The society is never stationary. It is progressive and dynamic. The child lives in  society. It is the social environment  where  the personality of the child can be developed. The old traditions, customs are  preserved   and transmitted  with the situations, which are ever changing. We should not think or  believe in the blind beliefs, which are hindrances  toward our development. Education help to  walk with the development of science and technology.

Reconstruction of  experiences:

Education is  life –long  process. Life is education and education is life. Life is full  of experiences. One cannot live with his past experience which  are unable to adjust in the society. So education helps the individuals to reconstruct the experience and adjust with the environment  

Development  of social and  moral value:

Society is always in tension with narrowism. There is  no  social or moral  value. Now the ma is behaving like an animal. Animality can be  changed with moral education. Education  teaches the moral value and social value like  cooperation, tolerance, sympathy,  fellow feelings, love  affections., respect towards elder, helping the poor and needy persons providing opportunity or equality.

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