Sick and Alone Quotes – Motivation and Love

Sickness and loneliness are two unpleasant occurrences that often go hand in hand, making life almost unbearable for the victim. Sickness can lead to morose thoughts or even depression while at the same time, making one feel isolated from others.

Being sick and alone can put a lot of stress on your mental and physical state. It’s hard to feel like you’re not in control of your own life, and it can be difficult to know what to do about it. It’s easy to feel lonely when you’re sick. You probably don’t have time to see friends or even go out, so you just stay in bed.

When you’re sick and alone, the entire world seems to disappear. You feel as though no one knows or cares about you. When you are sick and alone, your dreams seem like they’re going to be impossible to reach, but you can reach them. Sometimes, you may not see yourself ever having a healthy relationship again. You feel lost, empty, and hopeless.

It’s okay to be sick and alone. It’s also okay to feel emotionally vulnerable at times like these; it’s part of the healing process. So, use these sick and alone quotes to express your mind.

I am sick and alone. I miss the happy life I once had with my lover. I miss the memories we shared, but it was all my fault that she left me and I regret it. I have seen enough and I may have to live with this hurt till I die.

1. I am sick and alone. I can’t help but miss the happy days I had with my girlfriend. I still remember how her smile would brighten up my day and how she made me feel like the most special guy in the world. I wish she knew how much pain she caused me when she left me for another man.

2. I am sick and alone. I miss the happy life I once had with my boyfriend. He was my best friend, my soulmate and my lover, but now he left me, and I feel like my world has fallen apart before my eyes.

3. I was happy with my girlfriend, but I messed everything up. Now she’s gone and I’m sick and alone. To forget the days we spent together, I turn to drugs. I just wish that I could turn back time and fix our relationship.

4. She was everything to me and I can’t stop thinking about her, but it was all my fault that she left me and I regret it so much. I am sick and alone, and I may have to live with this hurt till I die. At least in heaven, we can be together again.

5. I am sick and alone. Every memory of her is still fresh in my mind; from our first date to the last time I held her hand in mine. She broke my heart and she knows it. I had to let her go because of this hurt.

6. I am sick and alone. I don’t know how long this pain will last and sometimes, I feel it may never go. I am so tired of everything.

7. I am sick and alone. Sometimes I feel like nobody loves me, but that is not true. It is just my illness that makes me feel this way.

8. I am sick and alone. I’d rather be with my girlfriend, but she left me. I finally realize that it was all my fault because I could not control my emotions and I lost the greatest love of my life.

9. I am sick and alone. Living alone is not a life. I want to go back and live with my wife. The only thing that keeps me going on is the thought that one day, I will see her again and we will get back together.

10. I am sick and alone. I miss my boyfriend, but it was all my fault that he left me. I feel like I can’t go back to our happy life together, and I don’t know if it will ever get better.

11. I used to have a happy life with my wife, but we divorced. I miss her and I regret it every day. Now, I’m sick and alone. I have to handle life on my own.

12. I miss my girlfriend and I want her back, but it’s too late now. She is probably happily married to someone else and with a child. I am very sick and alone and I regret what I have done so badly.

13. It is the worst feeling to be sick and alone. I miss being in love. I miss the warmth of being held by someone special. Now, all I have are these pictures and memories of him.

14. I am sick and alone because I am living in the shadow of my past. I miss the happy life I once had with my family. Now, I have to struggle on my own because nobody cares anymore.

15. I am sick and alone. I miss my wife because the memories we shared were happy and joyous. We had so many plans for the future, but it all ended in a blink of an eye when she left this world.

16. I am sick and alone. I miss my past life and the things I did with my family to make it fun. Now, I have no family to call mine. I’m just there and useless.

17. I am sick and alone with my illness, but it is all my fault. I need to find a friend or a partner who will care for me and love me despite all my faults.

18. I am sick and alone. I have been living with this loneliness and regret for so long, but I must remember that it was all my fault. I miss her very much, but I will never forget the past.

19. I am sick and alone, but I know that the only reason why she left me was that I did not take care of her. Whenever I think of this, I feel so sad.

