Staying Grateful Quotes – Motivation and Love

Have you ever found yourself forgetting to be grateful? We all do it, and I’ve been there too. You get busy at work, go home, eat/catch up with friends, watch some of the latest movies etc. And before you know it a day or two has passed and you haven’t given gratitude much thought.

There are also moments when it’s tough to feel grateful. Times of change, illness, or loss can leave us feeling off-balance and struggling to find the silver lining beneath the clouds. Have you ever wondered what is the best approach to staying grateful? How can I make sure that I appreciate all the things and people in my life?

It is easy to have a grateful heart when everything is going our way. The real test comes when life isn’t so easy, and we need to stay grateful. Use these staying grateful quotes to help you through the hard times in your life.

Staying grateful is how everyone makes it through times of great stress, like the holidays. There come times when we often overindulge, fall into the “I’m so stressed out” routine, and get stressed over all that needs to be done before the end of the year or even before Christmas day.

1. Being grateful creates good energy that allows you to attract more good energy! Stay grateful for the little things and watch your joy, peace, and happiness grow with each moment.

2. Staying grateful is one of the best ways to live positively. If you’re always complaining, you’ll never find any joy in life.

3. Though things are bad, there are still things to be grateful for. That’s sometimes when we should be the most grateful: when life gives us lemons, and we cope with them.

4. Being grateful and staying grateful is easy to say and hard to do. But multiple benefits of being grateful make staying grateful worth the effort.

5. When you stay grateful, it empowers you to keep being thankful and keeps you growing. Stay grateful in every situation.

6. The most valuable thing you can make time for every day is to be grateful. Be thankful for what you have, even if it’s not much.

7. Staying grateful is hard; it’s one of the most difficult tasks if you think about it. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life that we forget to be thankful for the little things.

8. Having a positive attitude and staying grateful are two that are just as important to get through the hard times in life.

9. Stay grateful. It’s a great way to start your day, and it’s one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

10. Stay grateful for the little things in life that you can’t find anywhere else.

11. It’s not how much we have; it’s how much we enjoy. Stay grateful for everything you have and share it with others!

12. Stay grateful for whatever situation you’re in because good things come to those who are grateful.

13. Count your blessings and stay grateful for the life you have.

14. Stay Grateful for the beautiful moments because life is full of them.

15. Staying grateful is a great way to keep your happiness level high and gives you something to look forward to.

16. The best thing you can do for yourself this week is to stay grateful. You never know what the future holds, and you don’t have to think every day that there’s something better around the corner. Just settle in and enjoy the ride.

17. Getting caught up in all the hustle and bustle of everyday life is easy. Take time to notice the little things that make you happy, and stay grateful for them.

18. Being grateful for the little things—like the warm feeling of a sweater and a hot cup of coffee in the morning.

19. It’s easy to forget to be grateful, but it’s important to remember to keep a gratitude journal and write down all the things you’re thankful for.

20. We don’t need a reason to be grateful. We just need a reason to be happy and staying grateful becomes easy.

21. Stay grateful for your life, the people you love, and all the adventures you’ve shared. You can only grow stronger together through good times and bad.

22. Stay grateful for what we have and never take it for granted.

23. Stay grateful. Life is full of ups and downs, but most important is the way you respond to each.

24. We’re staying grateful for the small moments in life. They make all the difference.

25. A grateful attitude is important because it helps keep you happy. It also helps to make good business decisions.

26. Life is unpredictable. That’s why it’s so important to stay grateful for every moment. Every opportunity. Every moment of every day.

27. It’s been a long day. Stay in the moment and be grateful for what you’ve got.

28. Don’t forget to stay grateful and appreciate everything that happened this week, because it’s likely all gone in a snap.

29. Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life is easy. Stay grateful for what you have, and don’t worry about what you don’t have.

