Sorry for Being Me Quotes

Everyone makes mistakes in an attempt to be real; there are times when we need to apologize. Things happen, and things get said that shouldn’t have been. When saying sorry feels like a stressful task, our apologies aren’t as sincere as they could be.

There is no such thing as a perfect person. We are all human and we sometimes hurt each other without realizing that we may be causing someone else pain or embarrassment.

Being a nobody is better than being a fake somebody. But if that still hurt someone around you, let them know how you feel with these sorry for being me quotes below.

Sorry for being me. I’m sorry for being who I am. I’m sorry for not being able to figure out a way to be someone else. I’m sorry because I don’t know how to act like someone you want me to be.

1. I’m sorry for being me. I’m sorry that I’m not perfect. And I’m sorry if you can’t deal with it.

2. I’m sorry for the things I have done to you and the things I’m doing to myself.

3. I’m sorry for being me, but I hope you still like me after that.

4. I know I’m not like everybody else. I wouldn’t say I like how I look, and I can’t hide it. I’m sorry for being me.

5. Sorry for being me, but I could never be you.

6. I’m sorry for being me. I’d rather do things differently than live the same way over and over.

7. I’m sorry for being myself. But I’ve learned how to make it work. It’s the only way!

8. I apologize. I am sorry. I’m sorry I was me and didn’t know how to be you.

9. I’m sorry I’m me. Don’t call me if you want things fixed fast. Don’t judge a book by its cover. The ends justify the means but remember that everything unfolds as it was meant to be.

10. I’m sorry for being me. I know you wanted someone else. I wish I could be that person, but I can’t change my past.

11. I’m sorry, I’m not sorry; it’s hard to be okay when you’re always honest and blunt like me.

12. I’m sorry I’m so hard to deal with. I’m sorry I am so strong-willed and opinionated; sometimes, it’s easier to give up and let someone else take control.

13. Sorry for being me. I’m sorry for my mistakes and those who hurt me along the way. Most of all, I am sorry that I don’t always love myself as much as you do.

14. Sorry I’m me, but you’ll get used to it.

15. Sorry, I’m such a drama queen. But really, you’re the best!

16. Sorry for being me. I’m not perfect, and neither is anyone else. We’re all a work in progress.

17. I’m sorry for being me. I wish I were more like you so that you could be more like me.

18. Sorry for being me. Sorry for wearing bright colours. Sorry for acting like a punk.

19. I am sorry for being me, but I will not change.

20. Sorry for being me, I know you want the best for me, but I can’t change my character.

21. Sorry for being me, but I have made many friends.

22. I’m sorry for being so annoying in your life. I’m sorry; I just can’t be like everyone else and not care about the little things that matter most. I’m sorry, I just can’t stop thinking about this.

23. I am sorry for being me; I’m not perfect. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and giving me a chance to change it.

24. I am sorry for being me. But I will not apologize for the things that make me who I am.

25. I’m sorry for being me, but you’ll always be the best thing ever to me.

26. I am sorry for being me. I am not perfect, and I do not want to control you. Love yourself and love who you are no matter what others think or say about you.

27. I’m sorry for being me. I want to be perfect, but I’m not. I’m just trying to find myself and make you happy.

28. I’m sorry for being me. I apologize for my flaws and imperfections, but most of all, I’m sorry for the things I can’t change.

29. Sorry for being me. I’m sorry if you don’t like how I am or if that’s how you think it should be. I’m still me, and I will not change for anyone.

30. I am sorry for being me. You should have known what you were getting into when you signed up to date me, though.

31. I’m sorry for being me. I am not perfect, but I am working on it. If you think I am annoying, then please forgive me and move on.

32. I’m sorry for being me. I’m so sorry. I didn’t deserve that.

33. I’m sorry because I know some people don’t like me.

34. I’m sorry for being me; I’m not good enough. I don’t deserve love, friendship, or anything good in life. I’m a total failure and will never change.

35. I’m sorry for being me. I’m not always a jerk, but sometimes I am.

36. Sorry for being me. I’m sorry for my mistakes, but I’m also thankful for that one thing about me that makes you stay.

37. Sorry for being me, but I’m only human.

38. My apologies for being me. I know you’d rather I will be someone else.

39. Im sorry for being you. My motto is that we all make mistakes but just try to learn from them.

40. I’d like to apologize for being me, but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.

41. I’m sorry I’m me. And that’s okay because every human is different and has different interests. I only ask that you try to understand what makes me, me.

42. I’m sorry for being me. I don’t know how to do anything anyone else wants me to do. I’m afraid it won’t work out, and I’m not good enough.

43. I’m sorry for being me. I’ll stop trying to live up to your expectations and just be me the best way I know.

44. Sorry for being me, but you were probably expecting more from me.

45. I’m sorry for being me. I’ve got issues, I know, and I don’t always do what you want me to do. But I promise you that I will never stop trying to improve.

46. Sorry for being me. It’s not your fault I’m complicated or can’t be more like you. But know this: in the end, it’s okay to be you. If you took off the mask of perfection, we’d see much more than we’re seeing now.

47. I’m sorry for being me. I know my flaws are so apparent, but it doesn’t mean I won’t still love you.

48. I’m sorry for being me. I can only imagine how hard it is to be you.

49. Sorry for being me. You’ll find there are many others like you out there. We’re just normal people living in a world that’s not so normal anymore. I hope we can be friends

50. Sorry for being me. I’m only human, after all. But thank you for still being you.

51. I am sorry for being me. I have made mistakes, and I will continue to learn from them.

52. Sorry for being me. But I’m still here, and I’ll always be here.

53. I’m sorry for not being the person you want me to be. I know it would make my world better if you could just be happy with what I am. But if there is anything that you need from me, please come to me and tell me.