20. I am sick and alone. The pain of losing my girlfriend is so strong that I can’t think about anything else. I miss her so much and want her back in my life again.

21. I am sick and alone. This life has shown me its other side, and I’m tired of living. I don’t know what next to do or who else to turn to because nobody will help me understand why this is happening to me. My existence is a shame.

22. I am sick and alone. Life has been cruel to me and I find myself in a dark corner. There are no signs of light at the end of the tunnel.

23. I am sick and alone because it’s been tough lately. You may not see me, but I am here and I need help. Life has shown me its other side and I’m tired of living.

24. Life is a struggle. I don’t feel so good right now, and I am sick and alone. I don’t have a family to run to. My existence is just a shame.

25. I am sick and alone. Life is causing me so much trouble that I have decided to end my life. It has become unbearable to live without a purpose and no one will talk to me because they think I am crazy.

26. I am sick and alone, but nobody understands what I’m going through. Medicine is supposed to be able to fix me, but it’s not working. I feel lost, helpless and depressed.

27. I am sick and alone. There’s nobody to turn to or talk to. There’s no one to stand by my side and support me. I feel like all is lost and I can’t go on anymore.

28. I am sick and alone. Whenever I see a ray of hope, it disappears just as quickly as it appeared. I am tired of living. I don’t know what next to do or who else to turn to because nobody will hear me out.

29. I am sick and alone. Whenever I feel this way, I don’t know what to do. I’m tired of living and want to die. My existence is a disgrace and nobody cares about my life.

30. I am sick and alone. The world is violent and unfair, and I had been kicked when I was already down. There’s no way I can continue loving like this.

31. I have no more energy to keep fighting. I’m tired of being sick and alone, so I’m just giving up. Nobody understands me; not that they even try.

32. I am sick and lonely. I am going through a difficult time and no one understands me, not even myself. I need help from someone who can see me for myself and know what I have been going through. I just want to be loved.

33. I am sick and I’m alone. Life has shown me its other side. Whatever I do, nobody hears me out and understands what is going wrong on in my life. My existence is an embarrassment.

34. I am sick and alone. My family does not care about me anymore, because I have lost my dignity. My existence is a shame for them. They treat me badly, and I find no support from anyone. I’m tired of living.

35. I’m sick and alone and I want to die. Life has shown me a side of itself that I was not prepared for. It’s completely different from what I expected, but now that its reality is here, I can’t be the same anymore.

36. I am sick and alone. My existence is a regret. Do not pity me, because I have no use for it. My broken and shattered dreams will never be repaired.

37. I am sick and alone, but I want to feel better. I want to see a smile on my face and no matter how hard I try, there’s absolutely nothing I can do to make any of that happen. The world has been cruel to me and everything bad always happens to me. I’m so tired of it all and I just want it all to end!

38. I am sick and alone. I have no one to turn to. There’s nobody in this world who will listen to me. I am alone, and it’s killing me to know that I’ll never have another chance in this lifetime at a decent life.

39. I’m sick and alone because of the people around me, who wouldn’t let me be. They have destroyed me beyond repair. I have nobody to turn to and nowhere to go because my existence is a shame for them all.

40. I used to love life and be so full of joy. I was a happy person born into this world, but now I am just a shell of my former self. I am sick and alone. My life is going downhill and I can’t do anything about it. I’m tired of being miserable and don’t know what else to do.

41. I am sick and alone. Life has shown me that it’s not as great as I think it is, and sometimes, it’s better to leave it all behind and start from scratch again. I don’t know what else to do or who else to turn to anymore because nobody understands me.

42. I’m just sick and alone and do not know how to deal with life. I need someone to listen to my problems, but nobody will hear me. I am tired of living because life has shown me its other side.

43. I have been sick and alone for so long now. It feels like no one is ever here for me. Today, he is here, but tomorrow, he’s gone again. I may have to give up on the dreams I had because they just keep getting crushed over and over again.

44. I don’t know how long I can wait before I give up. It’s simpler to be sick and alone than to chance the pain of another broken relationship. I am just ashamed of my life.

45. I am sick and alone. The days of the week rush by me. One day, I’m smiling and laughing with someone new. The next, it’s all gone and I am left alone again. I am tired!

