Sorry for Being Toxic Quotes

Toxic people are often those who are angry, defensive and critical. Whenever you’re around them, you can feel their anger and frustration. Toxic people suck the energy out of other people’s life. They make them feel bad about themselves and drag them down to their level.

People usually get toxic when they’re in distress. They don’t know how to react so they react as if it was a knee-jerk reaction. Being toxic to others is like being mean to others. It doesn’t benefit you nor the people around you. Being toxic is not something that can be taken lightly. It affects relationships in the workplace and social situations.

Are you often feeling stressed, guilty, and frustrated because of your toxic attitude? It’s good to change some habits and start to behave in the right way. These sorry for being toxic quotes are here to help you find the right words.

Sorry that I have been toxic and made you feel uncomfortable. I’m sorry for pushing my beliefs on you, even when they make you feel bad. I’m sorry for saying hurtful things to you because of the fear I felt at the moment.

1. I’m sorry for being toxic. I realize that my actions have the potential to hurt others and make them feel small. It’s important to take care of yourself to take care of others.

2. Sorry for being toxic. I’m not perfect, but I promise to be better.

3. We want to clarify that we’re sorry for being toxic. We’ve been working on ourselves and will continue to grow. We’re looking forward to being your friends again!

4. I am sorry for being toxic and promise to change.

5. I’m sorry for being toxic. I want you to be happy and not suffer because of my actions.

6. I’m sorry for being toxic. Please forgive me and let me continue to be a good friend, co-worker or teammate.

7. I’m sorry for being so toxic and taking everyone for granted. I’m ready to change, but this isn’t going to be easy.

8. I’m sorry I was toxic. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I did.

9. I’ve been toxic to myself, my relationships and the world. I am sorry for all the hurt I caused. It was not intentional.

10. I feel terrible. I’m sorry for being a toxic influence. I apologize to those in your life who hurt me because of my behaviour.

11. I am sorry if I was toxic and hurtful to you. I was in denial about my feelings and not being happy. I want you to know that I am seeking therapy and help to get the help we need.

12. I’ve been toxic, I want to change and make you happy, but I’m afraid.

13. I am sorry, I was being toxic. I regret everything about my past, including how things turned out between us.

14. I’m sorry if I’ve been toxic. I apologize for the negative energy I’ve created around this project and will do my best to move forward positively.

15. I’m sorry for being toxic. I’ve been a bad friend, neighbour and colleague. It’s time to change.

16. I’m sorry for being toxic; I know my actions hurt you. I promise to be a better person, just like you want me to be.

17. I’m sorry for being toxic. I want to be better and be the best me.

18. I’m sorry for being toxic; I promise we can work this out.

19. I’m sorry; I engaged in behaviour that was toxic and hurtful. I want to make amends.

20. I’m sorry for being toxic. I’ll try to be less awesome and contribute more.

21. We are sorry for being toxic and creating an environment that is not friendly to others.

22. I am sorry for the times that I was toxic. I am sorry for the times I caused drama and stress. I am sorry for being rude, selfish and inconsiderate to you.

23. I’m sorry for being toxic. I’m sorry my words hurt, inspired rage, and made you feel small. I want to make amends.

24. I am sorry for being toxic. I have learned a lot of new things about myself, my thought process and how I communicate with others.

25. Sorry I was toxic to you, but I promise to be better. I am sending you a big hug.

26. I’m sorry; I’m not a toxic person, and I know this isn’t the best thing to say, but it’s hard for me to be around people right now.

27. I’m sorry I got lost in my head and didn’t realize how toxic my words were to others.

28. I’m sorry I was so toxic and disrespectful. I know better now and want to be a better person.

29. Sorry for being the toxic friend. I don’t know what to say. I’ll stay alone, and you can be happy without me.

30. Toxic people are not good for you and aren’t good for the world.

31. Sorry for being toxic these past few days. I’ve been down with a cold and was too wiped out to post on Instagram yesterday. But I’m back now and ready to make better choices in the life of my account.

32. I’m sorry for being toxic. I know you didn’t do anything wrong, but I needed to get that off my chest—and out there.

33. We’re sorry for being toxic. We’re working hard to be a more positive force in your life.

34. Sorry for being toxic. I’m sorry for whatever it is that I did that upset you or said to make you feel bad.

35. I’m sorry for being toxic. I know I can be a bit of a drama queen, but I want to make it up to you. I’ll stop making you feel like you are less than me and ensure we care for each other.

36. I’m sorry I was toxic to your life. Let me make it right by being more positive and supportive in the future.

37. I’m sorry for being toxic. I see the good in myself but don’t always act on it. I understand that my actions were harmful and won’t do it again.

38. I am sorry for being toxic and not being the person I want to be.

39. I’m sorry for being toxic, but it’s time to break down this self-destructive pattern. I don’t want to lose you—or myself.

40. We are sorry for what we’ve said and done, which may have been toxic.

41. I am sorry for being toxic; I realize what I did was wrong and hurtful. Thank you for helping me change by doing this project.

42. This is not the behaviour I want to be known for. I am sorry that I have made people feel uncomfortable and attacked. I am working on this, and I promise it will not happen again.

43. I’m sorry for being toxic. I can only hope today’s apology will help you forgive me for all the times I’ve made you feel bad about yourself or put down your goals, dreams or aspirations.

44. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I am toxic to you and others. I am working on it, but I don’t want to lose you because of it. So please keep me in your life, even though I have a lot to work on!

45. I am sorry for being toxic. I was unaware of the negative impact my words and actions have had on you and others. I want to make amends and become a better person.

