Semantic Analysis of Language Advertisement in Daily Trust and Vanguard Newspaper

In today’s word of media advertisement are ever-present and influence people to high extent.
It can be said that advertising, as a phenomenon has rapidly developed for the past few decades, thus becoming a futile ground for good communication.

The starting point for making of what is bees communicated, is that the participants (writer-reader, sender-receiver, producer- consumer, addresser- etc) cooperate each other (Yule, 2002, 35).

Semantic analysis of language Advertisement in Daily Trust and Vanguard newspaper is an essay to investigates in to enigma aspects of Nigeria newspaper i.e Daily Trust and Vanguard.

It is quite clear that Nigeria English is enhancing effective to their . And in other ways round the English is also affected by culture in a context that people use it. Furthermore,  the   research  work  has  shown  that   Nigeria English helps to project its speakers as Nigerians.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Title Page                             i
Approval page                      ii
Dedication              iii
Acknowledgement                iv
Table of Contents               v
Abstract                            vi

  • Introduction 1
  • Statement of Problems 1
  • Objectives of the Study 2
  • Significance of the study 3
  • Scope and Delimitation 3
  • Research Question 3


  • Introduction 5
  • What is semantics? 5
  • What is theories of meaning                                                11
  • What is Advertisement 15
  • Nature of Language Advertisement in Nigeria 17
  • Function of Language Advertisement in Nigerian Media 18
  • Conclusion 19


  • Introduction 21
  • Research methodology 21
  • Source of data 22
  • Population of the study 22
  • Sample and Sampling Techniques 23
  • Instrument of data collection 23
  • Methods of data analysis 23
  • Delimitation of the methodology 23


  • Introduction 24
  • Presentation and data analysis 25
  • Conclusion 34


  • Summary 35
  • Discussion of findings 35
  • Conclusion 36



1.1 Background of Study
The study is an attempt to analyse semantic aspect of language of advertisement in Daily Trust and the Vanguard Newspapers.

This chapter serves as the general introduction to the entire work as it discusses the background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives, significance of the study as well as the scope and delimitations among others.

In semantics, we tend to derive meanings from words and utterances and by so doing, we try to understand what a sentence is trying to say or portray. The following are problems that have been examined in this research work:

To identify the type of language used, the kind of language used in advertisement in Daily trust and vanguard news papers, and to identify whether or not the language used in advertisement are easily understood.


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