Soul Lifting Easter Prayers for Family and Friends

– Easter Prayers –

Easter prayers are a solemn period for Christians worldwide. They get to mark and remember this day. Also, they celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These easter prayers will help you cherish the true meaning of the day and know how well to communicate to God.


Prayer is the way we talk or communicate with God. With this soul-lifting easter prayer, you show him we see, feel, and know that he is working in our lives and hearts.

Soul Lifting Easter Prayers for Family

1. Draw my thoughts upward toward You every minute of every day, but especially this Easter. Help me resist the temptation to focus on the painful things of this earthly life and learn to control my thoughts so they don’t sink my faith or joy in you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

2. Almighty God, I praise You for Your power, presence, and purpose in my life. I confess my unbelief and unwillingness to press on when hope seems dead. Oh Lord, please pour Your Spirit afresh on me. May Your resurrecting power shine forth in my life and the lives of my loved ones. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray, Amen.

3. These times are frightening, Lord. Headlines daily deliver troubling news. If we dwell there, Father, we will lose all hope. Thank You for Your protection and the promises we have in Your word.

Nothing can separate us from your love, and the victory achieved by Christ on the cross. He is our hope and ever-present help in trouble. Thank You, Father. We do not need to fear. You will never leave nor forsake your own!

4. Lord, the resurrection of Your Son has given us new life and renewed hope. Help us live as new people in pursuit of the Christian ideal. Grant us wisdom to know what we must do, the will to want to do it, the courage to undertake it, the perseverance to continue to do it, and the strength to complete it.

5. Lord God, You loved this world so much that you gave your one and only Son, that we might be called your children too. Lord, help us live in the gladness and grace of Easter Sunday, every day.

Let us have hearts of thankfulness for your sacrifice. Let us have eyes that look upon your grace and rejoice in our salvation. Help us walk in that mighty grace and tell you’re good news to the world. All for your glory do we pray,

6. Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus to save me from my sins. Thank you. You loved me enough to send a perfect sacrifice so that we could live together eternally.

I confess I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I ask you to come into my heart, and I commit to following Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen lord, Amen “Easter Prayers”

7. Father, we praise You for sending Your Son to abide with us and be with us. Life can feel lonely, but the fact is…we are never alone. That is a truth we can cling to during the ugliest . Thank You for giving us the grace to release our failed efforts and bottled up emotions to You, free of judgment and full of healing love.

8. To my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: I offer a prayer of sincere thanksgiving for Your blood sacrifice. Thank You for being obedient to Your Father and going to the cross for me. May I never forget that You gave Your life for me so that one day I might live with You in eternity?

Because Your blood has redeemed us, we are now new creations in Christ and by His blood; I freed us from sin to serve the living God, to glorify Him, and to enjoy Him forever. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

9. Father God, I’m so thankful forgiveness isn’t something I have to earn or achieve. It’s a gift of grace I get to receive. Thank You that Jesus’ blood was enough to pay for my sin. Help me receive all You are offering me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

10. Dear Lord, I want to let Your Truth sink deep down into my heart and soul today. Help me stay focused on You. And I pray for the many who will understand for the first time this Easter Sunday that you have risen. Wash over every soul with fresh hope and overwhelming joy. Bring new life as only you can. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

11. Father, we are living in a day, unlike anything we have ever seen before. Chaos, confusion, and turmoil have been stirring in the hearts of so many people.

12. We trust that justice belongs in Your hand, but we also trust that You have a brilliant plan for us to see hearts transformed and lives changed.

13. Jesus, thank You for Your mercy that was displayed upon the cross that has given those who call upon Your name and trust in you for forgiveness and new life. We want to be a part of Your great redemptive plan on the earth.

14. Help us fix our eyes on Christ when we are tempted to only look at the surrounding problems. We ask that You would give us the boldness to proclaim the only solution to what our world is experiencing, and that is Your glorious Gospel! In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Easter Prayers”

15. Holy Spirit, faithfully nudge and reminds us we are children of God, freed from the chains of sin by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and resurrection and to heaven where He is seated by the Father. Bless our minds to remember and embrace the freedom, hope, joy, and peace we have in Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

16. Dear Jesus, I need your peace. I believe you died for my sins and that God raised you from the dead so that by believing in you I can have peace with God and life in your name. Forgive me for allowing the cares of this world to obscure my spiritual vision. 

17. Risen Lord, draw us to you. Dry our tears, call us by name, and lead us to heaven where we may always cling to you; you live and reign, now and forever. Amen.

18. Thank you for the resurrection. Thank you, that we serve a risen King. Jesus is alive! He has risen.

19. We are grateful that through His resurrection, He has given us new life, health, freedom from emotional, mental, and spiritual bondage. “Easter Prayers”

20. Bless everything that I have, bless my family this Easter, bless our meal, bless our time together and bless this celebration, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

21. May the celebration of resurrected life bring new hope to your being and May the empty tomb help you to leave your sorrows at the foot of the cross. So that God’s hope, promises, and forgiveness reign in your life forever.Amen

22. We thank You for Your glorious plan of salvation for us through His life, death, and resurrection, paving the way for us to have a new life with You. All praise to You for Your Great love for humanity.

