Abel Visiting Scholar Programs 2022 Application Update

Abel Visiting Scholar Programs is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the International Medical University.

About the Program

The International Medical University is a private, English language, health sciences university in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Malaysia’s leading private medical and healthcare university.

The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is intended for mathematicians professionally based in developing countries to visit an international research collaborator for a period of one month.

Aim and Benefits of Abel Visiting Scholar Programs

The grant can cover for one month and only for the applicant up to 4,400 EUR ($5,000 Dollars). It covers:

1. Travel costs

2. Visa fees

3. Travel insurance charges

Basic living cost for the first month (daily allowance based on living cost of the visiting country/city. This amount includes the cost for public transport and all other living costs).

Accommodation cost in the host country (hotel is allowed if the host provides a statement that no guesthouse or rented flat is available and max. 4 weeks.)


Requirements for Abel Visiting Scholar Programs

Applicants must:

1. Hold at the time of application a PhD in Mathematics;

2. Be based in a developing country at the time of application (As defined by IMU);

3. Hold a position in a university/ research institution;

4. Be in the early stages of their professional careers, more precisely: the applicants should

a). Not yet be of full professorial rank but have a working contract in a university/ college.

b). Be under 35 years of age at the day of the application deadline.

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria is based on the quality of the project and the benefit/added value for the home institution/country.


Application Deadline

August 31, 2022.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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