial need is required. Also, must have a minimum 3.0.

7. Catherine W. Pierce Scholarship

Also, this is one of the scholarships for teachers to study abroad. And it is one of the many United Negro College Fund scholarships.

Furthermore, it offers a $5,000 value scholarship. And it is for black students of history. Additionally, it covers American Studies, art and other social sciences such as anthropology.

➢ To Apply:

➢ Deadline: Usually late June of every year.

➢ Eligibility: Applicant must be enrolled at an accredited university. And must be studying a four-year course. Also, must have a minimum of 2.5 GPA.

IMPORTANT! Some of these Scholarship schemes are not yet out online, but keep bookmarking this page as an update will be made immediately after the scholarship is out.

8. American Montessori Society

Also, this is one of the scholarships for teachers to study abroad. And AMS is the largest Montessori organization in the USA.

Furthermore, applicants are chosen on the basis of financial needs. And are chosen from a strict set of criteria that includes a personal statement, three recommendations and verification of the candidate’s attendance or application to an official affiliated program.

Also, the value is $1,000 (each). And it is given to three candidates every year from existing funds.

➢ To Apply: .

➢ Deadline: 1st May of every year.

➢ Eligibility: Applicants are chosen on the basis of financial needs. And are chosen from a strict set of criteria that includes a personal statement, three recommendations.

Also, and verification of the candidates’ attendance or application to an official affiliated program.

As a teacher or a prospective, apply for the above . Trust me, you will be glad you did. However, be sure to meet the requirements.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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