Security Measures And Challenges On Information Resources In Federal University of Technology, Owerri Library In Imo State.

Security Measures And Challenges On Information Resources In Federal University of  Technology, Owerri Library In Imo State.

Table of Contents


This research work was carried out on security measures and challenges in information resources in Federal University of Technology, Owerri library in Imo State.

Five purposes of study and corresponding research questions were posed to guide the study. The survey design was adopted in this study and the population was the 54 professional and para-professionals who were also used as the sample.

The data collected were analysed using frequency table and simple percentages. The revealed that theft, mutilation and defacement are the major crimes committed in the library,

textbooks and reference materials are prone to security challenges, security measures adopted by the library are installation of security cameras, stamping of library materials, searching of library users among others.

The researcher recommended that the library management should acquire more information materials to prevent theft and mutilation, more sophisticated security devices such as CCTV should be employed and skilled security personnel should be employed.


Background to the Study

An academic library is a library attached to an institution, built to support teaching, learning and research development, innovation and information dissemination which works towards actualizing the aims and objectives of the parent institution.

Ahiauzu (2002) states that the academic library exists to facilitate the educational goals of their parent institutions, to help students and staff from each department to be able to satisfy their information needs. The aims and objectives of the academics cannot be achieved without the library.

Academic library acquires information materials in both print and non print format. To ensure that library materials are kept to meet the needs of the users, they need to be secured.

Security of library materials helps in the growth and development of academic libraries by preventing loss of past knowledge on which future generations can benefit therein. realizing the goals of the library cannot be effective without considering the security and protection of the library materials.

This can be achieved through two processes; the mitigation of risks and protection  of library materials against disaster which causes destruction or damage which is the major concern of this study.


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