Sick of Drama Quotes – Motivation and Love

Being sick of drama is being tired of the things that are not important. It is to be tired of the things that do not matter, that does not make you a better person and that don’t enrich your life. It is to be tired of all the unnecessary stuff that does nothing but keep you from living a happy life.

If you’re sick of drama, there’s a good chance that you’ve been hurt by someone else’s drama or maybe even caused some yourself; either way, it’s time to take control of your life and make some changes to avoid more hurt in the future.

When you’re sick of drama, you are tired of the games that people play. You are tired of the selfishness and self-centeredness that seems to be so common these days. 

Do you ever get sick of drama? Don’t you just wish people could just relax and be themselves without having to be dramatic? If your answer is yes then this collection of sick of drama quotes is what you need to express yourself.

I’m sick of drama. I’m sick of the people that bring drama into my life. I have nothing but love in my heart for those who have brought me joy, and I hope they find their way out of the darkness. But there are those who have chosen to stay in it, and I pray for them every day.

1. I am sick of drama and do not like it. I wish people would stop bringing all the drama into my life.

2. I am sick of drama. I am tired of wasting time, energy, and happiness on people who do not deserve it. I will no longer care what they think or say about me.

3. I am sick of drama and want nothing to do with it anymore. I’m tired of the lies, the stupidity and the hurt from others. I’ve taken enough, now it’s time for me to move on.

4. I am sick of drama. I don’t want to deal with it, I don’t have time for it, and I don’t need it. It’s not necessary.

5. I am sick of drama. It’s like, I can’t have a serious conversation with you if you are going to be like, You know what? You can say what you want but there is someone else that was saying this and so on.

6. I am tired of drama and the people who bring it into all aspects of my life. I am sick, tired, and bored with everyone’s problems. It is not my job to fix them.

7. I’m tired of drama. I am done with the negative vibes, backstabbing and politics that people play. Do you want a solution to your problem? Then do whatever it takes to fix the issue or issue away.

8. I am sick of drama and negativity. I want to rise above the nonsense in my life and be positive. If everyone did that, the world would be a better place

9. I am sick of drama. To all the people who expect me to be more understanding and forgiving, learn how to keep your drama at home.

10. Well, I am sick of it and so are you. We don’t want to hear any more drama. We want to be happy every day and if someone is jealous, let them be jealous.

11. I am sick of drama. Just be yourself and get along

12. I am sick of drama and over-emotional people. I just need to get these words out, before I burst!

13. I’m sick of drama and drama doesn’t belong in my life, if you are drama free and don’t bring it to me, then we can chat.

14. I am sick of drama. I have had enough of the lies, hate and backstabbing that surrounds me in everyday life. This book is my way of saying goodbye to this drama.

15. I am sick of drama, just tell me the truth and I will deal with it.

16. I am sick of drama. If you’re going to live with me, get rid of all the stuff that upsets you. No more whining about things that are out of your control. You don’t like something? Deal with it or get out.

17. I am sick of drama. I am sick of trying to figure you out. I am sick of being told that I am jealous, or paranoid. This is my life, we’re not in high school anymore, and I am sick of the games that are played when we get too close to each other.

18. I am sick of drama. Drama makes you look like a liar and a gossip. It takes the focus away from what really matters: your life.

19. I am sick of drama. I am sick of words that tear me down. I am sick of people who judge me based on appearances alone. I am sick of the games we play with others and most importantly, myself. I have decided to stop giving my power away and start believing in myself again.

20. I am sick of drama. I am tired of dealing with people who want to argue about every single thing. The main reason why I don’t want to talk to you is that you can’t even be happy for me when something good happens.

21. I am sick of drama. I am sick of negative people who spread negativity and ignorance.

22. I am sick of drama, I only want to be with the one who is truly loyal and sweet.

23. I am sick of drama, I want to live the rest of my life without having any heartaches or issues. I don’t want to get involved in drama at all, because I know it hurts more than anything.

24. I am sick of drama. I’m done with people who text and call me all the time, complain about their boyfriends and girlfriends, cry over boys and makeup, and go to parties they don’t even like. I am so very tired of being around all the drama.

25. I like peace and quiet, the feeling of being carefree to enjoy and live my life, and no drama at all.

26. I am sick of drama in my life. I want to surround myself with people who make me feel good about myself, not people who tear me down and make me feel bad.

27. I am sick of drama. I am an adult and there is no reason to continue these kinds of things in my life. It’s not just about me, but also what it does to my kids and them seeing me be disrespectful and spiteful towards others.

28. I am sick of drama! Drama causes a lot of stress and nothing gets done. Take a moment to calm yourself down and change your inner dialogue. Do not let anyone or anything get you all worked up. You are better than that!

29. I am sick of drama – I don’t need to see a drama or hear about it, I am not interested in drama.

30. I am sick of drama. I am tired of being a victim. I am tired of not winning because someone else didn’t get what they wanted. I need to reclaim my happiness.

31. I am sick of drama. I am sick of people messing with my feelings, being in my head and hurting me. I don’t need your drama anymore.

32. I am sick of drama. I am tired of being caught up in other people’s messes. The thought of drama makes me sick… I would rather be without any friends, than deal with the drama that comes along with having so many people in your life.

33. I am sick of drama. I just want to be happy and let others be happy too.

34. I’m sick of drama. There is always drama. It never ends. Things were getting better, then the inevitable happened—more drama.

