Free Scholarships in Ghana 2020/2021 Portal List Updates

Free Scholarships in Ghana 2020/2021 Portal List Updates.

Free Scholarships in Ghana: As a student from Ghana you may want to hear this. There are a lot of scholarships you can benefit from in Ghana.

All you need to do is to calm down and read through. Information is always essential. Also, information is power.

Thus, in this article, you’ll get information on some free scholarships in Ghana. Always visit this webpage for updates on scholarships like this.

Also, in this article you shall read about:

  • Top Free Scholarships in Ghana.
  • Some FAQs about scholarships in Ghana.

This is one of the top free scholarships in Ghana. Also, this scholarship is for African Undergraduates. And it’s for 2021. Also, it’s a definitive partnership between the Jim Ovia Foundation, Nigeria and Africa America Institute (AAI).

This partnership will have a long-term impact. And it’s on creating a better and brighter future. Also, this is for young Africans. The Scholarship is intended to create a sense of hope African Undergraduate students.

Also, this scholarship is sponsored by Jim Ovia Foundation. And is currently offered through Ashesi University in Ghana. Also, through Covenant University in Nigeria.

Level/Field of Study

The Scholarship is meant for students pursuing Undergraduate Studies. This is in any STEM courses. Courses like: Science. And technology. Also, engineering. And mathematics or related courses.

Host Nationality

The Scholarship is hosted by the Jim Ovia Foundation. This is Nigeria in partnership with AAI.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is open to all African students. And, you must reside in any African country. However, only 35 applicants will be selected. With twenty-Five percent of them being Nigerians.

Scholarship Benefits

Below are some benefits of this scholarship:

  1. Comprehensive Scholarships: The Jim Ovia Foundation Leaders Scholarship provides tuition. Also, it provides room, and board for undergraduate study.
  2. Career Support and Opportunities: Scholarship recipients will receive career counseling. And support while still students and also after graduation.
  3. AAI Global Alumni Network: Recipients will graduate into one of the most prestigious alumni networks. However, please take note this. AAI Alumni include prominent leaders in many sectors around Africa. And the Globe and includes two sitting Presidents. Also, recipients will be connected to this network for potential opportunities and mentorship. And the ability to collectively continue towards developing the continent.

Those Eligible for the Jim Ovia Foundation Leaders Scholarship

As stated earlier, these scholarships are awarded on the basis of personal intellectual ability. And leadership capability. As well as a desire to contribute to society. And this should be at large to improve the lives of others.

However, students must also meet the following requirements:

  • Student must be a citizen of an African country. And must be residing in Africa.
  • Also, must exhibit strong academic record. And penchant for high-achievement.
  • Furthermore, must demonstrate a financial need.
  • Also, must present an active record of youth leadership. And this should be within his/her community.
  • Additionally, applicants whose first language is not English should take note. They’re to provide evidence of proficiency in English. And this should be at a higher level by the University.

How To Apply

To apply visit

This is one of the top free scholarships in Ghana. And it’s also called the MTN BRIGHT SCHOLARSHIPS. All Applications are done via the Online Medium. However, you can visit the official website  Also, you can view the official MTN Ghana website

MTN Ghana Foundation Scholarships in 2021 is promising 100 Scholarship opportunities. And this is to Excellent students in Ghana. Also, it’s for determine and brilliant Students in Ghana. And it’s to help them complete their Studies.

This scholarships will cover the cost of Tuition. Also, it will cover accommodation. And a Stipend for books. As well as other relevant reading materials.

Level/Field of Study

The Scholarship is designed for Year one Undergraduate Students. Also, it’s for Continuing education Students. This is at any public Higher Institution in Ghana. However, applicant must be pursuing any choice course.

Host Nationality

These scholarships are designed for Students from the 10 Regions in Ghana.

Eligible Nationality

Only Ghanaians can apply for these scholarships 2021. Also, you must come from any of the 10 Regions. And these 10 regions in Ghana include: Accra, Takoradi, Kumasi, Cape Coast and Koforidua. Also, we have Wa, Ho, Sunyani, Tamale and Bolgatanga.

MTN Ghana Foundation Scholarships 2021-2022 Requirements

To be eligible for this scholarship, please take note:

  • You must be a citiz­en of Ghana­.
  • Also, you must be prove­n to be hard-­worki­ng with excellent academic results.
  • And, continuing students and first-year students in any accredited public tertiary institution in Ghana who meet all criteria may apply.
  • Also, you must provi­de a one-page letter of motivation. This should indicate why MTN Found­ation shoul­d award you a schol­arshi­p.
  • And, attac­h WASSCE results. And admis­sion lette­rs and writt­en Testi­monia­ls. This should be from your Senior High School.
  • Also, the application must be submitted together with valid contact details. Including Phone number/E-mail address.
  • And shortlisted appli­cants will be notif­ied. And invit­ed to meet the scholarship panel.
  • Also, applicant who enjoys any form of educational scholarship should not apply.
  • Additionally, priority would be given to persons pursuing courses in ICT. And Computer Science. Also, to those in Engineering. Furthermore, please note this. WOMEN and PERSONS with disability are especially encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline

Application submission opens from June. And this is every year and closes in July of the same year. Also, successful candidates would be contacted directly. And their names published in the newspapers by August.

Application Link

For more information and start the application visit here

This is one of the top free in Ghana. This scholarship is available for Ghanaian students. Especially those who are in pursuit of their undergraduate and graduate program across Ghanaian Universities.

