a.      We have no control over resources, but we are trying to buy assets that we can own and control: eventually we shall attain the power that we desire to have. This program was discussion held on trying to tell male that the females are not own of any asset or overall controller of the resources but a helping hand to the celtimete controller which is the mean.

b.      Inovative women’s empowerment in Agriculture male training. Between 16-20th of July 2012, man called Greg. Seymorr visited international livestock Research institute (ILRI) Marrobi campus for training on the issue of poverty gender and innovation (P.G.I) and

development partner technical teams involved with the ford foundation funded intra-house hold study entitled evaluating the impacts of livestock and agriculture micro-credit and vale chain program on women’s empowerment” on the women empowerment in Agriculture.

c.      Food and Agriculture organization (FAO) and international lives tock Research institute (ILRI) joined with the food and Agriculture helps in 2011 to organic a program titled training helps Africa livestock specialize Address gender issues in their daily work. This program aimed on integrating gender in livestock projects and programme for food partners. It was during this programme that a Lady called petra, and Nigerian and a lecturer in the federal university of Agriculture, Abakaliki Nigeria got work with various project within the team namely: integrating diary goat and Root crop poroduction for increasing food, nutrition and income security for smaller holder famine Lenya, Tanzania, India and Uganda in collaboration with (IFRI).

d.      Gender to be incoperated into climate resilient crop-livestock system: This program to ensure that women are involved in the issue of climatic variation in relation with crops and livestock production in various country.


E. Launch of the 2012-2013 Africa- wide women and young professionals in science competitions. The AGRA in collaboration with other organization had announce the launch of its 2012-2013 Africa wide women and young professionals in science competitions with growth rate of 24 million per annume, Africa’s population is expected to double by 2050. the container needs t increase Agricultural productivity in in stain-able manner as well as find endogenous solutions to respond to the challenges.

F. GLOBAL conference on women in Agriculture this program attracted about 760 participants from 50 countries including ministry, world food price harvested, representative of Agricultural research extension and education institutions, gender experts, non-governmental organization farmer’s group who relied in Odhi to call for collection action and investment to put the needs of women farmers at the center of Agricultural thinking and practice.

International livestock research institute adopt strategy and plan to mainstream approaches for gender equity in livestock development. This program was organized as a means and strategy and action plan define the role that ILRI” will play to stinmkle and facilitate efforts, both in house and with partners, to take advantage of opportunities to promote gender equality and equality within the livestock sub-sectors and the Agriculture sector in general.

AIMS of this program

·        To promote equality of opportunity and out comes between women and men in the livestock sub-sector at local, national and global levels

·        To increase the quality efficiently and impacts of ILRI” work in livestock development

·        To ensure that human equality, equity and right are respected across gender, that there is good gender representation in ILRI” staffing, decision-making positions and there is active and balance participation by both women’ and men in ILRI” work.

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