Sick of Fake People Quotes

We are all different; we have different personalities and interests, but we live in the same world. So there is a chance that we will have to interact with people who are not like us. Sometimes, this can be a good thing. For example, we can learn about other cultures and their backgrounds. But sometimes, it’s bad – especially when it comes to fake people.

Fake people are everywhere. You’re bound to meet them sooner or later in your life. They will always be there and it’s not worth wasting your time on them. When you are sick of fake people, you know it’s time to take action. You can’t control other people’s behaviour but you can control yours. There is only one person you can change and that’s yourself. Being tired of fake people is a sign that you are ready to be true to yourself.

When you are sick of fake people, realize that you have the choice to choose who you want to surround yourself with. You have the choice to be different from the person who pretended to like you just because they wanted something from you. You have the choice to surround yourself with real friends who love and accept you for who you are. The more time you spend around fake people, the more likely it is that they will rub off on you and make it harder for others to see your true self.

Below is a collection of sick of fake people quotes that you can use to express yourself if you find yourself in this situation.

I am sick of fake people. I am sick of some people thinking they are better than others because of the clothes they wear, where they live, and who their parents are. It boggles my mind when a person will throw away a friendship just because someone doesn’t conform to what they want someone to be.

1. I am sick of fake people. People pretend to be your friend when they are not. I am tired of those who want to use me and then throw me away when I no longer fit into their plans.

2. I get tired of the fake people in this world and the hardcore lies, I just want to relax with someone who is real and knows how to treat a woman. I’m sick of living for other people’s happiness and not my own. It’s like people are living in a bubble where they only think about everyone else but not themselves.

3. When you are sick of fake people, and the lies that they tell, try to remember how blessed you are. Your family loves you for who you are, not for the image that others think you should be. Do not let those around you change who you are or make you afraid to show your true self.

4. When you are sick of fake people, think about how great you are. Dig deep down inside yourself and find the gifts that God has given you. Don’t let anyone dampen your light and pull you away from who you truly are. Don’t waste another moment trying to fit into the mould that has been set by others.

5. Whether you’re sick of fake people in your life, or have had enough of being the fake one yourself, this book will give you the confidence to be true to who you are. It’s time for real.

6. I am sick of fake people. People who pretend to be nice. I am sick of people not being honest with me, or being able to say what they mean. I want someone who doesn’t play games, whose life isn’t a game.

7. I am sick of fake people. I’m tired of being lied to, myself included. I want to be with those who are real, who tell me the truth and show me the path even if it is difficult to walk down.

8. I am sick of fake people. I have nothing to hide and no reason to act like someone else. I am me and I’m not going to change just because some people don’t like it.

9. I am sick of fake people who pretend to have your back but secretly hate you. I am especially tired of people who are fake on the inside but try to act as if they care about the outside. You’re not fooling anyone and soon people will be tired of your games, too.

10. I want you to know that I am sick of fake people. I am sick of people who pretend to be your friend just because they want something from you.

11. We are all sick of fake people. They pretend to care and make empty promises but in reality, they are selfish. They will say anything to get what they want even if it means hurting others. I am sick of people like that!

12. I am so sick of fake people and their lies. Can we just be honest with each other and stop pretending like we compete to be the best?

13. I am sick of fake people, who smile and pretend to be happy when deep inside they are sad. I’m tired of living life like this. I want to be with someone real, someone who is honest and has good intentions.

14. I am sick of fake people. I am sick of pretending to be a good person when in fact I’m not. I can’t stand it anymore, so from now on, everything you see is going to be 100% true. No more of these fake people making me look like a fool.

15. I am sick of fake people. People who pretend they are happy when they aren’t, putting on a mask and acting like everything is okay when it isn’t.

16. I am sick of being lied to, I’m tired of fake people who pretend as if they care. I am the real deal, and if anyone is not interested in me for who I am, then you better stay away!

17. I am sick of fake people. I am tired of putting on a show and being someone I’m not. The second I get home from work, I just want to feel myself.

18. I am sick of fake people, trolls and scammers. I want to see a real person that does not give a crap about what others think or says about them.

19. I am sick of fake people. Sick of the compromises we make as a society because it’s easier to do nothing than it is to take a stand for something meaningful.

20. I am sick of fake people. They claim to be your friend, but they never are. They pretend as if they care, but deep down it’s just about them. I can’t do this anymore. I won’t stand for it. I’m done with the drama and games. Even if things get rough, at least my friends will be honest.

21. I am sick of fake people. There are way too many fakers out there. These people pretend to be your friends just so they can get something from you. They suck up to you and butter you up, while all along they’re just trying to use you. The worst thing is that they say things that don’t make any sense whatsoever.

22. I am sick of fake people. I don’t want to be with someone who is not a genuine person, who doesn’t have feelings, who isn’t honest and caring with me. I don’t want to date you anymore because your actions are making me feel like this.

23. I am sick of fake people who pretend to be your friend. And if you are lucky enough, you will find a real friend or even a few in your lifetime. I want to find real friends and don’t want the ones that disappear once I get older.

24. I am sick of fake people who pretend to be someone they are not. When you don’t like me for who I am, then I don’t know what else to say.

25. I am sick of fake people. I want to be around people that are real, people that don’t pretend like everything is ok when we both know it’s not. I hope you’re one of them.

26. I am sick of being lied to. I am sick of fake people who pretend to care about me and yet never do anything for me. I want to spend my time with someone who will never disappoint me, someone who will always be there for me no matter what.

27. I am sick of fake people. The ones who act like they care, but only do it because they want something in return.

28. Some people pretend to be your friend but they’re nothing like that. They pretend to care about you, but then they use you for their gain. I am sick of these fake people, who have shitty personalities and think that they are better than everyone else.

