Starting a New Book Quotes

Where do you start when writing a new book? You’ve started the first chapter, maybe even the second, and now what? You’ve got a piece of stock art here, a laptop there, and a vague feel for how things might actually turn into a book. When you start a new book, it can be terrifying. You’re in the dark about what will happen, with characters you don’t know and plot points that could go anywhere. And then you start writing, and everything flows smoothly. Suddenly, everything makes sense.

It’s never too early to start working on a new book, not even years before you plan on writing it. In fact, one of the best things you can do as an author is to start building a foundation for your next book even before you’ve started selling your current one.

But here’s what I’ve learned about starting a new book: everyone has something to say. Here is what these starting a new book quotes have to say below. Enjoy.

What does it mean when you say you are starting a book? It’s a book, and you’re ready to write. Suddenly you’ve got a story that needs to be told. But where do you go from here? Well, today is the day to start a new book.

1. Starting a new book is like leaving home for the first time. Whoop whoop!

2. Starting a new book is like joining a new club or sport. It’s also like being thrown into the deep end of a pool and being expected to swim on your own.

3. Starting a new book is like starting a new life full of promise and potential. You can’t wait to see where you end up and what adventures await you there.

4. When you start a new book, you write with one hand and use the other to pet all the dogs of writing.

5. When you start writing a book, you hold a blank piece of paper in one hand and a mug of scotch in the other.

6. Starting a new book is just like starting any new day—it’s filled with possibilities and opportunities.

7. The beginning is one of the most important parts of a book. This sets the tone and mood throughout the rest of the book.

8. Books help you to feel, hear, and see what life is like for someone else. You turn the pages and enter a new world that was only your imagination only moments ago.

9. A book can be a powerful tool, one that inspires and educates. So many stories have the power to change lives and influence not just one person but countless others as well.

10. A book is a set of sheets of paper or other material that are stapled together along one edge and bound on one or both sides that contain rows of words.

11. Starting a new book is like starting a new life. You can’t just dive in; you gotta take baby steps.

12. When beginning a new book, one must take baby steps. A book is different from any other medium. You can’t just start reading and understand it instantaneously.

13. When you start a new book, you have to make a commitment. You can’t just jump right in and read it front to back. Start on page one and take your time.

14. Starting a new book is like handling a new baby—you’ve gotta take it slow. One step at a time. You can’t rush things.

15. A first-time writer is tasked with writing a series of words that will make up a book that anyone around the world can potentially enjoy. All it takes is a few clicks of the keyboard, but this simple task confuses many writers.

16. When you start a new book, it might feel a little bit like starting over. But once you get going, new possibilities and exciting adventures are just around the corner.

17. The beginning of a new book can be a little scary. You don’t know if you’ll like it and aren’t sure where the story will take you or how it will end. But once you get started, new possibilities await. The main character has exciting adventures that you get to explore with them.

18. When you start reading a new book, it might feel like you’re in the middle of a journey. However, fresh ideas and endless possibilities will pop up around every corner once you begin.

19. Writing can take you places. It opens your eyes and heart to new ideas and new places. There are so many books you could be reading, but why not start with one?

20. When you decide to start a new book, you have high hopes. What will it take to get hooked on the plot? Are there any subplots that will enhance the story? Will the actual ending meet up to your expectations?

21. The first chapter is always the hardest. But you’ll be set up for an amazing series if you can get through it.

22. When we begin a new project or start a new business, things can be overwhelming, and we have to figure out where to start. This is why we need to break it down into steps so we know where to start.

23. Starting a book is like starting a journey. You don’t know where it will take you, but it’s rewarding to try.

24. Starting a new book is like when you’re starting a new relationship. Just sometimes, the hardest part is getting to that first date.

25. Starting a new book is like travelling on an uncharted road to an unknown destination. It requires determination, commitment, and the ability to adapt to new situations.

26. A new book is more akin to starting a new relationship. It will take time and care to understand, learn from the past and create something that has never been done before.

27. Your first book is an adventure. It’s like a baby—growing & changing through the years as you write.

28. Starting a book is like starting a journey. You don’t know where it will take you, but the view is beautiful, even if the long and bumpy road.