46. I’m sorry for being toxic. Please forgive me.

47. I’m sorry for being toxic. I hope you can forgive me.

48. I’m sorry for being toxic. I was wrong, and I know you deserve better.

49. I’m sorry for being toxic. I’m sorry for not listening to you or any of your feelings. I’m sorry I took advantage of you. I will change and be better in the future.

50. I am sorry for being toxic. I will do better, and for my loved ones, please forgive me.

51. You can’t take back the time you’ve wasted, but you can apologize for being toxic.

52. I’m sorry for being toxic; it’s not your fault. I’ll try to be more supportive and cordial in the future.

53. I apologize for being toxic. I want to be someone you can trust, respect and love. I promise to do better in the future.

54. I am sorry for being toxic; I will try my best not to be anymore.

55. Sorry for being toxic. I am a product of my environment, an environment that taught me to be aggressive and competitive.

56. Being toxic is not who we are. We strive to be kind, respectful, and open-minded.

57. I don’t want to be toxic anymore. I want to be the best version of myself.

58. I am sorry for my being toxic to others and myself.

59. It’s not your fault that you became toxic; it’s my job to keep you from being harmful.

60. We’re sorry for being toxic. We want to be better, but we need your help.

61. I’m sorry for being toxic. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry that I put my petty issues over your feelings and happiness. I promise it will never happen again.

62. I’m sorry for being toxic to you. It is never my intention to make you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. I hope that we can keep growing and working together as friends.

63. I am sorry for being toxic. It was anger, sadness and fear that I had lost my cool.

64. I’m sorry for being toxic; I’m not a bad person, I just had a rough day, and this happened.

65. I’m sorry for being toxic and for everything I have said and done. I am grateful for all of your love and support.

66. I am sorry for being toxic and damaging to the people around me. I have learned from my mistakes and will try to fix the damage I caused.

67. I am sorry for being toxic, please forgive me, and I’ll do better in the future.

68. I apologize for being toxic. I don’t mean to be aggressive, angry or dismissive. I am not proud of these behaviours and would like to change them. Help me change.

69. I’m sorry for being toxic. I promise from now on; that I’ll keep my hands to myself and won’t be a jerk.

70. I’m sorry I’ve been toxic. I have to change my ways and make things right.

71. I’ve been toxic, so sorry; You were right all along; I should have listened to you.

72. Toxic people are the ones who spread negativity and hurtful words. We don’t want to be that person and apologize for it.

73. I’m sorry I was a toxic friend. How did I cause you harm? Let me know how I can make it up to you, okay?

74. I’m sorry I was cruel; I’m sorry I treated you so badly. Please know that you are loved and appreciated.

75. I’m sorry for being toxic. I don’t mean to be. I have an addictive personality, and it’s not something that I can change overnight. But I promise to work on being a better version of myself so I can become the person you need me to be. Thank you for loving me.

76. I’m sorry for being toxic: I’ve made mistakes, but I am working to change.

77. I’m sorry for being toxic. What can I do to help you feel better?

78. Apologies for being toxic. I’m sorry we didn’t treat you right or that we were rude to you. Please know that each of us has a choice regarding how much harm we put out there in the world. Let’s work together to make a difference.

79. Hey, I’m sorry for being toxic. Please forgive me, and let’s move on together.

80. I’m sorry I was toxic. I’m sorry I hurt you; I know this isn’t easy for you. But please forgive me and let me try to be a better person in the future.

81. Toxic relationships are the ones that drain you and make you feel bad about yourself. I’m sorry for treating you like that because I was wrong, and it wasn’t good for me to be in a toxic relationship with someone taking advantage of my kindness.

82. I’ve been toxic lately. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so mean. I just want you to be happy and do things that make you happy. How can I change?

83. I’m sorry I was toxic. I promise to be a better person over the next couple of days.

84. I’m sorry I was toxic to you. I hope we can be friends again.

85. I’m sorry I’ve been so toxic. I want to be a better friend and help you become a happier version of yourself.

86. I just wanted to apologize and let you know I was toxic and rude to you the other day. Thank you for understanding and forgiving me; I hope things get better between us.

87. I’m sorry I was toxic and made you feel like your insecurities were valid. I want you to know that You deserve someone who can make you feel confident, beautiful, and happy.

88. I’m sorry for being toxic, I know my words can be hurtful, and I want to make up for it. Please forgive me for the pain I caused.

89. I’m sorry for being toxic. I will work hard to be more positive, connected and loving this summer.

90. I’m sorry for being toxic. I am going through a rough patch in my life, and it is affecting my mental health.

91. I’m sorry for being toxic. It’s not in my nature. I’m trying to change that.

92. I’m sorry for being toxic. I want to be a better friend, spouse, and parent. Let’s start here: let go of the past and forgive me for how I’ve acted in the past.

93. I’m sorry for being toxic. I will try to change how I act and be around people to gain a better understanding of them.

94. I’m sorry if I’ve been toxic or rude. It’s not intentional, but it’s my way of dealing with stress, anxiety and depression.

95. I’ve been a toxic person. I’m sorry for being so mean and negative. I don’t want to be like that anymore.

96. I am sorry for being toxic in my words and actions. I will do better next time, I promise.

97. We try to be toxic, but we are not perfect. However, there is no excuse for how we treat people, and it’s just wrong. We apologize for being part of the problem and pledge to do better.

98. Sorry for being toxic. I’m sorry for how I treated you. And I’m sorry for not listening to you when you tried to explain yourself. But most of all, I am sorry for hurting you through my actions and words.

99. I apologize to anyone I have been toxic too. I am here to make amends.

100. I apologize for being so rude or insensitive to you, I wanted you to know that I’m sorry.

These sorry for being toxic quotes help you to apologize when you make a mistake, take ownership and be willing to learn from it. Let me know what you think of this post in the comment section, will you? Thank you for reading, please share this post with your loved ones before you go.

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