A catfish farm is a major
investment. And before starting
one needs careful
consideration. Our guide will
run you through questions you
need to consider before construction of your catfish
pond begins. It will also give
you a basic idea on what to
expect when operating and
managing your catfish business. Putting up a facility for catfish
farming is a large investment. The
most major investment for a
catfish farm is the construction of
the pond for catfish growing. Once the pond was dug and the
area has been developed, there is
nothing one can do to undo the
work and recover the cost. And so,
extensive evaluation must be done
by some one planning to start a catfish farm before he finally
decides whether it is wise for him
to pursue the project. Pre-Construction Considerations Where should the pond be located
Does the site have enough supply
of quality water (from wells or
springs)? There are minimum
water flow rate requirements in
building a pond for a catfish. Will the source meet them? Employ
professionals to test whether the
water supply volume and flow rate
meets standard requirements. Is the water supply suitable for
catfish farming? Try growing a few
catfish using water taken from the
target source. Is the area suitable for pond
construction in terms of soil
composition and permeability?
Ideal soil for pond construction is
one with good compaction
property. One resource you can run to check on this is your local
soil management office. Catfish farming will require some
water movement. Will you be able
to obtain permits and other
necessary licenses for the
operation? Pond Design and Construction One major consideration in
designing a pond for catfish
production is the flatness or
steepness of the area and the
source of water supply. For a
generally flat area that has access to a well, a levee pond could be
built. Watershed ponds are built
for steeper areas near a natural
source of water. The depth of the
pond is also crucial as this
influences the availability of oxygen for the fish. And so is the
amount of fish per surface acre of
water. Check catfish growing
manuals for standards to adhere
to. Catfish Farming Operation and
Management As oxygen supply is essential to the
life of catfish, one of the major
tasks of a catfish farmer during
catfish growing is making sure
nothing impedes natural
production of oxygen in water and that enough goes to the stock. This
means preventing wild fish (if the
pond is open to streams and lakes)
from getting into the pond, or
preventing microscopic plants from
growing in waters and competing with the catfish for oxygen
consumption. Close monitoring of
oxygen supply is essential
especially during summer. For one to get the most profit for a
catfish harvest, it is necessary to
determine buyer requirements
when planning the seasons
production. Consider what buyers
demand in terms of weight, frequency, size and price. One can
sell the seasons harvest to fish
processors or directly to consumer.
The latter results a greater return

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