29. You may think writing a book is difficult, but it actually comes down to two things: a strong desire to write and a firm belief that you can do it.

30. But what exactly is it that makes writing a book so hard?

31. Starting a new book is like falling in love all over again.

32. When you set out to start a new book, it can sometimes feel like starting over from scratch. But the truth is that the writing process is more like building a house. It’s full of ups and downs, but there are also many new possibilities for growth and learning along the way.

33. There’s no better feeling than starting a new book and knowing that it’s going to be good.

34. It’s exciting to start a new book, but it can also be scary.

35. Life is like an onion, and your first draft is the peel. Getting through it can be a challenge…but it’s worth it

36. The best way to start a book is to finish one.

37. The hardest part of a book is writing the first line, and once you do that, it’s easy. That’s when you have to decide what kind of book this will be.

38. The thing about a book is that it takes place in the mind of its author.

39. Starting a new book is like starting a new relationship. It’s exciting and new. But it’s also scary, so you have to lean into the fear and trust that things will work out in your favour.

40. Starting a new book is like starting a new life. There’s so much to learn and discover, so much to see and do. It’s all about the journey, not about the destination. And it’s all up to you!

41. Starting a new book is like starting a new life. It’s full of possibilities, and every chapter you write gives you something new to learn.

42. Making a new book is like starting a new life. There are many steps to get there, but in the end we will all get what we want.

43. When you start a new book, the story never ends. You just keep going and going, with no end in sight.

44. When you start a new book, it has its own unique identity, but the goal is always the same: to tell a story that is so meaningful and exciting that you don’t want to put it down.

45. When you’re about to start a new book, imagine the world disappearing. The sky is black; the grass is white. Everything’s just…blank. And then you open your mind, and all that comes back are all the good things in your life—the things you love, the people who matter most to you, and everything that’s possible, even if it hasn’t happened yet.

46. It’s a little scary to start a new book. The first draft is rough, and revisions will continue for a long while. But I’m so glad I stuck with it because the story came to life on paper in ways I’d never imagined before.

47. When you first start a book, you don’t know how it will end. It may take a while for the story to unfold, but when it’s finished, you’ll feel like you’ve lived through it all. That feeling is called satisfaction.

48. Your book is a blank canvas waiting for you to create your masterpiece. It’s time for you to paint the picture of your career, love and life story.

49. When you’re starting a new book, it’s like starting a new life. But it’s not quite as scary as that sounds.

50. The feeling and joy that comes from starting a new book are like an awakening. A realization of possibility. Something more than just another story, but a way to stretch your mind and find new horizons.

51. For all of us who have ever started a new book, there is something special about picking up the first pages and realizing that you are going to read it to the end.

52. When you pick up a new book, you get to be the hero of your own story and make it happen.

53. There’s something about a new book that makes you feel like you’re the first one to read it. And in the best way possible.

54. Starting a book is like starting a business—first, you need a product and an audience. You need an idea worth talking about. You need a plan. And then you have to start asking for money.

55. When you start a new book, you’re embarking on a new journey that can only be described as… magical.

56. Starting a book is a big deal. It’s like getting married or having kids—you don’t just do it, you think about it, plan for it and hope it works out.

57. Writing a book is like taking your first steps into the world. It can be scary, but it will grow with you and make you stronger. By the end, you’ll have greater confidence in yourself and in your talents than you had when you first started.

58. When you write a book, it’s like you’re starting over. You can’t go back. In the beginning, all you have is hope and faith that it will get better. But you also have to be strong enough to keep going when everything seems hopeless. It’s hard work, but as they say in the publishing business: “Some people just write better than others.”

59. It’s not just another book. It’s an opportunity to put your own spin on a familiar story and bring something new to the table.

60. The start of a new book is like the first day of school. You feel nervous, excited and a little bit scared.

61. If you are about to start a new book, like it’s the first time of your life.

62. A book is never really finished, so it’s always getting started.

63. A new book is always a great time to take a break, dive into something new and exciting.

64. They say start a new book is like starting your own business. It’s an adventure, full of excitement and hardship. But you know what they say, if you stick to it, you’ll get there.

