Socio-cultural Factors Influencing the Observance of Children’s Right in Nigeria

 – Socio-cultural Factors Influencing the Observance of Children’s Right in Nigeria – 

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The study was an attempt to explain the role of socio- cultural factors on the observance of Children’s Rights Laws in Akwa Ibom State. It focuses on the awareness of the Childs Right Law, details of the law, awareness of penalties for going against the law, factors influencing by treatment of children by care givers and assessment of the law as it affects an Akwa Ibom Child.

The statement of the problem indicate that children suffer through child neglect, child labor, poor and unbalanced diet, all increasing the vulnerability of child abuse and posing serious challenges to child development. The sample size for the study was 384; this was derived using the Bill’s (2004) sample size determination formula.

The instrument for data collection were questionnaire and interview methods, descriptive statistics such as percentage and Pearson moment product correlation matrix were adapted to analyze major issues that address the problem of study.

The findings showed that majority of Akwa Ibom people are not aware of the Child’s Rights Law, those who were aware got the information mainly through television and radio. Majority of people also are not aware of the penalties that follow from non- observance of the Child’s Rights Law.

Therefore, the study recommends that proper sensitization and mobilization of parents and care givers is intensified through the television and radio, churches and village associations to make more people aware of the existence of the Child’s Rights Law in Akwa Ibom State.


Title Page

Dedication   –         –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         i

Certification –         –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         ii

Acknowledgement –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         iii

Table of Contents  –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         iv

List of Tables        –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         v

Abstract       –         –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         vi


1.1     Background of the Study –          –         –         –         –         –          –         1

1.2     Statement of the Problem –          –         –         –         –         –          –         3

1.3     Purpose of the Study       –          –         –         –         –         –          –         4

1.4     Significant of the Study   –          –         –         –         –         –          –         4


2.1     The Concept of a Child   –          –         –         –         –         –          –         7

2.2     Theoretical Framework   –          –         –         –         –         –          –         8


Research Methods (Methodology)      –         –         –          –         –         –         15

Research Design    –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         15

The Study Area     –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         16

Population of the Study   –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         17

Sampling Size       –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         17

Sampling Method  –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         18

Sources of Data     –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         19

Instrument for Data Collection  –          –         –         –         –         –          –         20

Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument        –         –          –         –         21

Method of Data Analysis –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         21


4.1     Respondents Socio Economic Characteristics-         –          –         –         22

Discussion of Research Findings      –         –         –         –          –         26


Limitation of the Study   –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         31

Conclusion  –         –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         32

Recommendation  –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         33

REFERENCES    –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         34

APPENDIX 1       –         –         –          –         –         –         –         –          –         35


Although elaborate studies have been conducted on issues that bothered on Children’s Rights, the issue of socio- cultural factors and their influences on the observation of Child’s Right in Akwa Ibom State have  not been widely undertaken. According to Devan (1999), Federal Government of Nigeria (F.G.N, 2000) and Humert (2009).

Children’s Right are the human rights of children with particular attention to protection, identity, provision of basic needs such as food, education., security, health care etc, which prevents the child from abuse and guarantees his future participation in the socio- economic affairs of his community.

At the national level, Nigeria has performed poorly in terms of basic social indicators, than other parts of the world, on the issue of child’s rights. For instance, there have been declines in immunization coverage in certain parts of the remote communities, resulting in persistence high infant and fewer than five mortally rates.

At the state level, children particularly those residing in rural communities are vulnerable to many abuses. In Akwa Ibom there are incidences of child labor and abuse as well as non-observance of children’s right by their parents and guardians. This situation necessitated the passage of the Child’s Rights Law by the State House of Assembly on 14th August, 2008.

Umar (2002) and Nwabueze (1992) confirm that throughout the country children are abused through child trafficking and child labor, as many of them are persecuted and labeled as witches. In Akwa Ibom State in particular, the incidence of child abuse and labeling of children a witch have become alarming calling for government intervention through legislation b the State House of Assembly.


Agiobu- Kenner, E. V. (2004) Better Protection for Children in Nigeria Women and Children under Nigerian Law, Lagos Federal Ministry for Justice.

Akwa Ibom State Child’s Law (2008)

Anichebe, J. B. (2013). Meeting the Sexual Reproduction Needs of Young People in Nigeria. A Guide for Action Lagos: Fire Print Ltd.

Bartles, E. D. (1975). Progress of the World’s Women and Children. New York: UNIFEM, p. 79.

Callway, A.C. (1975). Dropout from Nigerian Schools, 1961- 71, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research, Ibadan.

Devan,B. (1999). Local Government Primary Health Care System in Nigeria, World Health Organization/NPHCDA, Abuja.

Holt, E. B. (1975). Child Abuse and Neglect: A Collective Action for Change, Kaduna: Monitoring Centre, p. 88

Humphrey, N. (2001). Street Trading and Illegal Markets Prohibition Law. Law of Lagos State Nigeria, Lagos. High Court of Lagos Press, p. 99

Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) (2000). Comprehensive Education Analysis Project (Secondary Data Report) FME, Abuja.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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