This paper has generated a lot of positive thanking towards striking a balance between control and autonomy in public enterprises. At this point, it is possible to make certain generalization concerning control and autonomy in the country and continent. But, it should bear in mind that the reality of the findings and conclusions are dependent on the authenticity of the information obtained.  

The researcher, having summarized the findings was able to conclude that if the appointment of

the board of director and the management personnel does not yield the desired result ie optimum ministerial control- the supervising ministry can resort to another method.

Furthermore, if treasury control is to be meaningful, it has to take into account the potential and actual contribution of each enterprise to national development, the efficiency of its management, and the various demands which government makes on the enterprises from time to time

Finally, government in Africa must be on the constant lookout for subtle attempt to apply the control measures to maximize narrow sectional, political partisan, or bureaucratic vested interests. More-so, if the aims of establishing public enterprises are to be realized in our life time, positive measures must be taken to promote self–sustenance and self–management in the various enterprises


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