French Government Scholarship 2022 Application Update

French Government Scholarship is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the French Universities and Academic Institutions in France.

About the Scholarship

The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs launched the scholarship program to help French higher education institutions draw top international students to their master’s and doctoral degree programs.

The program supports applicants up to 35 years old from developing and industrialized countries at a Ph.D. level and offers opportunities to future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors in priority areas of study.

Applicants must be up to 30 years old from developing countries for the Master’s program.

Scholarship Benefits

The Eiffel scholarship for Master’s level study comprises a monthly allowance of €1,181 plus the direct payment of several services.

Holders of the Eiffel scholarships receive a monthly grant of €1,700 for PhD-level studies (as of January 1, 2021). The scholarship also offers the following advantages to students pursuing master’s and PhD degrees.

1. A round-trip international ticket Country of origin–France;

2. A train ticket to the first study location; a train ticket from the last study location to the airport for the return to the country of origin;

3. Reimbursement of the trip between the airport or train station and the first study location (taxi or public transport);

4. Health insurance by Campus France, for the time needed to register to French Social Security, for students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA);

5. Mutual health insurance;

6. Cultural activities.


Scholarship Eligibility for French Government Scholarship

To apply for the French Government Scholarship, applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

1. Nationality: This program is only open to applicants who are not French citizens. Candidates with two nationalities are ineligible if one of them is French.

2. Age: Candidates for the master’s level must have been born after March 1997 and cannot have been older than 25 on the date of the 2022 Campaign.

Candidates for the Ph.D. level must have been born after March 1993 and cannot have been older than 30 on the day of the 20T23 Campaign.

3. Origin of Applications: Only submissions from French academic institutions are accepted.

These institutions guarantee that scholarship recipients will be enrolled in the academic program for which they have been chosen.

Applications submitted via any other method won’t be taken into consideration. Additionally, any applicant who receives nominations from multiple institutions will be excluded.

4. Courses of Study: Scholarships are available to Ph.D. candidates as well as those looking to enroll in master’s programs, including those at engineering schools.

French-led master’s programs offered overseas are not covered by the Eiffel Program.

Both apprenticeship contracts and professional training contracts are exempt from it.

5. Scholarship Incompatibilities: Foreign students who have already been given a scholarship from another program run by the French government are not eligible, even if the scholarship just provides health insurance.

6. For Eiffel Master Scholarship: Any student who has previously applied and been turned down will not have their application accepted, regardless of whether it is submitted by a different institution or is for a different course of study.

It is not possible to reapply for a master’s degree if you have already received an Eiffel scholarship at that level.

7. For Eiffel PhD Scholarship: Institutions may suggest a candidate for a PhD scholarship who has already received an Eiffel scholarship at the master’s level.

A candidate cannot receive an Eiffel scholarship a second time during their PhD if they have already received one.

Any student who has previously applied and been turned down will not have their application accepted, regardless of whether it is submitted by a different institution or is for a different course of study.

8. Language Skills: Establishments must ensure that candidates who do not speak French have the language abilities necessary for the relevant course of study before preselecting them.

9. Geographical Location: Candidates who are enrolled in French academic programs at the master’s level are not eligible.

Candidates for doctoral degrees who are studying abroad are given preference over those who are already residents of France.


Application Deadline

January 10, 2022.

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