School Libraries As An Effective Instrument For Achieving Academic Excellence

School Libraries As An Effective Instrument For Achieving Academic Excellence.


This project work is on the “school library as an effective instrument for academic excellence of schools on Owerri town”. The aim of this research survey is to determine and examine the extent of services being rendered to library users, the stock of the library and to some extent the problems placing the library.

The character and efficiency of any institution and that of its various categories of populace is adjusted by its treatment of its central organ the library along with the school, college, the news media and other manifestations of the “knowledge industry” is one of the agencies through which the institution of education exerts its influence on society.

the library satisfy the basic information, education, cultural and other needs of its clienteles in their general and specific intellectual fields and pursuits.

Information is preserved in the print and non-print medium and the school library acquires, organize, interprets, preserves and stores the information purveying media for easy access and consultation thus, today is the gateway to broadcast world or scholarly information for pupils, students and teachers.

School libraries are an information and is indispensable to a pupils or students advancement or self development. The right information at the right time, at the right place to improves the ability of a students, pupils or teacher.


Title page –       –       –       –       –       –       –       –       i

Approval page –        –       –       –       –       –       –      ii

Dedication –     –       –       –       –       –       –       –       iii

Acknowledgements  –       –       –       –       –       –      iv

Table of contents –   –       –       –       –       –       –      vi

Abstract – –       –       –       –       –       –       –       –       ix


1.1   Introduction     –       –       –       –       –       –         1

1.2   Historical Background of secondary school library in Owerri town (capital territory   –   –       –       13

1.3   Statement of the problem –      –       –       –       18

1.4   Objective of the study-     –       –       –       –       19

1.5   Scope of the study – –       –       –       –       –       20

1.6   Significance of the study –       –       –       –       20

1.7   Research Questions –       –       –       –       –       22

1.8   Definition of Terms –        –       –       –       –      22


2.0   Review of related literature –    –       –       –        25

2.1   Concept school library    –       –       –       –           28

2.2   Importance of school libraries  –      –       –         30

2.3   The roles and functions of the school library – 34

2.4   Service of school library  –               –       –       –   37

2.5   The school library collections  –       –       –       – 41


3.0   Research Methodology –   –       –       –       –    43

3.1   Introduction –  –       –       –       –       –       –       43

3.2   Design of the study –       –       –       –       –       43

3.3   Area of the study-    –       –       –       –       –       43

3.4   Population of the study – –       –       –       –      44

3.5   Sample and sampling techniques    –       –     45

3.6   Instrument for data collection –       –       –     46

3.7   Validation of instrument –       –       –       –      46

3.8   Method of data analysis   –       –       –       –     46


4.0   Data Presentation and analysis –     –       –       47

4.1   Method of data analysis- –       –       –       –         49

4.2   Finding of the study-       –       –       –       –         56

4.3   Results of interview –       –       –       –       –         58


  • Summary- –       –       –       –       –       –          60
  • Recommendations – – –       –       –       –       61
  • Conclusion –       –       –       –       –       –        63

References –     –       –       –       –       –       –            65


Background of study

The word according to the new Lexicon Webster Dictionary of the English language. Library is defined as a room or building housing a collection of books usually arranged according to same plan. Such collection of book on related topics issued by a publisher.

The library has collection of records of human culture in print and non-print information purveying materials housed, preserve, organized, interpreted and managed by a professional librarian, to meet the broad and varying needs of users or clientele, for their information, knowledge, education, research, recreation and aesthetic appreciation.

However the word library is defined as a room or building containing books that can be looked at or borrowed by members of the public or members of the group or organization that owns the library.


Allan, R.V (2003) The school library media programme: Instructional force excellence New York: Bowker. Pg. 41.
Awoniyi, Adedeyi (2004) Pre-reading activities and reading readiness in Nigerian schools, issue at state. pg. 15.
Dike, V.W. (2007) “The school library: An instrument for educational reforms”. pg. 5.
Gagg, Murry (2008) School and college libraries. London: Oxford University press. pg 28.
Harold, Demsetz (2006) Harold educational books for infant, primary and secondary school. London: Harold Books. pg.18
Morgan, H.W (2003) The school library at work. New York: H.W Wilson Company. Pg. 15.

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