54. I’m sorry I’m the way I am. Even though you didn’t ask, I wanted to let you know that I hope you feel better. I’m not who I want to be, but it’s how my brain works.

55. I’m sorry for being me. I have no idea how to be you. But I’m learning. And that’s good enough for now.

56. I’m sorry for being me. I’m sorry for being a grown-up. I’m sorry for not knowing how to handle it all at once, or maybe just being kids sometimes. But most of all I’m sorry for not getting there faster.

57. I’m sorry for being me– because it means I make many mistakes. But don’t get too down on me; I’m just human.

58. I’m sorry for being me; I’m sorry for thinking this is okay. I’m sorry for caring so much. I’m sorry for not being enough.

59. I am sorry for being me. You are beautiful, but I am not.

60. I’m sorry for being me. I am not perfect, I can’t change, and I’ll never be able to live up to your standards. But this is who I am and what makes me special—not a mistake or a misstep.

61. I’m so sorry for being me and unable to be the person you wanted me to be.

62. Sorry for being me. I’m sorry if I don’t fit the mould of what you think I should be, speak or do. But I will continue to be me no matter what because it is who I am and part of who I was born to be.

63. Sorry for being me. I am so not sorry.

64. I am sorry for being me, but I am still here.

65. Sorry for being me. Sorry for not being enough. But most of all, sorry for making you wait.

66. I am sorry for being me and making your life harder than it already is.

67. I’m sorry for being me. I’m sorry for the things I’ve done that hurt you. I’m sorry for just not being there when you needed me most. I love you so much.

68. I am sorry for being me. I apologize for the things that come out of my mouth and what I say to you, but most of all, I apologize because it’s my fault that things turned out this way.

69. I am sorry for being me. I’m sorry for my flaws and my shortcomings. But most of all, I’m sorry for how hard it is to be perfect in this world. It’s too much work.

70. Sorry for being me. I’m trying to improve, especially since it may affect our friendship.

71. Sorry for being me. I wish I could be you. But, at least I’m trying to make the world a better place.

72. I’m sorry my actions and words affected you so much. Please forgive me for not being more sensitive to your feelings.

73. I am sorry for being me. I am sorry if I say the wrong things, do the wrong things and make you angry every time. I am sorry that you must deal with my personality flaws and rude comments daily. I am sorry that I can’t understand why this is so hard on you and your relationship.

74. Sorry for being me. I’ve never been someone you could count on to be there when you needed me, but it’s okay. I’m here now, and that’s all that matters.

75. I’m sorry for being me. I don’t always say “please” or “thank you”. But I promise to work on it because you’re better for me.

76. This is what I have to say about myself, I am sorry for being me.

77. I’m sorry for being myself. I am a human being who has feelings and emotions, just like everyone else. I am not perfect and make mistakes, but that is because “I’m me”.

78. Sorry for being me. Sorry I don’t fit your ideal person’s mould of “normal.” But thanks to you, I’m learning to appreciate who I am and what makes me unique.

79. Sorry for being me. I know my quirks and habits are super irritating, but I’m okay with admitting that it’s not always easy to please everyone.

80. Sorry for being me, but life is much better when you’re in it.

81. I’m sorry for being me. I’m sorry for my imperfections. I am human, just like you are.

82. I’m sorry for being me. I guess it’s a good thing to be a little different, even if that makes you stand out, as long as you don’t think about it too much and stay true to yourself.

83. I’m sorry for being me. I wish I weren’t the person I am, but I am, and that’s how things work out.

84. Sorry for being me, but I’m still learning. It’s not easy being me, but it’s so worth it.

85. Sorry, I am me. I’m tired of the same old story. I want to be the one that finds a new path to adventure in life.

86. Sorry for being me. I hope you can find a way to love and accept me as I am.

87. Sorry for being me. But I’m not sorry for the life I live. #quotes

88. Sorry for being me. I’m not perfect. But every day, I wake up and tell myself that I’m worth it because of my amazing person.

89. I’m sorry for being me. But I’m not trying to be someone else; I am who I am.

90. I’m so sorry for being me. I promise to get better at being who I am and accept the things about myself that aren’t perfect.

91. I am sorry for being me and not being what you want. But I promise to become better every day.

92. Sorry for being me. Sorry for being annoying. I feel shy to the point of being scared, nervous and oversensitive when meeting new people.

93. Sorry for being me. I hope you understand how unfortunate it was to be a part of your life, but I’m glad you could learn from this experience and grow.

94. I’m sorry for being me. I hope you understand it’s not easy being the way I am and even harder trying to change it.

95. I would love to apologize for the roller coaster of emotions I’ve put you through, but I can’t. Sorry for being me.

96. I’m sorry I can’t be the person you want me to be. You deserve a strong, confident woman. And that girl is not me.

97. I’m sorry for being me. I know you guys have a special place in your heart for me, but for what I did, I feel so bad about it. It’s just not who I am, and trying to be someone else is not something I want to do.

98. I’m sorry for being me. I don’t know how to be someone else, but I’ll keep trying.

99. I am sorry for being me. I know there’s a lot of stuff to love about me, but I’m sorry if it causes you pain and disappointment.

100. Sorry for being me. I’m just trying to figure it all out and failing most of the time miserably.

101. I am sorry for being me. As much as possible, I try to be a better person. But there will always be a part of me that is selfish, arrogant, jealous, and judgmental.

I hope these sorry for being me quotes will help you apologise for having some toxic traits someone around you doesn’t like. Thank you for taking the time to read through it. Please share this post with your loved ones, also.

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