The national committee of education in limited states (1963) defined business education as that part of educational process which concerns itself with vocational preparation for a career in teaching business and also with business information. Important for every consumer in order that. It may better his under standing and use his business and economic surroundings. That is why business education curriculum prepares students in two different easy; either to improve the understudying of business and its relationship to the total economy GBE which is the type of business education needed by everybody in the society despite your area of specialization. 

It also develops personal consumer competence and to release the role of the consumer to the total economy. VBE which is the aspect of business education to be given to those who want it needs it and are ready to benefit from it prepares people with competent skills that will make them get employed in the office or as a teacher or to be self employed as an entrepreneur. Faculty of business management is a faculty that houses business courses while faculty of education is a faculty that houses all educational courses in the institution of higher learning.


Ndinechi (1987) concluded after examination and analysis of the issue believes strongly that the faculty of education is the administrative unit that gives the specialized training required for the professional preparation of all teachers including business teachers and should be the home for business education programmes.

            Since vocational education by its objective aims at training the students with skill that will make them to be self employed, it is better to house the department of business education with other vocational education not overlooking the lose so operation that is very important and carry it to the faculty of business administration that prepares students to gain employment only and it not carrier oriented.

            Business education should be domicile in the faculty of education so that professional business educators will be presiding in their affairs and also be training the students appropriately. Unlike if it is in the faculty of business administration where a non-vocational educator who does not know the needs value and problems of vocational education would preside over its affairs either at the faculty level or at the department level.

            Business education should be under the faculty of education so that the possibility of making adequate budgetary provision for programme alongside other vocational education programme will be ensured instate of locating it in the management. Faculty where management courses that are not vocation in nature are housed.

            Ensuring that efficiency and effectiveness in the administration and supervision of the programme business education is maintained it should be house in the faculty of education so that professional vocational educators will be involved in its curriculum management.


            Business education should be housed in the faculty of business management where other business courses are housed for effectiveness and efficiency. Sequel to this point, Isu(1987) concluded that effort should be made to house the  programme for preparation of business teachers in the faculty of business administration in order toe phases business subjects in the environment of business, not over looking the close cooperation that is important and imperative form faculty of education to provide the “how” to teach.

            It is better to house business education in the faculty of business management so that professionals from business management will pillory their affairs alongside other business subjects or course.

            Base don the deliberations above I am of the opinion that business education should be domicile in the faculty of education since it is career oriented, it will be better to housed together with other vocation educational courses so that professionals form both business education and vocational education who knows the needs values and problems of vocational education would preside over its affairs.


From the discursion so far, it have shown that business education contains of the general business education which is all about the basic business knowledge that should be made available for everybody and vocational business education designed to develop special competencies in marketable business skill and techniques. This is the aspect of business education that falls under vocational education and it should be given to the few student who needs It want it and are ready to benefit form it. Since vocational education prepares people in different specialized skill or vocation, business education should be housed alongside other vocational education.


I recommend that business education should be housed alongside other vocational education since it is also vocational in nature and not in the faculty of business management and that effort should be made to ensure that only professional vocational educators are involved in curriculum management of the various programmes.


Emenike O. (2003) Educational management theories Amoe enterprises Enugu.

Nwankwo J.I. (1980) Educational Administration and supervision. Heinman Educational books.


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