23. Thank You for giving us a Lord, a , Victor, Redeemer, Deliverer, and a Friend in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

24. Lord Jesus Christ, who won the victory and rose again from death, we thank You for Your great love and sacrifice. We thank You for giving us hope of everlasting life and salvation through Your Cross and Resurrection.

25. Lord Jesus, beloved Son of God, we ask that You be our defense and guard, keeping our way clear, removing the obstac
les, and covering the pitfalls of the enemy. Lead us in Your way, shine Your light in us, through us, over us.


26. May we make a difference in this world, spreading the good news of Your kingdom for the Glory of God in Your blessed name, Jesus.

27. May we reflect Your peace and hope to a world that so desperately needs your Presence, Love and Healing.

28. Thanks be to God, for You Lord Jesus Christ, our indescribable gift! To You be Glory and Honor, on this Resurrection Day, and forever. Amen!

29. The risen Lord has come into our lives and blessed us with abundant happiness and joy. Let us all together sing our praises to our heavenly Father. Have a Blessed Easter.

30. All we got to do is follow Christ, for in Christ will they will solve all our queries. Have a Blessed and Meaningful Easter.

31. Lord we pray You will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, to all those around us who are lost and far from You. Open up conversations that lead to You. Give us the opportunity to invite our loved ones this Easter

32. May the glory and the promise of this joyous time of year bring peace and happiness to you and those you hold most dear. “Easter Prayers”

33. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, by Your radiant and magnificent resurrection, You broke the bonds of death and rose from the grave as a conqueror. You reconciled Heaven and earth.

Our life had no hope of eternal happiness before You redeemed us. Your resurrection has washed away our sins, restored our innocence, and brought us joy. How inestimable is the tenderness of Your love

34. Precious Jesus, we glorify and give thanks to you. You are alive and sitting at the right hand of the Father. Let our hearts draw close to you this Easter as we join in this meal. We pray you to bless it and bless the hands that have prepared it. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen and Amen. 

35. Heavenly Father, we ask you to bless all those here with us. And we ask that as we fellowship and join to celebrate this Easter dinner that you wonderful God would draw us closer to your son Jesus. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen and Amen. “Easter Prayers”

36. As we gather today to enjoy this Easter meal. I ask you, Lord, to watch over us, to bless us, and keep us in your ways. Shine Your face upon us and give us peace. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen and Amen. 

37. Thank you, Jesus, for all you have done for us. Thank you for the reason we celebrate Easter. Bless this gathering and food. Let our hearts give you praise today. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

38. Today, I celebrate the resurrection of Christ. So, Lord asks that you would draw me closer to You and that You would bless me. That I would fully understand and everything you did on Calvary. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen and Amen. “Easter Prayers”

39. Heavenly Father! I give you praise and honor for this Easter holiday. Thank you for sending your wonderful son, Jesus. I ask that you would bless me and bless my family.

That we would be ones that give you glory all the days of our lives. That we would walk examples of the power of your resurrection. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

40. I bless you, Lord! For You are good and full of compassion. You have risen and sat at the right hand of the Father. Pour out your blessing on your Church this Easter. Let Your children experience your love in a deeper way and let the world experience your power to save. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen. “Easter Prayers”

41. Today, Lord, we come before you asking that this Easter would be one that causes our hearts to swell up with Your love. That we would extend your hand to this world and a reminder that you are alive and working on the earth. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen. 

42. Lord, thank you that “It Is Finished!” That you have completed everything on the cross and resurrection. You now rule and reign! You deserve all honor and praise! Praise you, Lord! In Jesus’ mighty name, amen. 

43. Lord Jesus, I thank you that today is Easter. Let my heart embrace everything you have done in your death and resurrection. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayers for Kids

44. O Lord, we thank you for being our Father and always keeping your promises! Amen!

45. Dear Jesus, we thank you for these eggs and all the special treats! We pray everyone has a great day filled with special treats, too! Amen!

 46. Red is for the blood you gave and black is for the empty grave. Yellow is for the shining sun, white is for the new life begun. Green is for the grass and trees and purple is for your majesty. Orange is for the edge of the night, and pink is for the morning light. Amen!

47. May our bellies be as full as our hearts today, Father! Amen!

48. God made you and God made me. Amen.

49. He made the world for us to see. God loves you and long ago, He sent his Son to tell us so. Jesus showed us many things To love and share and dance and sing. To learn and pray, to help and care, He promised he’d always be there. He died, but then came back to life. Let’s celebrate, for he’s alive! Amen.

50. Creator God and Lord of Life, You who call forth from the darkness of death all those who love You,
we rejoice, on this Easter Sunday, in the resurrection from the dead of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Visit our home and this table with Your bright blessing of peace and life. We pause during this prayer to remember all the holy dead of our family who live now in you and who await the final and glorious resurrection of the dead.

Always make sure you say your prayers, especially on a day like Easter. After all, he is the reason for this important day.

Also, if you enjoyed this article, kindly share it with friends and your loved ones. Thanks.

 StudentsandScholarship Team.

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