Second Month Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy

I would love to know how to give my baby an everlasting gift, that he would grow to see and cherish for the rest of his life. When your baby boy or girl celebrates their second, third, fourth or fifth month celebration, there are only a few things you can give them.

If you buy them clothes or toys, when they grow, it would have become useless. As good as some of the gifts are, the best gift for a baby is a heartfelt expression of love you could write it on a card, or make it into a frame.

They would grow up to see how sweet their parents are and they would forever appreciate the gesture. It is the best way to show your children how much they mean to you, and don’t forget to add a cute picture of them at that age.

As much as you love them, you may be so overwhelmed you don’t even know what to write especially on your son’s 2nd month birthday. That’s why I’m here, I’ve helped you with second month birthday wishes for baby boy

Scroll down and have your pick, it’s the best birthday wishes you can get for your cute little baby boy.

I am so grateful today that you have been born, and brought happiness to this chaotic world. Happy 2nd month birthday to you, my sweet boy. My wish for you is that you’d grow up and become a mighty man. I love you so much, my baby.

1. Happy Birthday to our precious baby boy! This is a day we will always remember and cherish. I am thankful for all that you have given us: joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Happy birthday, darling!

2. Wish you a very happy birthday on this day. You are still so tiny, but very important for me. One of these days I will hold you in my hands and give you the world. So, stay healthy until then. I love you, my baby.

3. To the most beautiful baby boy in this universe, I wish you a very happy second months birthday. Happy birthday to you, my little bundle of joy.

4. We are celebrating your second month birthday today. My wish for you is to grow into the big boy that you are. Enjoy your second month, and know that you will always be my heart’s one and only favourite baby boy.

5. Your smile, your cute physicality, and your baby kick make every sleepless day worth living. You are my pride and joy. I wish you a very happy birthday on your second month celebration.

6. Today, you are celebrating your second month birthday and it’s hard to believe that you are already growing this much in such a short time. I love you, son! Happy birthday, baby boy!

7. My dear little baby boy, you are growing so fast. My heart is filled with so much happiness when I look into the eyes of my cute baby boy. You are my pride and joy. I love you dearly. Happy birthday!

8. Wow, a month already. Time goes by fast. You are growing up so fast. I love you, happy birthday, son.

9. A wish and a prayer of mine came true when you were born after nine months. I am thrilled to see all the smiles and laughs that I get from you every day. May this month be filled with joy and happiness, and more love than ever! Happy birthday, my lovely one.

10. May God always watch over you, and may you always stay as adorable as you are now! May the happiness that lies in your heart, reach everyone around you. Happy birthday, son!

11. Happy second month birthday to my one and only babe, pooh bear, angel, sweety pie; your mommy loves you deeply.

12. Today is your second month birthday! You are growing to be much bigger now, much to the excitement of your mother and me. We can’t help but smile when we see you crawling around, laughing, crying, and playing ball. We look forward to watching you grow up slowly.

13. On your first month of life, we were thankful that we had you. On your second month celebration, we are thankful that we have your first smile to treasure for life. We wish you all the best in life.

14. It has been a wonderful two months with you, my son. Thank God, I could give birth to such a child. You are the most adorable baby in the world. Happy second month birthday to my son.

15. Today your dad and I have a special gift for you. We want you to know how much we love you, no doubt about it. You are an intricate part of us, and we will always be there for you.

16. Happy 2nd month birthday
May your life be full of happiness! Happy birthday baby boy! I hope you have a fun-filled second month birthday party.

17. Today is my baby’s second month birthday. I wish you many blessings, health, and long life.

18. Dearest son, My baby boy, Your smiles and giggles are enough to add life to my dull soul. I cannot wait to spend more time together this coming month. Happy Birthday, baby boy.

19. Today is the second month of my baby’s life. Time has passed quickly since you arrived in our arms. I love you and wish you a very happy second month birthday! Have a great year ahead dearie.

20. I can’t believe you are already 2 months old… It feels like yesterday when you were born, the moment I looked at you I fell in love with you. Now that your second month has arrived you are not only getting cuter but also super active. Mommy and daddy love you very much … Wishing you an amazingly fun-filled year ahead.

21. Happy birthday, my darling! I remember the first time you opened your eyes. Dad and I fell in love with you instantly. Today is your birthday, so I want you to know how much we cherish you and will take care of you forever. You are our most prized possession. You have made us so happy. Happy Birthday!

22. Dear son, you came into the world out of love and created a bond between your parents and yourself. On your second months birthday, we wish that the years to come bring you all that you hope and dream of and that is filled with joy and fun!

