Scholarships for Women 2021/2022: See Top 15 you can Choose from

Are you a woman seeking an opportunity to study locally and internationally but who do not have the resources? Here is a list of scholarships for women you can leverage and make your dream a reality.

A number of organizations in the quest to support the rights of women globally encourage women empowerment through education at different levels. This is by offering specific undergraduate, master’s, and Ph.D. scholarships for women from developing countries especially Africa.

Some of these Scholarships for African Women are generally for international students but are also open for the said demography. You can be lucky, so make the best of this article.

Top 15 Available Scholarships for Women

Although there are other non-gender-specific scholarships that women can as well apply for, there are sponsorship programs that reduce the competition by offering scholarships directly targeted at women.

Below is a list of scholarships (undergraduate, Masters’s, MBA, and Ph.D.), open for women from African and developing countries.

#1. Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars Program for Young Women in STEM Research

The J&J WiSTEM2D Scholars Award Program is designed to develop female leaders and support innovation in the STEM2D disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing, Design) by funding six women at critical points in their research careers through a Scholar’s Award.

Application is usually open around September.

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#2. Power Africa Leadership Training Program

Power Africa Leadership Training Program is an annual scholarship program for young women in the African energy ecosystem. The program is designed to help women who wish to improve their career and take off. This is the program of the Regional Leadership Center YALI.

Information regarding applications will soon be released. Usually, the invitation for applications opens around March.

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#3. Columbia University Peace and Social Change Fellowship Program

The Columbia University peace and Social Change Fellowship Program is open for all African grassroots women activists working broadly on the issues of peace and security. If you belong to this category of women, then this is the program for you.

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#4. Agribiz Kenya Women and Youth in Agribusiness Program 2021

This award is designed for Kenyan women and neighboring countries in agribusiness. The program is ongoing and will run until 12th March 2021 after which successful applicants will be contacted. Youth and women from the neighboring counties are also eligible to apply.

The award is which is funded by the European Union and Danida is valued at KShs. 5.1 billion. It aims at supporting 2,400 women and youth-led agribusiness enterprises across Kenya.

Application Deadline: 12th March 2021

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#5. Margaret Sanders AISA Scholarship for Young African Women

Across Africa, there are many talented and academically gifted girl students who are unable to complete their schooling. This could be due to a variety of social, economic, and/or cultural reasons. Key among these is a lack of financial support.

who has spent her life as a keen supporter of girls’ education comes up with this program as a relief to the African girl child.

Applications must be received by AISA no later than March 1st prior to the school year during which the scholarship will commence.

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#6. Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship for Female Undergraduate Students in STEM Fields 

Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship brings more gender diversity to the technology industry. This is a scholarship program that harnesses and encourages the talents of women in technology all around the world.

Learn more and how to apply on Adobe Research Women-in-Technology Scholarship 2021

#7. FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies

FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship is designed for female citizens of all countries who are enrolled in a post-graduate program at a university accredited by the national or international body approved for that purpose in the country where the university is situated.

An official date for the 2021 applications will soon be released, so stay tuned.

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#8. International Scholarships for Women 2021-2022 (Bachelors, Masters and PhD Scholarships Available)

Since 1998, the international Scholarship for Women (ISW)has been existing. The international scholarship for women (ISW) program offers sponsorship for women studying full-time graduate, undergraduate, or postdoctoral programs in the U.S.A.

The full education funding grants are offered to women of all countries other than Iran, to study in U.S. Universities.

Interested candidates (women) have two chances in 2021 to submit the application. The deadline for the selection of the first batch was December 28, 2020, and the deadline for the second batch is April 30, 2021. Hurry now and apply.

Applications will be screened first to sort eligible and deserving candidates on top of the list and then those candidates may receive web-based interview call letters for the evaluation of the final selection.

Women from all countries except Iran are eligible to apply for both sessions in 2021.

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#9. OWSD Ph.D. Fellowships 2021/2022 for Women Scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries

TWAS in association with OWSD offers a fellowship program to support doctorate (Ph.D.) studies to Women Scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries., who are interested in Maths and science degrees.

The award will give nominated students the opportunity to study in centers of excellence in the developing world, and help educate the next generation of mathematicians thereby advancing science in the home countries of those chosen for the fellowship.

Application Deadline: The application opens February 28th and closes 15th April 2021.

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#10. Cass Business School Global Women’s Leadership Scholarships 

The Cass Global Women’s Leadership Programme through the Coca-Cola Scholarship Foundation seeks to inspire, equip and connect women who are or want to become resilient, inclusive, ambitious, brave, confident, responsible, authentic, and thriving leaders.

The application is open and the deadline for the application is 11 May 2021.

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Read Also:

#11. AAUW International Fellowships in the USA for Women

International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.

Funding: $18,000–$30,000
Opens: August 1
Deadline: November 15

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#12. Russell E. Train Fellowships

The aim of the fellowship is to support individuals to develop evidence-based, innovative, and interdisciplinary research on the role gender equity plays in achieving sustainable outcomes, with emphasis on small-scale fisheries and tropical ecosystems.

The application for the 2021 Train Fellowship competitions is now OPEN. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2021. Applicants will be notified no later than mid-May 2021 with final decisions.

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#13. Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowships for Women

The Schlumberger Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports science and technology education.

Recognizing the link between science, technology, and socio-economic development, as well as the key role of education in realizing individual potential, the Schlumberger Foundation flagship program is Faculty for the Future.

This program acts as a catalyst for these women to further tap into their potential.

Application for 2021 has closed but you can start making your plans for 2022 as the application opens between September and November 2021.

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#14. Amelia Earhart Fellowship 2021 Scholarship for Women

Globally, women make up around 25 percent of the workforce in the aerospace industry. In an effort to carry out its mission that women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men, Zonta International offers the Amelia Earhart Fellowship.

Since the program’s inception in 1938, Zonta has awarded 1,638 Amelia Earhart Fellowships, totaling more than US$10.6 million, to 1,209 women representing 73 countries.

The 2021 Amelia Earhart Fellowship application deadline has passed. The 2022 application will be posted in July 2021.

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#15. Dorothy Marchus Senesh Fellowships in Peace and Development Studies for Women

The Dorothy Marchus Senesh Fellowship provides two biennial fellowships awarded to two women from the developing world for studies in the field of peace.

Larry Senesh (now deceased), a professor of Economics at the University of Colorado at Boulder, established this fellowship in memory of his wife.

The Fellowships provide $5,000 per year for two years for both women, for a total of $10,000 each.

Applications are already ongoing. Start date January 15, 2021.

Announcement of the Awards will be made by April 1, 2021.

Learn more and how to apply on

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