The Ghana National Petroleum Corporation () is a state agency. Also, it’s responsible for the exploration, licensing, and distribution of petroleum-related activities in Ghana. And the corporation was established in 1983. It was to replace the Petroleum Department. Which was an agency under the Ministry of Fuel and Power.

Apart from the petroleum-related services, please take note. GNPC has also continuously carried out her corporate social responsibility. Amongst which includes the provision of scholarships to students. The GNPC scholarship is a full scholarship to Ghanaian students. And it’s for those who have gotten admission into Ghanaian Public Tertiary Institutions.

Scholarship Worth

This scholarship covers tuition. And living expenses. Also, it covers book allowance. And dissertation/project allowance.

GNPC Scholarship 2020 Requirements and Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible you must:

  1. Be a Ghanaian.
  2. Also, not be over 35 years by 1st October 2021.
  3. Have obtained admission to undertake an Undergraduate degree program. Or a Masters or Ph.D. degree program. And this must be in a Ghanaian Public University. Also, must be at the time of application.

Ghana National Petroleum Corporation-GNPC Scholarship 2021/2022 – Preference Preference would be given to:

For Undergraduates, preference will be given to Degree programs:

  1. In Science.
  2. And in Technology.
  3. Also, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM).
  4. And, in Environment.
  5. Also, in Health & Sanitation.
  6. And in Special Education.
  7. Also in Agricultural Sciences.
  8. And Women in Engineering.
  9. Additionally, Brilliant but needy students
  10. And Physically Challenged

For Masters/Ph.D. preference will be given to:

  1. Oil and Gas related courses.
  2. And Science, Technology, and Engineering courses.
  3. And Special Education.

Application Process Applicants who want to apply for their scholarship should note. They are to get and fill the GNPC scholarship form on the GNPC website ( Also, you can apply via obtaining the 

Application Deadline: The application deadline is May 18th 2021. However, relevant information shall be continuously brought to you. And the latest application deadline will be communicated when available.

Application Link

This is one of the top free scholarships in Ghana. Also, the scholarship seeks to develop youth leaders. The DOF scholarship grants students the opportunity to study at Covenant University. And Landmark University, both in Nigeria.

Also, each awarded candidate becomes a DOF Scholar. And is expected to meet up with the requirements. This is in order to remain a DOF Scholar.

Level/Field of Study This scholarship is designed for Students pursuing their Masters. Or those pursuing Undergraduate programs. And Secondary Program.

Eligible Nationalities Scholarship program is open to Young Africans.

Host Nationality The host nationality is Nigeria.

Duration of the Scholarship The Oyedepo Scholarships 2021 is for 4 or 5 years. And this is subject to university stipulated time for course completion. Also, the maximum duration of the scholarship award is 5 years. And this is for undergraduate programs.

The Scholarship Worth It covers full academic fees for a maximum of 5 years. However, this is in accordance with the University stipulated time for the duration of the course. Also, it does not cover;

  • Travel allowances.
  • And feeding allowances.
  • Also, Medical/Health Insurance or allowance.
  • And any other fees outside University generated Academic fees. And this is for a course at any level.

Eligibility To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a citizens and permanent residents of any African Nation.
  • Also, must be between the ages of 18 and 25. And this is at the time of application submission.
  • Also, must be eligible to receive a Nigerian student visa.
  • And, must be proficient in reading. ALso, in writing and speaking English.
  • Furthermore, must have a record of exceptional performance. And this is at the secondary school level. Which is benchmarked by:

1. At least 20 points above JAMB cut off points. However, this is for Nigerians only.
2. And 80% recorded average or 4.0GPA/5.0 in Secondary/High School Transcript.
3. Already have begun admission applications to Covenant or Landmark University.

How to Apply for David Oyedepo Foundation Scholarships Applicants should visit the foundation’s website. And make sure you read the application instructions. Also, complete the online applications. And you must submit the application form. Also, submit all required documents stated on the webpage.

Follow this link for official guidelines

For Online Applications For online application, follow these General/Contact Information Section:

  •  Provide general information in specified formats within the application form.
  • You will be required to provide documentation verifying age. And country of citizenship for eligibility. That is if you are selected at the interview stage.
  • Information filled in the Parent/Guardian section should be for BIOLOGICAL parents or LEGAL guardians.
  • The contact information you provide will be used to reach you. And this will be during the application and selection process. Also, please provide accurate addresses. And phone numbers. Also, provide email addresses that you use and check on a regular basis.

Application Deadline:

It opens on May 27, 2021 Applications. And closes on July 14, 2021. Also, July 2020 finalization of finalists applicants and contact of same. While August – September 2021 is resumption of Scholars in Covenant and Landmark University.

You can Visit the for details

Some FAQs About Scholarships in Ghana

1. What is the Jim Ovia Scholars Program?


The Jim Ovia Scholars Program is a national initiative to teach and develop next-generation leaders who will contribute to social and economic progress of Nigeria. The Program permits Nigerian youths from economically disadvantaged communities to achieve a quality tertiary education, and make successful transitions to further education or to the workforce in Nigeria.

2. Who is a Jim Ovia Scholar?


A Jim Ovia scholar is any individual that has benefitted or was awarded a Jim Ovia Scholarship as financial support for the purpose of finishing his/her undergraduate tertiary education.

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