How to Score High in Post UTME Screening Examination


After checking your performance in Jamb and you had a good score, the next question you might likely ask is How do I Score High in Post UTME screening Examination? Well, read through this article to find out.

Learning how to score high in post UTME screening examinations isn’t a walk in the park. As a student, it isn’t about passing just jamb, most universities will only accept you if you get a good score from their POST UTME.

In fact, in some cases, they only accept those who score better in their institution exam than those who didn’t do well but scored high in Jamb.

In this guide, we will be putting through the necessary steps that you should take to be able to pass your Post UTME exam/Screening test in any university of your choice without hassle.

Steps to Score High in Post UTME Screening Examination

Here are some of the steps you should take in order to have a great score on your Post UTME exams:

Look through the Exam Syllabus

It is not a new thing that students do not study until their exam is near the corner, if you are one of those who keep doing this, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Although there are people who would start reading two weeks before the exam and still ace it, it is advisable that you do not try this as it might not work for you.

The topics in the require your time and attention, as they are pretty much, so would need to go through them carefully and study well to understand them bit by bit.

Except, you just left school, then it is possible to study the syllable just once since your brain is still very fresh, but if you’ve been home for a year or more then studying the topics, twice in a week before the examination date is more ideal.

This would definitely help you score high in post UTME screening examination.

Own Past Questions

Over the years, we have discovered that students who prepare not just by studying the syllable but also using the university’s past questions and answers for their study tend to have great scores in their exams.

The importance of getting past questions cannot be overemphasized, it shows you how the exams will be set, and how to supply answers without getting yourself confused by how technical the questions are.

It also widens your thinking as your mental capacity will be more broadened on how to ace the exams. Past questions are more like expos that help you understand the angle the questions might be set from.

Although some questions can be repeated,  it is important that you read them carefully while jotting down the vital points.

Nowadays, it is very easy to get past questions downloaded on your devices as paper copies are diminishing very fast, but you can still opt for it if you want to.

Have an Idea of the School’s Cut-Off Mark

Before you even think of tendering your application for Post UTME, you should ensure that your score matches or is even above the cut-off mark set by the university.

Universities like UNN, and UI cut-off marks are usually set at 200 and above, but in other institutions, the marks are from 180. You need to be quite sure of your score before you apply for the exams in order to stand a chance of gaining admission.

If you seem unsure, then it is advisable that you change your course/institution before the deadline. Make sure you have good knowledge of the school so that you know what to expect 

Apply for Post UME/PRE Admission Screening

Be clear and focused on what you want and go for it.

Learn the venue of your exam/screening before the D-date. You can as well jot the date down so you don’t forget and miss your date.

On Your Exam Date

On the day of your screening. You are expected to arrive early.

However, if you do not stay close to where the exam will be held, then you should come to the town a day before, find somewhere safe to lodge and keep preparing for your exams.

It is good if you arrive early as it would give you more time to find your hall and get settled

Stay Focused on your Exam

When you are sitting in the hall, ensure you make your exams your top priority, and do not let yourself to be distracted.

Malpractice should be far from your thoughts because if you get caught the consequences will be unbearable for you.

Carefully study your questions to understand what is required of you before you answer the. Ensure you proofread your work again to be sure you did not make errors before you submit it.

Remember, you’ve got everything it takes to ace your exams, so give it your best shot.

StudentsandScholarship Team

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