Studies Of Serum Electrolyte And Lipid Profile Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients In Owerri

Studies Of Serum Electrolyte And Lipid Profile Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients In Owerri.


A cross sectional comparative study was performed in Owerri metropolis to evaluate the serum electrolyte and lipid profile among type 2 diabetic patient and non diabetics.

A total of 60 subjects within age range 40-69 years were selected and grouped as diabetics and non diabetics (control) with 30 cases in each. Fasting serum lipid profile, glucose and electrolyte were measured using enzymatic kits.

Data were compared between diabetics and control and analyzed statistically by student independent t-test. The results show that total cholesterol was significantly (p<0.05) higher in diabetics (216.00 ± 11.67mg/dl) than Control (181.57 ± 12.94mg/dl).

Mean serum TG level was significantly (p˂ 0.05) higher in diabetics (149.27 ± 21.82mg/dl) than Control (113.80 ± 11.18mg/dl).

The group means of High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDLC) shows a lower level of concentration in Diabetics (33.30 ± 4.56mg/dl) than Control(44.33 ± 6.72mg/dl); and this difference is statistically significant.

Statistical analysis of the Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDLC) shows a higher level in diabetics (152.87 ± 13.05mg/dl) than Control (114.47 ±13.47mg/dl). This difference is statistically significant.

Comparism of Glucose values of both groups shows a statistical significant (p<0.05) increase in diabetics (192.03±25.35mg/dl) than Control (78.07 ± 7.84mg/dl).

Sodium and potassium level of diabetics (130.53 ±3.83mmol/l, 3.21±0.25mmol/l) are significantly (P<0.05) reduced than the control (138.77± 3.07mmol/l, 4.05± 0.27). Bicarbonate values of the diabetics (22.10±2.6mmol/l) are non significantly (p>0.05) reduced than that of the control (25.57 ±1.57mmol/l).

Chloride values of the diabetics (109.37±4.06mmol/l) are significantly higher than that of the control (101.10±2.58mmol/l). It may be concluded that lipid abnormalities and electrolyte imbalance contribute towards complications observed in diabetes.


Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders that is characterized by elevated levels of glucose in blood (hyperglycemia) and insufficiency in production or action of insulin produced by the pancreas inside the body (Maritim et al., 2013).

Insulin is a protein (hormone) synthesized in beta cells of pancreas in response to various stimuli such as glucose, sulphonylureas, and arginine however glucose is the major determinant (Joshi et al., 2007).

Long term elevation in blood glucose levels is associated with macro- and micro-vascular complications leading to heart diseases, stroke, blindness and kidney diseases (Loghmani, 2015).

Sidewise to hyperglycemia, there are several other factors that play great role in pathogenesis of diabetes such as hyperlipidemia and oxidative stress leading to high risk of complications (Kangralkar et al., 2010).

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a multifactorial disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, altered insulin secretion, and insulin resistance – a state of diminished responsiveness to normal concentrations of circulating insulin (Landas and Goldstein, 2008).

T2DM is also defined by impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) that results from islet β-cell dysfunction, followed by insulin deficiency in skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissues (Radami et al., 2010).

In individuals with IGT, the development of T2DM is governed by genetic predisposition and environmental variables (a hypercaloric diet and the consequent visceral obesity or increased adiposity in liver and muscle tissues) and host-related factors (age, imbalances in oxidative stress, and inflammatory responses) (Pickup et al., 2014).


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