Suitable Techniques for Improving the Teaching and Learning of ICT in Tertiary Institutions from the Opinions of Business Educators

 – Suitable Techniques for Improving the Teaching and Learning of ICT in Tertiary Institutions from the Opinions of Business Educators – 

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Background of the Study 

Information and communication technology [ICT] plays a vital role in the development of any nation. It has been an instrument for achieving social, economic, scientific, and technological development (Adedeji, 2010).

ICT has greatly influenced the education sector, especially on teaching, learning, and research.

The application of information and communication technology (ICT) is not only emphasized in business organizations and in the industrial sector but is an essential part of education at all levels (Allen, 2011).

Information and communication technology, including computers, are generally believed to make learning much easier.

Information and communication technology (ICT) encompasses the use of equipment and programs to access, retrieve, convert, store, organize, manipulate and present data and information in a simpler way [Gray and Blads, 2005).

The terminologies Information and communication technology (ICT) and information technology (IT) can be used interchangeably.

Information can be seen as an “idea” conceived in the human mind, while communication is the transfer of that information from the original source to the destination where it is needed with the intention of producing a change in behavior of the receiver.

When information and communication drift away from the orthodox, verbal, and print media towards the more recently electronic media, then the concept is known as ICT.

This is why Badru (2002) defined “ICT” as the science and activity of processing, storing, and sending information by using computers. The author further defined communication technology as the use of hardware and software to enhance communication.

In other words, there is an overlap between the function of information technology and communication technology.


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