46. I am sick and alone. I have been alone for the past few days and the only thing that keeps me going is the thought of you. No matter what happens, I do want to be with you.

47. I am sick and alone. In my efforts to be happy, I have failed. Relationships are meant to bring joy, but never has it happened to me.

48. I have dreams, but my relationships never work out. So now, I am sick and alone. I have seen enough and I may have to give up on my dreams.

49. I am sick and alone because depression has taken over my life. I have seen enough in this world to know that relationships don’t work. Maybe it’s time to give up on my dreams and search for something else.

50. I am sick and alone because I have been in a lot of relationships and none of them has provided me with what I need. Some people just don’t understand how to give love because they never learned how to receive it. It is hard to let go, but I may have to if they won’t change.

51. I am sick and alone because all my relationships have always failed. It seems like I will never find someone who cares about me enough to stick around for a long time.

52. I had never been loved in my entire life. I didn’t know what love was but realized it when he came into my life. I felt like life was finally worth living, but just when things were going well, he left me again. Now, I’m sick and alone.

53. I have been sick and alone for so long. Enough of playing games with people because I have given up on trying to have a successful relationship.

54. I am sick and alone because I no longer trust anybody. The people that I have loved have broken my heart so many times and I have given up on true love.

55. I am sick and alone, and I feel that the world is against me. I have lost all hopes of having a healthy relationship because every time someone comes into my life, they leave me after a short period.

56. I am sick and alone. I want to find someone who will be there for me and love me as I am, but I don’t know if anyone like that exists.

57. I am sick and alone because none of my relationships has ever worked, and that has almost ruined my life. I may have to give up on my dreams.

58. I feel sick and alone because I have never had a blissful friendship. I am tired of seeing people come and go. I wish I could give up on my dreams and just get what I want.

59. I am sick and alone. I yell at the wind, I shout at the sky, but nothing happens, and nothing will ever change. My friendships are just not real and my relationships never last.

60. I am sick and alone. I hate that my relationships never work. They are always superficial and they never last longer than a few months. I am fed up!

61. I am sick and alone. I am a nice person, but it saddens my heart that I have always been surrounded by people who hurt me and who only come to me when they need something.

62. Right now, I am sick and alone. I have been looked down upon by loved ones, and nobody wants to associate with me. My life is worthless and I don’t feel like moving forward. It is hard for me to get up in the morning and fight for another day because all I can think about is how useless my life has become.

63. My life is meaningless. I am sick and lonely. People have looked down on me and told me to stay out of their lives. I have no friends and my family doesn’t care about me. My whole body hurts and I can’t move forward with my life.

64. I am sick and alone. My friends and loved ones are very busy and have a lot on their plate. I feel like nobody cares and there is nothing to look forward to in my future. I have little hope for recovery.

65. I am sick and alone. I feel like I’m living my life in a dark lack of hope. I have been beaten down and looked down upon by loved ones and nobody wants to associate with me. My life is in shambles and I don’t feel like pushing myself forward anymore.

66. I am sick and alone. I feel like I don’t have people to talk to or help me out of this situation. I just want someone who can relate to me, and who cares about me and my family.

67. I am sick and alone. I have been looked down upon by loved ones, who don’t understand what I am going through, and they certainly don’t care. My life is useless and I don’t feel like moving forward anymore.

68. I feel sick and alone. My friends aren’t answering my calls, I know they think of me as one who is not important and nobody wants to be associated with me. I feel like life doesn’t have meaning anymore, and there’s nothing worth moving forward for.

69. I am sick and alone. Nobody likes to be around me. I would rather sit in my room and cry than go out into the world. I do not feel like living any longer because my life has no meaning.

70. I am sick and alone. I feel like nobody loves me, or cares about what happens to me. I am in deep depression and don’t know how to move on from the past.

71. My heart is heavy and full of tears. I am sick and alone. My loved ones look down upon me and abandon me. Nobody wants to know me or relate with me. My life is disgraceful, and it feels like the end of the world.

72. I am sick and alone, but I’m not willing to accept it! A hand on my shoulder can make all the difference in the world, but there’s nothing like that anywhere.