30. Stay grateful and you will find it easier to let go of what you can’t have and be ready for what is.

31. To stay grateful, give thanks. To stay appreciative, appreciate what you have. To stay humble, be humble.

32. Stay grateful for what you have, how good you feel and what the future holds.

33. In this journey, you will always face some kind of challenge. But the key is to remember that the road to success is paved with challenges and obstacles. So stay positive, stay grateful and keep walking on!

34. Stay grateful for all that you have, it is a beautiful thing to see.

35. We all have days when we don’t feel grateful. It’s okay … let that moment pass. Make sure to stay grateful for everything — small and large.

36. In every season of life, it’s important to stay grateful. Let go of all the things that aren’t working out for you and remember that there’s always someone somewhere who is grateful for what they already have.

37. It’s important to stay grateful and remember that the small things in life make it all worthwhile.

38. There’s no better feeling than being grateful. It clears your mind and makes you more content with what you have. So, let’s keep our eyes on the prize and stay as grateful as we can be!

39. Always remember to stay grateful for all that you do. And always keep a smile on your face.

40. Each day, it’s important to stay grateful. Whether you’re celebrating your newfound love for something new in your life or just trying to be more grateful in general, we want to see the things you appreciate and remember.

41. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but taking time to be grateful can be a nice way to relax.

42. Making it a habit to stay grateful for all the small things in life every day.

43. What’s the secret to a happy life? A consistently grateful heart.

44. Life has its ups and downs, but it’s all part of the journey. Stay grateful for the little things that got you through the day.

45. We all need a little reminder to stay grateful.

46. When you stay grateful for the small things, life can be a bigger celebration than you ever imagined.

47. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to give thanks for what you have. It’s important to remember there are folks around the world that don’t have your abundance. So this week, stay grateful for what you do have, and send out some love!

48. Stay grateful for the little things and stay grounded in how lucky you are to have what you do.

49. Always remember to stay grateful, be positive and surround yourself with positive people.

50. Let’s stay grateful. Even in times when life feels complicated, it’s important to remember that it gets better.

51. Let’s make the most of today. Let’s stay grateful and take notice of what we have.

52. The best way to stay grateful is to give thanks for everything you have. It’s simple, but it also puts everything into perspective. You may feel like you are drowning in life, but sometimes all you need is a breath of fresh air.

53. Stay grateful and focused on your goals, as a wise man once said: “Keep calm and carry on!”

54. We are all so lucky to be living in this beautiful moment. Stay grateful and enjoy the little things because they could be gone tomorrow.

55. The people who deserve your thanks are the ones you don’t even realize are doing something for you. Stay grateful, friend.

56. Stay grateful, be appreciative and never forget it’s not about the money but the experience.

57. No matter what life throws your way, stay grateful and remember that you are loved and supported.

58. The best way to stay grateful is to be grateful. It’s a simple way to keep your happiness alive, no matter what life throws at you.

59. It’s simple. Gratitude is the key to happiness. The more gratitude you have in your heart, the more positive things you’ll attract.

60. I intend to live my life with no regrets, and the best way to do this is to stay grateful.

61. It’s a great feeling to stay grateful for the little things in life.

62. Stay grateful for the things that you have and never worry about what you don’t have.

63. We’re living in an amazing time and we’d be kidding ourselves if we didn’t recognize it. So let’s stay grateful, stay joyful and keep doing what we love.

64. We have been given so many blessings in our lives and we should always stay grateful for them because even with all the bad in the world, there are still a lot of good things out there.

65. Being grateful for what you have, no matter how small.

66. Every day, I choose to be grateful for the opportunities that come my way, even if they don’t turn out exactly how I had planned.

67. Stay grateful for what you have. It’s the best way to be happy.

68. Find ways to be thankful. Look around, and appreciate everything good you have in your life. It’s one of the best ways to be happy.

69. The key to staying grateful is simple. Be grateful for everything you have and surround yourself with people who remind you to be grateful.