23. Today is the happiest day of my life. I can’t believe that my son is two months old already. May you always be as healthy and energetic as you are now. You brought new meaning to our lives and we love you down to the moon and back!

24. Dear son, the first month of your life has been pure joy and excitement, and I can’t wait to see what you bring into my life next. Be well and happy. Love you, mom.

25. Hi baby, you are the best birthday present that life had ever given me. You are my little joy, and you bring many more smiles to my face.

My baby boy is 2 months today. Happy birthday to you, darling. My good wishes are with you, you will grow in wisdom, strength and great success.

1. Wishing my loving son on his second months birthday. Knowing you around make my heart sing! You are a pro at this smiling business, and a pro at the crawling business too. Happy Birthday, Son.

2. Happy birthday to my baby boy! You have brightened my life, just as you brighten my days with your adorable smiles. I am so proud of you for this new milestone, and cannot wait to see you grow bigger and stronger. I love you!

3. My little man, you are finally starting your second month in this world. I feel my most cherished moment was when I first held you in my arms. Continue to grow, my love.

4. On this second months birthday of yours, I just want you to know that God gave me the finest gift the day He brought you to this world. Happy second month.

5. Your laugh gives me happiness, your hugs give me comfort, and your presence in my life gives me purpose. I love you with all my heart and wish you a happy second months birthday.

6. Happy second month birthday to you my little angel! May God give you the strength to fulfil all your potentials.

7. Today is a day of joy and happiness. You have grown two months and changed our life for good. We love you and think you are the most amazing little boy ever! Keep growing and make your parents proud.

8. My son, I thought the world of you the moment you were born. Today is your birthday and this is my way of showing how precious you are to me. Keep on growing and I look forward to all the firsts you will experience.

9. You are my special treasure in this world. You bring so much joy and happiness to my life. Happy birthday, champ!

10. My dearest son, I remember when you were born, and now that you are two months old, I want to congratulate you on your second months Birthday. Happy birthday to my cute baby boy!

11. You were born two months ago and my life has become a dream come true! I never knew I could feel so much love for one person. Happy 2nd month birthday to my treasure. I will never stop loving you.

12. Welcome to your 2nd month in life, my darling. I will make sure you have the most wonderful childhood and life. Today, I celebrate your second month, with a promise to shower my love on you all year round. Happy birthday, baby boy!

13. When you were a little baby, I had a lot of sleepless nights because of you. But now that you have been born, I have been so proud of being your mommy! You are everything to me, and I love you beyond words. Happy birthday my little angel.

14. Sending you a very special wish for a Happy Birthday! We are all very excited as the second month is already here. We love you to bits, our beautiful baby boy.

15. Oh baby boy, this is your second month day today. I am grateful to God for letting me give you life. Happy birthday, son.

16. Today, we celebrate the second month of your birth. You’re growing all the time and every day becomes better and better. I love you lots.

17. I wish this birthday is as special as you are. And I want to wish you a happy birthday. I hope your day is filled with joy and happiness.

18. Wishing a very happy birthday to my little angel who has been a wonderful addition to our family! Your smile lights up my life, and I just can’t thank God enough for blessing me with such a beautiful child. Happy birthday, my love!

19. Only two months old and today is your second months birthday. I am so grateful to God for giving me this bundle of joy. I wish you live long, I know you will be my source of happiness in life. Happy birthday…

20. My son is coming to his second month today. I am celebrating this joyous occasion with the great pride and gratitude that you’ve given me. Happy second-month birthday son.

21. I hope you are having the most amazing birthday on earth. I wish you all the best! I cannot believe my little one is two months already. Thank you for blessing us with your presence in our lives!

22. It has been two months since you were brought into this world and presented to us. I am so proud of you for being such a strong child and patient enough to wait so long to come here. Happy birthday!

23. May God bless you with a long, happy, and productive life. Thank you for all the happiness you have brought to my life.

24. You have been a blessing to me and to everyone in our family! Looking forward to lots more good times with you! Dear son, you made me a proud mother of an adorable kid.

25. Today is the second month since you came into this world. I love you and can’t wait to see what you’ll become.

I am so happy today because my baby boy is celebrating his 2nd month birth anniversary. I wish you a life of peace and greatness. May the Almighty God bless you with a healthy and successful life.

1. Hastily, the time is flying by. It seems like yesterday when you were born, but now you are all grown up! You are becoming more and more special to me every day. Words are not sufficient to acknowledge all that you mean to me. I love you dearly! Happy birthday dear son.

2. On this special day, we wish you a very happy birthday and promise to cherish every moment we’ve spent with you. You bring so much joy and happiness to our lives and we love you with all our hearts. Always remember, mom and dad will always be there for you.