73. I have been sick and alone for a long time. I feel like no one cares about me. Sometimes, I do not even want to get better because my life isn’t worth it.

74. I am sick and alone. Moving forward and moping around in silence is not helping me become a better person nor is it making me feel better.

75. I’m sick and alone. I feel like I’ve been abandoned by everyone, including loved ones. I just want to die right now. My life is meaningless and I don’t want to move forward with it.

76. I’ve been sick and alone, but nobody cares. Nobody wants me and nobody loves me. I’m so tired of living life like this.

77. I am sick and alone. My body doesn’t feel like it’s mine, and I don’t want to move forward. The pain is excruciating, but I have no one to turn to.

78. I am sick and alone. I spend my days in depression, feeling like the world is against me. I used to think life was worth living, but now I’ve given up. My family has abandoned me and all of my friends have left me too.

79. I am sick and alone. I want to die, but I can’t seem to bring myself to do it. I feel like everything has come to a crashing halt and nobody cares about me or my well-being.

80. I am sick and alone, stranded in a place that is cold and unforgiving. My condition moves through my legs, making them heavy and tired. I feel as though everyone around me looks down on me, so I hide from the world.

81. I have been sick and alone for the past few days. I have nobody to talk to and it feels like nobody cares about me. It is harder than usual to get through my day, due to being sick and alone.

82. I am sick and alone. I am yet to find someone who can make me smile again or someone who can help ease this feeling of loneliness.

83. I am sick and alone. I miss the comfortable life I once had with my family. It seems like it is just me stuck here in this dark room with nothing but the memories of the life that we shared.

84. I am sick and alone. I miss my wife so much and I wish she lived longer so we could talk more often. The memories of our time together still bring a tear to my eye.

85. I am sick and alone. Sometimes, I wish my wife was sitting next to me so I could hold her hand and tell her that everything was going to be okay, but then reality comes crashing down when I realize that is not possible anymore because our lives are now separate.

86. I am sick and alone. Nobody would have thought that a simple fight would end our relationship. I’m just sad that I couldn’t find a way to make it up to my man and I failed.

87. I am sick and alone. I enjoyed my past relationship, but it hurts so much because I thought he would be different, but he wasn’t. Now, I’m back to being single.

88. I am sick and alone, and nobody wants to see me around them. I may just have to give up on my dreams of having a family someday.

89. I am sick and alone. I have seen enough of this world and maybe it’s time for me to take care of myself for once.

90. I am sick and alone. Though it’s killing, I do not want to force myself on anybody. I’m certain that I will meet my soulmate very soon.

91. I am sick and alone. I fear abandonment and want to be loved, but the people around me are constantly letting him down.

92. I am sick and alone. I feel like a burden to everyone around me, and I wish I could just disappear into thin air.

93. I’ve been sick and alone since I lost my wife. I haven’t found anyone to replace her because nobody wants to relate with me and I’ve learnt to live on my own.

94. I am sick and alone. Nobody wants to talk to me because I have failed woefully. I think it’s time to save myself and be independent.

95. I thought life was sweet until I had my share of its bad side. I am sick and alone. I just have to give up on my dreams.

96. I am sick and alone. My family and friends have deserted me and there’s nobody to talk to or express my feelings to.

97. All my life, I had thought he would stay with me for a long time. I thought our relationship was precious and matchless, but then, he broke my heart. Now, I’m sick and alone.

98. I am sick and alone. I’m tired of living a gloomy life and nobody wants to live with me. Even my family and friends hate me so much and I can’t bear it anymore.

99. I am sick and alone. I suffer from depression every day of my life and I have lost hope in my goals. I just feel like dying.

100. My relationship with him was a great one. I thought of a bright future with him and our kids, but we broke up when I least expected it. Now, I’m sick and alone.

Being sick can feel like torture, but loneliness can hurt even more. When someone who once meant so much to you just leaves overnight, it is important to find ways to cope with the loss. You deserve to be happy. You should no longer live your life feeling guilty for the past, but instead, embrace what life has given you and make the most of it. Feel free to make use of any of the sick and alone quotes. Thanks.

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