MSc Program in Water Management 2022 Application Update

– MSc Program in Water Management –

The Africa Centre of Excellence for Water Management (ACEWM) is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students for MSc Program in Water Management. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students.

About the Program

The Africa Centre of Excellence for Water Management (ACEWM) is an initiative of the World Bank Group and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia through the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Regional Center hosted by the Addis Ababa University (AAU).

The program is a full-time study and teaching takes place through lectures, seminars, and field-based studies. In addition, teaching may be conducted through video conferences and -enhanced learning approaches. The language of instruction throughout the study is English.

Aim and Benefits of MSc Program in Water Management

1. ACEWM will provide a limited number full scholarships for competent applicants: A monthly stipend of 500 USD ( amount paid in ETB).The stipend includes accommodation.

2. ACEWM will have a modest funding to support the research projects of all applicants.

3. ACEWM encourages applicants with their own funding.


Requirements for MSc Program in Water Management

1. All applicants’ undergraduate Cumulative GPA must not be less than 2.75 for males and not less than 2.50 for females on a 4.0 scale.

2. Applicants who have completed their degree/diploma from foreign universities(other than Ethiopia) are required to obtain their degree/diploma equivalent from the Ethiopian Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency(HERQA)before admission.

(Academic documents authentication by the relevant office is mandatory during admission

3. Applicants must have knowledge of the English language and provide proof of proficiency.

4. The age limit at the time of application for M.Sc. applicants is 30 years or fewer.

5. Applicants are required to take and pass the Graduate Admission Test (GAT) (

6. Applicants need to meet also the general requirements laid down by the School of Graduate Studies, Addis Ababa University ().

Documents Required for Application

1. A cover page containing applicant’s full name as it appears on applicant’s ID/Passport, full contact details including residential and postal address, email and telephone number(s),

2. A copy of ID/Passport,

3. Detailed curriculum vitae not exceeding 4 pages,

4. Authenticated copies of previous degrees and official from previous university/college,

5. Applicants should undertake their full-time research in Ethiopia.

6. A personal statement/motivation letter describing the candidate’s interest to join the program not exceeding 500 words,

7. Employed applicants must provide a letter of full commitment from their employers that they will be granted study leave.

8. Certificate of professional experience if there is any,

9. Three letters of from instructors/supervisors from previous educational institutions, organizations,

10. Certificate of professional experience if there is any,

Application Deadline

June 10, 2022

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