Data  that will be collected  from the experimental plots will be
subjected  to statistical  analysis of 
variance  for randomized complete
Block Design (RCBD) and the separation    
of treatment means  for  significant effect will be done by the use of
fishers least significant difference (F-LSD) as 
described  by Obi (1980).

Format of Analysis  of Variance 
Showing General  and Specific  Degrees 
of  Freedom  for a split-split  plot 
Design  Experiment  in Randomized Complete Block  Design (RCBD) 
of four Blocks.

N0 of  Blocks   =  4

Factor A  =  Mulching 
vs  non mulching

Factor B  =  Varieties   =  2

Factor C  =  Organic 
fertilizer   =  3


V1 and V2    =  2
varieties  of cucumber (V
1 =
Asley, V2=

PO, P5, P10  =  3
rates  of poultry  manure

Blocks   =  4 blocks (I, II, III, IV)

Total  number of
plots  = 
2 x 2 x 3 x 4

  =  4 x 12

  =  48 plots

No seeds  to be
planted   =  16 seeds/ plots

Total  number  of seeds to be planted  = 
16  x  48 = 768 seeds




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