29. I am sick of fake people. Fake people wear a smile when they just want to scream. Fake people who act like everything’s fine but inside they’re falling apart. Fake people pretend to be happy all the time until finally one day they give up and go out of their minds. I’m not going to be a fake person anymore because I’m done pretending I’m okay when really, I’m dying inside.

30. I am sick of fake people. I am tired of having to be nice to people who are just pretending to like me. Too many times have I been told “I miss you” only to be ignored the next time I see that person.

31. I am sick of fake people who just want to be liked. They are not sincere with their opinions and words. They say things that aren’t provable but think it makes them sound like they know what they are talking about.

32. I am sick of fake people. I mean, these days, everyone is fake. At least, that’s what I see. I just see everyone being fake because they’re overcompensating for something they feel insecure about. But sometimes you have to be yourself without worrying about what other people think of you.

33. People who pretend to care and make it seem like they do when they don’t. I am sick of the hypocrisy. I am sick of fake people.

34. I am sick of fake people. I am sick of being unappreciated. I am sick of people who don’t know how to love and care. I am sick of drama and negativity. I’m just done.

35. I am sick of fake people who pretend to be happy for you when something wonderful happens in your life and then turn around and act like they never knew you when you’re down in the dumps.

36. I am sick of fake people. People who pretend to be happy, nice and kind, but are not and are just using their words for evil purposes. I am sick of fake friends. Fake family members. Fake colleagues. Fake parents, use their children as a weapon to hurt others.

37. I am sick of fake people. I am tired of being surrounded by people who only act nice around you to get what they want, or just because it’s expected of them. I am tired of having to read between the lines so often in life when it comes to people, and having to guess what is true about them.

38. I don’t like fake people. If you are a fake person, let me know as soon as possible so we can move on as friends or leave each other alone forever.

39. I am tired of people who never say what they mean, who say whatever they think will impress someone else and get them a pat on the back.

40. I am sick of fake people. I want to like everyone because I believe the world is a better place when we like each other, but some people just don’t get it. They pretend to be nice and funny, just so they can get something out of you. It hurts my feelings when they do that.

41. I am sick of fake people. I am tired of fakeness and pretentiousness, phoniness, narcissism and self-importance…Your desire to be perceived as someone better than you are is not endearing, it’s pathetic.

42. So I am sick of fake people who smile at your face but stab you in the back when no one is watching. There is a time and place for everything, so learn how to be yourself, because I know it’s not easy to be fake.

43. I’ve had enough of fake people. People who pretend to be somebody they are not. People who try to impress others with false stories. People who don’t tell the truth – even if it is because they don’t want to disappoint us, or hurt our feelings.

44. I am sick of people trying to be someone they are not. I have had enough. So many people come into this world, and then try to live their lives by making it seem better for themselves than it is; meanwhile, they are blinding themselves from reality and not being true to themselves.

45. I am sick of fake people and the lies they tell. I am tired of watching the same old reruns and only hearing what you want me to hear. I’m ready for my day off.

46. I am sick of fake people. I am sick of going to work and not being able to focus on what I need to be paying attention to. I am tired of smiling at people who don’t care about anything but themselves.

47. I am sick of fake people who pretend to care about me but only care about what they can get out of me. I am sick of being told that I have a good chance because of my personality. I don’t care if it’s a job or a relationship, it’s not my personality that will make me successful, it’s my skills.

48. My life is made up of a lot of amazing, genuine people, and I am glad that I can call them my friends. But some people just don’t get it and never will. They are fake, rude and just plain mean…and it makes me sick.

49. I am sick of fake people. I’m tired of people lying so they can be liked and feel superior. I don’t care if you’re an agnostic, an atheist, or a Christian, just be true to yourself. Be honest with your words, actions and thoughts.

50. I am sick of fake people. I am sick of fake friends who will never be there for you until you need something from them, and then they come out of nowhere and want to be your friend again. That’s not how friendship works!

51. I am sick of fake people. I am tired of having to deal with them every day. I would like to be able to build up my friends’ list so that I can cross out the names that are fake and move on with life.

52. Everyone knows that there are too many fake people in this world today. See, I can tell you’re one of them. You walk around and pretend to be something you’re not just to impress other people. Well, guess what? No one cares and I am sick of it!

53. I am sick of fake people. They seem to come in every shape and size. There are celebrities and politicians, who are fake because they consistently lie or mislead the public. Some friends and acquaintances pretend to like you when they don’t.

54. I am sick of fake people. Fake friends, fake appearances and all the fake personalities. I am tired of pretending everything is fine when it isn’t. The last thing I want to hear from you is: “I’m so sorry that happened!”

55. I am sick of fake people wanting attention from their friends or family just for their entertainment. They are just attention-seekers who need to be ignored and left alone.

56. I am sick of fake people. People who pretend to care and have no intentions. Who try to become closer to you than they are, just because they want to get something from you. I’m not going to sugarcoat anything. I know the world has plenty of fake people and they always pretend like they have your back even when they have none at all.

57. When you are sick of fake people, it means you have grown up and matured enough to see through the bullshit. You understand that every person has their problems and issues, and no one is perfect.

58. You want genuine relationships that are built on trust, honesty, and respect for each other’s feelings and opinions. When you are sick of fake people, you are ready to be with positive people.

59. When you are sick of fake people, you should know that there is no room for you in their lives. You are not just tired, but too tired and exhausted. You have tried everything and nothing is working. You need to take a break and start over again.

Thank you for checking out the collection of sick of fake people quotes up there. I hope you were able to learn from it. Please don’t forget to leave a comment and share the post with others.

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