Mexican Government Scholarships 2021 International Students Updates

Mexican Government Scholarships 2021 International Students Updates.

Mexican Government Scholarships 2021: The government of Mexico through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) is offering scholarships to students who want to undertake their Bachelors, Masters, or Ph.D. degree program in Mexico.

AMEXCID Selection criteria

  • Academic excellence of the candidate in the intended area of study
  • The intended field of study or specialization in Mexico is related to the applicant’s academic and job history
  • The area of study is important to and has a direct impact on the development of the applicant’s country
  • The program must relate to specific current or approved projects that have an impact on the development of the applicant’s country

Mexican Government Scholarship Eligibility

  • Bachelors, Master’s, or Ph.D. Degrees as required by the program for which the scholarship is requested.
  • Minimum grade point average of 80 on a scale of 0-100, or the equivalent for the last academic degree received.
  • Be accepted, or currently enrolled in a program of the participating  in the Call.
  • Candidates cannot be living in Mexico at the time of application.

The Scholar’s Benefits

  • Registration fees and tuition
  • Health Insurance
  • Transportation from Mexico city to the Host Institution
  • Monthly Stipend

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Application portal is currently closed. Please Bookmark this page to stay updated.

How to Apply For This Scholarship

Applicants are advised to read the application guidelines .


For more information,

Application Deadline: September 27th, 2021, at 15:00 (Local Time in Mexico City).

A Bit About Mexican Government Scholarships 2021

The Call is offered to more than 180 countries, within the framework of , multilateral mechanisms, and special agreements.

More than 90 Mexican Higher Education Institutions (IES) participate in this Call and all have academic programs registered in the National Postgraduate Program in Quality of the National Council of Science and Technology.

These programs testify to the progress the country has made in various areas of the sciences and humanities.

Through the granting of Scholarships of Excellence of the Government of Mexico to foreign students, Mexico strengthens its role as an actor with global responsibility and endorses its commitment to the promotion of cooperation actions to promote the formation of high-level human capital.

The presence in Mexico of foreign students, academics and scientists, women and men, contributes to the construction of permanent and long-term dialogue bridges that enrich the foreign policy agenda with actions of exceptional value for the country and for its foreign partners.

Likewise, HEIs and the Mexican academic community benefit from greater internationalization.

If you need us to help you with more updated information at the right time about Mexican Government Scholarships 2021, kindly provide us your phone number and email address in the comment box below. Also, feel free to ask any question at any time.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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