RTP Stipend Scholarship 2022 Application Update

RTP Stipend Scholarship is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the Griffith University.

About the Scholarship

With effect as of 1 January 2017, the Commonwealth Government’s Research Training Program (RTP) offers financing to institutions to promote the research training of higher degree research (HDR) candidates from both home and abroad.

Universities have the option to manage and grant a variety of stipend scholarships known as Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships thanks to the funds made available through the RTP.

Benefits of RTP Stipend Scholarship

The Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend Scholarship provides a living allowance of AUD $28,854 (2022 rate, indexed annually) per annum; paid as a fortnightly stipend. Relocation, sick leave and parental leave provisions also apply.


Requirements for RTP Stipend Scholarship

To be eligible for consideration for award of an Australian Government RTP Stipend Scholarship, applicants must be commencing or enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research program (for which RTP support is available) at Griffith University.

Applicants must not be receiving income from another source to support their general living costs that provides a benefit greater than 75% of the RTP stipend.

Income unrelated to the candidate’s research program, or income received for the candidate’s research program but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs, is not to be taken into account.


Application Deadline

September 30, 2022.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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