70. If you’re looking for happiness, you have to stay grateful. It’s the key to having a full life.

71. Staying grateful will help you discover the simple pleasures of everyday life. These are the things that give your life meaning and get you through tough times.

72. Stay grateful for all the little things in life.

73. There is only one day at a time. It would be nice to be able to stay grateful for today, without the burden of worrying about other stuff that may not even happen.

74. It’s important to stay grateful and take time each day to focus on things that are good in your life.

75. We can’t be great at everything, but we can be good at some things. So be good at a few things and always stay grateful for all the little things.

76. Life is full of ups and downs. It’s how you react that counts. So, stay grateful.

77. A grateful heart is a healthy heart. Stay grateful, stay healthy.

78. I’m staying grateful for the simplest things this week. The flowers outside my window, the hot coffee in my hand, and all the beautiful people in my life.

79. It’s important to stay grateful and appreciate what you have.

80. Remember to stay grateful, even when it’s hard. Life is good and there’s no time like now to appreciate the small things.

81. The most important thing my parents taught me is to stay grateful. They’re always laughing, but they never take life for granted.

82. The best way to stay grateful is to be present. This can be difficult, especially if you’re constantly thinking about plans or stressing about issues from your past.

83. There’s just nothing like the freedom of being grateful for what we have. The feeling that comes along with being grateful is beautiful, and it only takes a second to start experiencing it.

84. Staying grateful is a great reminder to be thankful for what we have and make the most of it. Many of us are so focused on our journey that we forget to look up and around for people or things to be grateful for.

85. Life is beautiful. Stay thankful for what you have and never take it for granted.

86. Staying grateful is a daily gratitude practice designed to help you be thankful for the little things.

87. At the end of the day, your gratitude can be the difference between a good day and a great day. Staying grateful for all you have — even when you don’t feel like it — is one way to get your mind off the things you don’t have at all.

88. Being grateful helps us focus on the good things that are happening in our lives today. It’s a way to stay focused on what is important, and it reminds us not to take things for granted.

89. The practice of gratitude helps us to appreciate all that we have and be thankful for our blessings.

90. Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes it can be hard to keep a positive outlook, but staying grateful is not a task you have to do alone. We all make mistakes, run into roadblocks and lose perspective, which is why we’re here for one another.

91. Being grateful is good for your health and happiness. It’s a simple practice that can make all the difference in your life.

92. If you’re anything like us, you’ve got a lot to be grateful for. So many that you don’t even know where to start. But we have an idea. Start there, and add another reason—on the days when it’s harder than usual to be grateful, add one more thing that makes you happy and helps you feel positive about your day.

93. We all have struggles and challenges, but staying grateful can help us get through. Staying grateful promotes a happier mindset, improves physical health and reduces stress.

94. Staying grateful is one of the most important practices for happiness. Why? Because you can’t appreciate what you have unless you’ve experienced how bad it can be.

95. By practising gratitude, you’re letting go of any negative feelings from the past and instead practice focusing on everything wonderful in the present.

96. Staying grateful is to stop and take the time to appreciate all the good things we have in life, like family, friends and even strangers.

97. Each day, when faced with a challenge or bad news, remind yourself to count your blessings and list at least five reasons why you are grateful for something or someone in your life.

98. Don’t forget to stay grateful. Give yourself time, rest, and love.

99. While it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, there are many ways to stay grateful. Whether you reflect upon the past or pause during times of reflection, gratitude can be a powerful tool in your daily routine.

100. Trying to stay grateful in the face of adversity may seem like an impossible task, but with a little bit of creativity and a lot of good cheer, we can turn even the hardest times into something that changes our perception for the better.

101. Staying grateful helps us to focus on and appreciate the good things in life.

102. Staying grateful makes us happier, healthier, more successful and more productive.

Staying grateful has oh-so-many benefits to your health and well-being. But I’ve found that gratitude can sometimes get pushed aside in the hustle and bustle of life. I hope these staying grateful quotes could bring this awareness to the forefront of your life once again.

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