Special Television Programmes and Movies as Instrument for Social Change in HIV/AIDS Campaign

Special Television Programmes and Movies as Instrument for Social Change in HIV/AIDS Campaign.


This research titled: Special Television Programmes And Movies As Instrument For Social Change In HIV/AIDS Campaign: A Case Study Of Kaduna Metropolise, attempts to find the best way to stop or reduce to the barest minimum the spread of HIV/HIDS. It was established that home videos produced locally are the major

Focus through which facts, figures, myths and messages about HIV/AIDS are transmitted to the general public. Two theories were used as framework for the study namely the cultivation and diffusion of innovation theories.

While the cultivation theory was adopted to find out the perception and influence of home movies by respondents with regard to dangers of HIV/AIDS and transmission, the diffusion of innovation theory was adapted to find out how new innovations can be used to combat HIV/AIDS through specially produced television programmes and Movies.

The major findings of this research work shows that: A high percentage (87%) of respondents patronize specially produced television programmes and Movies, Respondents have located new ways to prevent themselves from contracting the deadly virus,

A good percentage of respondents admitted that the specially made programmes influence their attitudes positively and so help them to avoid contacting the disease.

Below are the following recommendations, that movie producers should liaise with other HIV/AIDS control agencies and other stake holders in order to have information on the nature, spread and prevention/management of the disease.

Funding should be increased so that research could be carried out and to spread the information in stock for the benefit of the public. Movies producers should produce films that show sympathy towards those affected by the disease instead of stigmatization.


Since the inception of television broadcasting in Nigeria, Special Production Programme have had a remarkably wide acceptance and patronage in the Nigerian media. This acceptance is due to its entertainment content that made them special, which media management see as more effective than non-entertaining messages [Barbie, 2004].

The concept of entertainment which media scholars claim to refer to as media messages that are educative as well as entertaining is more effective (McPhail, 1989:30). More so, Meyer (2006) is of the opinion that such media contents are more likely to make the needed impact on audiences as they are packaged to be audience-friendly.

Development communication has always borrowed this idea in the packaging of development communication items like health programmes. Such packaged programmes that sensitize the public on disease outbreaks or the selling of new technology that will impact positively in the lives of people in societies are packages that are given more attention (Meyer, 2006).

One of the most effective form that ensures media messages take the education and entertainment approach is the special productions in form of movie, which has a relatively large audience compared to news, documentary, features and talk show.

This is partly due to the concreteness of the content of the movie as it depicts reality through its unique presentation of ideas using sounds, pictures and motion; aside being acted by real people and mirroring the day-to-day happenings in the society.

The role of specially produced movies in social change in the society can be tremendous. They serve as vital tools for informing the people on the needed attitudinal, cognitive and behavioural changes.

Furthermore,they mirror the  best ways to conform to the healthy and conventional expectations of the individual and society.


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