3. A parent knows more words than any dictionary, smiles more than the sun, loves more than any other being on earth. You are my angel, my pride, my joy, and sweetness. I wish you a very happy birthday, my joy!

4. On your 2nd month birthday, I wish you a very happy and wonderful life ahead. May your years to come be filled with lots of happiness and fun.

5. It is your second month, Happy Birthday! I hope you are enjoying life with us. We are very lucky to have an angel in our lives. You make us extremely happy. Today, I wish you all the happiness in the world.

6. Today is your second-month birthday, and I can’t believe how much you have grown in just one month. Haha! Children are blessings from God, and I thank God for having you in my life. I hope you grow up to be a good man and make good choices. Happy birthday my son!

7. I know it seems like you were just born but I am already thinking of your 2 month birthday. Baby boy, as a mother, it is a special feeling to see your kids grow. Thank you for being part of our family, and thank you for making me the happiest woman alive. Happy birthday my baby boy.

8. Well, you are already 2 months old! The days have passed so fast. Never forget that mommy loves you more than anything. I just cannot wait until you start talking and interact with me.

9. Each day that passes is better than the last. You are my best friend, love you, baby boy!
It is said that the love of a mother is infinite and no one can replace her love and care. And right on this day, on your second-month birthday, I wish you a very happy and special celebration.

10. Hello there, my little angel! Today you are entering the world of two months. You are so cute and so adorable that I cannot resist kissing you! I am so happy to be your mother. You cannot imagine what you have done for me.

11. You are such a joy to have in my life. You bring me immense happiness, and I am so thankful I got you as my son. Happy birthday to you! May your years be as beautiful as you are.

12. To my little angel, who will always have a special place in my heart. You are one month old today, but you have filled up our lives with the most amazing joys. Please continue to grow strong and healthy.

13. My little boy is already two months old. It seems just yesterday I brought him home from the hospital. Now that you’re already two months old, we can’t wait to start getting used to life without diapers. I wish that strength stays with you always. I will always love you with all my heart. Happy second-month birthday!

14. My darling baby boy, I hope your birth is filled with happiness, joy, and love. May you continue to grow strong and healthy. May our time together always be filled with moments of laughter, singing, and dancing. Happy birthday!

15. Sweetie, I know you are smiling right now and throwing your leg in the air in excitement. You were born 2 months ago and have already brought unbelievable joy to my life- just by being around! I wish you a great birthday, my darling!

16. Hey there, buddy! I hope you are having a great time celebrating your SECOND MONTH BIRTHDAY. It’s so cute you are trying to stand. There goes the cradle crawling phase… don’t worry, you have plenty of time! I love you so much. Love, Mommy.

17. Today is a big one for you since you’ve just turned two months old. But we love every second of it and we won’t trade it for anything in the world! Thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives and we hope you’ll continue to make family moments like these forever special and memorable. Happy birthday, little love.

18. On your second-month birthday, all we want for you is to keep smiling and keep on growing, and soon we will see you as a grown-up. Mom and I look forward to holding your hands when you start walking, teaching you new things, helping with your homework, seeing you graduate from college, getting married one day. I am so glad that I have a son like you.

19. On your 2nd month birthday, I wish you a cheerful day to celebrate! You have given us joy and laughter since you first came into this world. Even as a toddler, you could brighten our days and it is only going to get better from here. I can not thank you enough for giving me the best gift ever. Happy birthday to you and that cute smile.

20. It is your 2nd month birthday now. From the day you were born to the first smile, to the first laugh, and now, your first steps… It is a beautiful experience. You have been smiling from day one. Thank you for bringing smiles to our lives. We love you so much!

21. That tiny bundle of joy is turning another month today. I love to cuddle this tiny little angel and kiss those chubby cheeks. I cant wait to see your teeth coming up – how cute is that? You are my world – my everything. I will always cherish you. Happy second-month birthday, darling.

22. Best son in the world, I want to wish you a wonderful birthday! I am filled with joy knowing you are here with us to share it! You are the best son in the world- You are handsome, charming, lively, energetic, fun-loving, and playful. I love your smile to bits.

23. When I held you in my arms for the first time, you looked at me with big beautiful eyes. At that moment I knew that you will add meaning to my life, and you did! I am forever grateful to God for blessing me with such a wonderful son like you. Happy birthday!

24. Wishing you a very happy birthday my little son! You are shining like a new moon, sweet like honey, and lovable like sugar. Mommy loves you.

25. On your second birthday, I thank God for giving me this gift of love and blessing me with a son so full of life! I wish you all the happiness in the world on your birthday.

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