Students Participation in Administrative Decision-Making in the Governance of Universities in South-South Nigeria

 – Students Participation in Administrative Decision-Making in the Governance of Universities in South-South Nigeria –

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This study is on students’ participation in administrative decision-making in the governance of universities in South-South Nigeria. The study became necessary because of the researcher’s experiences of student crisis in South – South Nigeria universities.

Five purposes of study and five research questions guided the study. Four hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

The research design adopted was descriptive survey research design. The population for the study was 145,870 students with a sample of 1200 final year students.

The data collection instrument was questionnaire made up of forty (40) items. The internal consistency of the instrument was established with the use of Cronbach alpha method.

The reliability co-efficient of 0.82 was obtained for cluster one, 0.76 for cluster two 0.68 for three, 0.91 for four and 0.88 for cluster five.

These scores or values were computed and internal reliability coefficient of 0.92 was obtained and considered reliable enough for the study.

Data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The result revealed that: Students of federal and state universities agreed that the university disciplinary committees are composed of students and members of staff and students are free to contribute to matters relating to students discipline in the committee.


1.1 Background of the Study

Decision making is a process of selecting from among a set of alternatives in the light of given objectives. It can be viewed as a mental process resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives (Burker and Miller, 1999).

Decision making is also defined as a judgment, a process of formulating and implementing decision a conscious selection among alternatives and a process of problem-solving. The process of decision making includes the use of complex, logical and mathematical process (Okeke, 2007)

Decisions are classified into policy decisions, administrative or managerial decisions and operational or executive decisions. Ogbonnaya (2002) defined policy decisions as decisions made by public officials which give direction to public policy actions.

While administrative decisions are decisions that determine the means to be used in achieving organizational goals (Obi, 2003). Operational decisions according to Okeke (2007) are decisions that are made on a daily basis a cases arise.

He added that executive or operational decisions are concerned with the ways in which different programmes of the institutions are carried out.

The administration is a process of coordinating the efforts of human and material resources systematically to achieve set goals (Ezeocha, 1990)


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