Stress Management Practices among Primary School Teachers in Education Zone C of Benue State

Stress Management Practices among Primary School Teachers in Education Zone C of Benue State.


This study investigated stress management practices among primary school teachers. The area of the study was Education Zone C of Benue state, Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design.

The sample of the study was 240 public primary school teachers drawn through multi-stage sampling procedure, from a population of 7,324. One instrument; Teachers Stress Management Practices Questionnaire (TSMPQ) in five clusters were used for data collection.

Frequency and percentages was used to answer research question one (1) while mean and standard deviation was used for research questions 2-4. T-test was used to test hypotheses.

Major findings of the study revealed that, sources of stress for teachers are positive. Stress management practices adopted by teachers are positive. There is agreement between male and female teachers stress management practices adopted by teachers.

There is agreement between Urban and rural teachers on stress management practice scores of male and female teachers. Therefore, gender is not a significant predictor of stress management.

There was no significant difference in the mean stress management practice scores of urban and rural teachers. Therefore, location is not a significant predictor of stress management.


Teachers are important professionals for the nation’s future. Their importance in education has been clearly stated in the National Policy on Education (NPE) (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004:33) that “no education system can rise above the quality of its teachers”.

One of the goals of educational services in Nigeria shall be,“to enhance teaching and improve the competencies of teachers”. Teachers determine the future of the young ones in the society.

Teachers are not only nation builders but pace setters. Teachers are the hub of any education system, just as the wheel rotates around the hub, the education system rotates around the teachers, that is to say that teachers play a primary role in the educational development of any nation.

Regrettably, the teaching profession in Nigeria has been consciously and unconsciously relegated to the background (AdimoraAkaneme&Umeano, 2013).

A teacher is the one who undergoes many years of training in Educational Institutions and earns credentials from those authoritative sources that give the individual authorization to teach (Alan, 2001).

According to Alan,teaching is an occupation that requires an advanced and specialized training for its members, thereby making them an esoteric group. It is a people-oriented profession because; teachers interact with students, co-staff and parents/guardians.

A teacher imparts knowledge and skills to learners both in and outside classroom activities, which brings about changes in behaviour through the process of teaching. Teachers engage inextra-curricular activities such as, religious and club activities, sports and community services such as, teaching adult members of the community. 


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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