35. I don’t want to deal with any drama at the moment. I am tired of it and would like to be 100% drama free.

36. I am sick of drama. I am going to fight back. Starting right now.

37. I am sick of drama, I have enough problems on my hands, and do not need or want drama

38. I am sick of drama. It can be overwhelming. I am sick of being dramatic. The dramatics have finally gotten too much to handle. Enough! I have had it!

39. I am sick of drama, so I’m cutting all ties with everyone who causes drama.

40. I am sick of drama, don’t you? Simply mix a little good-natured humour with a few interesting tidbits about negative experiences to end the drama.

41. I am sick of drama. I am done with it, done. Don’t call me, don’t write to me, don’t try to win me back. We are done.

42. I am sick of drama. Drama is a waste of time – it’s a drain on your energy and it wastes space in your head that could be used for something more constructive, like your goals or hobbies.

43. I am sick of the drama, those unnecessary fights and the unpleasantness that seems to consume my life. I have made the decision to leave it all behind because this time I mean it, this time I’ll make it work

44. I am tired of the drama in my life and can’t take it anymore. I want to live a drama-free life free of trouble, something that keeps me away from unwanted trouble.

45. I am sick of drama. I am not sure what to do about it and I don’t want it in my life anymore.

46. I am sick of drama! The stress, the lies and the deceit. I want to be positive and happy.

47. I am sick of drama. In fact, I’m over it. I have no time for your overblown ideas and dramatics.

48. I am sick of drama. Complications and immature people trying to use people for what they can get from them. I know that’s probably not all of society, but it is a high percentage.

49. Drama is a choice, not a condition and I am sick of it. I want that gone from my life.

50. I am sick of drama. I am a happier person when I’m not talking about other people. The less drama in my life, the better.

51. I am sick of drama, and I need people in my life who don’t create or thrive off of them.

52. I am sick of drama, I am sick of being lied to and having my trust broken over and over again.

53. I am sick of drama. I’m going to take a break from you and remind myself that there are tons of great people and things in my life who matter more than the drama in it

54. I am sick of drama. I am tired of all the crap from people and society in general. I wish I did not have to deal with it at all, but that’s rarely how things go.

55. I am sick of drama and ready to find peace, success, and happiness.

56. I am sick of drama. I am sick of arguing, bickering and fighting. I am sick of the negative energy associated with so many of us. I do not want to be around it anymore.

57. I am sick of drama, the lies and the games. I want a man that won’t play with my feelings or treat me like an object. I just want someone who will love me for who I am, not how I look or how much money I have, but just me.

58. I am sick of drama. I don’t want to deal with it anymore. I just wish people would grow up and hold their own weight.

59. I am sick of drama, infatuations and the like. I don’t care if you love me or not if you want to be with me or not. I just want to live my life in peace. Drama and chaos are a constant in my life, but I don’t want to live that way anymore. Tomorrow might not come; today is what counts!

60. I am sick of drama. I don’t want to be a part of the drama anymore. I’m done with all the gossip, backstabbing and negativity. At this point in my life, I am ready to surround myself with positive people who have the same goals, drive and determination as me

61. I am your average woman. I like to cook, I enjoy reading, and I love to travel. But most of all, I am tired of the drama in my life.

62. I am sick of drama. I am sick and tired of being stressed out, I am sick of hating myself and thinking that everything is my fault. Don’t let them control you or your life.

63. I am sick of drama. Drama is not in my life anymore. I have tried to explain, talk, or even fight but all it ends up being is a bunch of angry people. I am sick of the anger and frustration.

64. I am sick of drama. I am not interested in arguing over nonsense and who is right or wrong. So let’s stop wasting each other’s time.

65. I am sick of drama. I refuse to be a part of it any longer. No more bitching and complaining, no more deception, infidelity and lies! Life is too short for the unnecessary drama that has been going on in my life. I am ready for peace and tranquillity in my life.

66. I am sick of drama in this world. I am keeping drama out of my life as much as possible and avoiding it when I do encounter it.

67. I am sick of drama. It’s time for you to grow up and be an adult. If you can’t handle the responsibilities that come with being a guardian, then you will no longer be a guardian.

68. I am sick of drama and negative people. I was taught that it is not what happens to you, but how you react to certain things that matter.

69. I am sick of drama. I have never been a fan, so for me, this is new. Clearly, it’s not for me.

70. I am sick of drama, do not be a drama queen or king. Life is too short to be dramatic. Life can be difficult and complicated, but so can you. Stop creating unnecessary drama in your life and the lives of others.

71. I am sick of drama. Let’s focus on each other, not everyone else.

72. I am sick of drama. You’re not giving me special treatment. You’re doing things that are putting yourself in a position where drama is caused by people around you.

73. I am sick of drama in life. No longer will the drama consume me and prevent me from enjoying life.

74. I am sick of drama. I am tired of carrying around unnecessary heartache, stress and anxiety. Life is too short to be wasted worrying about drama!

75. If you are sick of drama, you don’t have to be sick of people.

76. I am sick of drama. I am tired of people who always try to make everything about them and their petty problems, instead of being a part of the bigger picture.

77. I am sick of drama. It is exhausting, it takes over everything and I just don’t need it. I’m going to let go of any expectations because if the other person isn’t going to change, I’ll stay away from drama – one day this person will figure out how much better their life is without that toxic energy in it.

78. I am sick of drama, I don’t want to be a part of your drama. This is my life and I am going to live it the way I see fit.

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