Statistical Analysis of the Problems Associated with Skill Acquisition in Nigeria

Statistical Analysis of the Problems Associated with Skill Acquisition in Nigeria.


The data for the study were collected from randomly selected tailors within Owerri municipal. A total number of 200 tailors were given questionnaires out of which 200 were returned.

The X2 square test of independent and percentage were used in the analysis. Based on the analysis, it was found that the challenge faced by a male tailor is independent of their academic qualification.

Table of Contents

Title page                                                                                                      i

Approval page                                                                                            ii

Dedication                                                                                                    iii

Acknowledgment iv

Abstract                                                                                                        v

Table of content

Chapter One

1.0    Introduction                                                                                      1

1.1   Statement of problems                                                                   4

1.2    Aims and Objective of the study                                                 5

1.3    Significance of study                                                                       5

1.4    Research Hypothesis                                                                       5

1.5   Research Question                                                                           6

1.6    Scope of Study                                                                                 6

Chapter Two

2.0     Literature Review                                                              7

Chapter Three

3.0   Research Methodology                                                                   12

3.1   Limitation of the study                                                                    13

3.2  Method of Data Analysis                                                                 13

3.3    Source of Data                                                                                  14

3.4    The test of Independent                                                                14

3.5 The definition of term                                                                       15

Chapter Four

4.0  Table 1                                                                                                  16

4.1  Table 2                                                                                                  18

4.2  Table 3                                                                                                  20

4.3  Table 4                                                                                                  21

4.4  Table 5                                                                                                  22

4.5 Table 6                                                                                                   22

4.6  Table 7                                                                                                  23

4.7  Table 8                                                                                                  24

4.8  Table 9                                                                                                  24

Chapter Five

5.0  Conclusion                                                                                           25

5.1   Recommendations                                                                           26

Reference                                                                                         28



There is no issue that should be addressed as a matter of urgent national importance than that of skills acquisition by the youth, considering the failure of our basic education to yield the expected positive result with its attendant consequences such as armed robbery, kidnapping, and host of others.

This paper discusses the importance of skill acquisition in national development and suggests ways it can be encouraged in the country.

According to Encerta Dictionary (2009), a skill is seen as the ability to do something well, usually gained through training or experience.

Skill acquisition and generation of employment have remained a constant factor in Nigeria Government policy. The National Youth Employment and skills acquisition programme was initiated by the Government to promote self-employment and self-reliance in the generation of gainful self-employment.


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