65. They say every book is an entrepreneur. It’s an adventure, full of excitement and hardship. But you know what they say, if you stick to it, you’ll get there.

66. Each book is your own business venture. Experiencing any hardship will take plenty of persistence. And when you do, give yourself a pat in the back: you have a new business!

67. When you’re starting a new book: you need to know what you want to write and how to be original, but also don’t forget about all the people who love and support your work.

68. What a great feeling it is to be able to start a new book finally.

69. Writing a book is like walking through a jungle. You don’t know if you’ll make it out alive. But you have to try.

70. I’ve heard before that writing a book is a lot like walking through a jungle. I agree with this notion: it’s hard to navigate. But what makes it even harder are the unexpected hazards that can leap out at any moment – or creep up on you quietly from behind.

71. A book is a collection of facts, stories and ideas that have been given order and sense. But writing a book is like trying to cross a jungle. Just one false step can also be fatal.

72. Books are amazing. Until you write one, and then it’s like trying to hack your way through the Amazon with a dull machete. But it’s worth it.

73. No one told me that writing a book would be easy. They didn’t say it would all come to me like lightning. They didn’t say I would slide into my dream-like state and feel the words pour out of me like water. They didn’t say it would take over my life, but they were right. Nothing prepared me for all that writing a book requires to get it out of me and onto the computer screen.

74. Writing is like riding a bike. Once you get the hang of it, you can’t stop.

75. Writing is a consistent, accessible art — like riding a bike. It can’t be beaten.

76. Imagine riding without a bike. Impossible right? It’s the same with writing.

77. It’s like starting a new job. You’ve never done it before, but you know you can do it. You have to prove yourself to the people who hired you, but they give you a chance to do good work because you’re so good at what you do.

78. The first line of a new book is the first moment that everything changes.

79. The beginning of a book is the first moment when everything changes. The first line will hook you, or it won’t. The sentence must grab the reader’s attention and make her want to read on.

80. The first line of a new book is the moment when you realize that anything is possible.

81. It’s the first time, it’s new and exciting. There’s so much to learn and so many possibilities!

82. The best stories start with a spark. Here’s to the next one.

83. Starting a new book makes me feel like a kid in a candy store.

84. Feeling all warm and fuzzy about starting a new book makes me happy. I can’t wait to get lost in the world of the story!

85. I can’t wait to get started on my new book!

86. I love starting new books, but even more than that I am in love with the process of falling in love with reading again!

87. I’m starting a new book today. I’m so excited!

88. I’m so excited to start a new book. It’s been a long time since I’ve written something in this genre of fiction! This is going to be such an adventure!

89. It’s taken me 6 months, but I’m finally starting a new book. I’m excited to get going and see where the ideas take me.

90. Starting a new book is like making a new friend. You get to spend time with them and learn about their story, but most importantly, by their side is where you can be yourself when you need to be.

91. It’s the best time to start a new book because you can never have too many books in your home.

92. Here’s to the days when you’re just starting a new book and the world is still wide open.

93. It’s time for me to start a new book. It’s been a long time since I wrote one, so I hope you enjoy the story.

94. There’s no reason to wait to start a book.

95. The first page of a new book is like a blank canvas. It’s time to get started.

96. Starting a new book is scary. It’s like taking a big leap into the unknown, but you have to do it because it feels good.

97. I’m ready to start my new book. It’s always hard to write again after you’ve written a first draft, but it’s never too late to get back into the swing of things.

98. I’m so excited to start a new book. It’s been a long time since I’ve written something in this genre of fiction! This is going to be such an adventure!

99. Starting a new book is like a breath of fresh air. It’s a break from reality and an opportunity to be creative.

100. Today is the day to start a new book. There’s no better way to leave your cares behind, and enjoy every moment of reading it.

101. When you start a new book, the world is your oyster. What will you do with it?

102. Today I am starting a new book. I love the feeling of starting something new and putting it aside for a while to come back to it with fresh eyes.

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