That health talks on yearly basis are being held, as organized by ministry of health and world Health organization. He pointed out that the teachers were being trained as health focal offices.

          After much emphasis on the importance of health, he enlisted and explained the components of health polices as thus:

1.       Healthful school environment

2.       School feeding services

3.       Skilled based health education

4.       School Home and community. Relationship As follow up to his explanations, some questions were asked by the participants.

One teacher asked, how would the problem of a child coming to school without feeding be solved? Response; In reaction, the speaker stated that the community through the PTA and August meeting should be sensitized on the significant of feeding a child before going to school.

On security of the children as raised by a teacher, it was pointed out that fences should be made round the school and parents should be mobilized on doing that.       

          The second topic was on Humor Eye and was taught by Mrs. Matida Njokn.

                   She explained eyes as the window of the boding. She used a labeled diagram our illustration as she taught the participants on the functions of the parts of eyes.

          She asked the teacher to mention some of the important functions of the eyes. The teachers were able to mention some of them; in addition, she taught them some other functions.

                   On how to care the eyes, she pointed out and explained as thus.

1.       Eating food rich in vitamin A, e.g Apple, Carrot and vegetables etc.

2.       Washing the face with clear water and as well use clear towel.

3.       Avoid chemicals entering into the eyes

4.       Avoid strong and direct light

5.       Read with a good light.

6.       Avoid the use of dirty hands.

7.       Do not engage in smoking etc

Some of the Questions raised

          1.       Does alcohol affect the eyes?

          2.       Should all eyes glasses be used or the mediated glasses?

In response, it was announced that eye glasses should be used in harsh weather condition, and if one has eye problem, he/ she should see optician for medicated glasses. 

In response, it was announced that eye glosses should be used in harsh weather coalition and if one has eye problem, he/she should see optician for medicated glosses,

On alcohol, it was stated that it could cause problem to the eyes.

Another topic- personal Hygiene practices was huddled by Mrs. Echingn B.

 She explored personal Hygiene as those activities performed by a group to care for their bodily health. She highlighted that Hygiene reduces illness, it brings about social acceptance.

The speaker emphasized on the need to:

Bat regularly with soap,

Keeping hair short, cutting finger mils, washing cloth, covering one’s mouth when coughing in the public places and making sure that the kitchen and toilets are kept clean.

She as well informed them that every part of the body demands special attention on doily basis.

She asked the porticylcants to mention the parts of the body known to them.

They mentored as thus:

Mentored as Teeth, Head, Hair, Eye, Skin, Ear, Mouth and forth.

She finally explicated on how to care for the different parts motional in conjunction with menstrual hygiene.

          Salt talk was handled by Mr. Amadi

          He highlighted on the significant of salt to

He body that salt is solution chloride used in the menstrual hygiene

          He pointed out two types of salt, such as;

          1.       Refined salt

          2.       Unrefined salt

          He stated that the refined salt is the best salt and disapproved the use of unrefined salt, as it would cause cancer. That 10dized table salt enhances in take of oxygen in the body. That it controls body metabolism. It was equally pointed out that the over in take of salt courses over   during rain fall. He as well mentioned and explained the importance of salt such as being used as a curative, preparation of gunpowder etc. Qualities of good salt among other things were taught.

          As he was teaching,   some questions were asked by the particgcents and responses were made by the resource person. Another lecture was on Eye Related diseases and courses handler by Mrs. Matila Njolen.

          She started by sayng that when there  is any contoruination of the eyes by fungi, bacteria or virus, it radices  the functions of the eyes. That it could be by physical cause, like fight. She equally explained the senators of the eye diseases, such as itching redness and inhumation etc

          Some of the problems of eyes explained were –

Shoot sightedness- inability to see far object.

Long sightedness- inability to see near  object.

Astigmatism- wiliness in see image  to old age (cornea problem)

Colour blindness – inability to warily colour

< p> Night blindness- inability to see in the night.

          Corrective Measure                 

It was advised that one with eye problem should be referred to the eye specialist.that convince lens could sever for short slightness. While convince lens could serve for long sightedness.

          She as well stated the role of a teacher on seat arrangement if one has eye  problem in the class. The overtire measure was equally highlighted, mostly on eating of balances chit and the use of eye glasses in harsh weather condition

On procedure for screening the eyes, she emphasized on school eye programs, that  optical education should be taught. She other highlighted on necessary captivities that should be practical by a teacher to know the children that have eye problem.

          That the teacher should conduct eye test. she listed and explain in a chart the materials that should aid a teacher to serene the Phyllis eyes. Such as record book our each child. Wash hand brain soapy, water, hand gruel and towel. She chemonstratent the practical object  of the severing, using the protections the factions of the eye tools were distressed .the teachers were allowed to screen each other eyes. she nominally conduced that action should be taken base on findings which could be to send referrers note to the payment of the child.

          At the end some questions were asked and responses made.

          Another lecture was on 10DINE by Mr. Amali

          He chute 10dine as on cataleptic liquors obtained of tar extracting sodium form the as he pointed out that iodine is very important in properties of 10dine as others:

1.       It is a block shiny solid

2.       Lodine does not block

3.       Antiseptic in nature

4.       Lodine is a guild oxidizing agent

5.       It dissolves in carbon forming violet solution etc.

On testing of iodine in table salt he mentioned two ways of testing a table salt for lodine.

1.                 the first one was the use of deistical water and salt to form a saline and clipping litmus paper in the solution to claret  the colour change.

2.                 The second one was on the use of ethanol or any regent drop on small salt as to likely be dork lice.

He frailly plasticized on salt using the iodine solution before the class to porches or show lionized salt. the teacher equally partook in the salt severing

Goiter lecture was equally hand led by Mr. Amoli

          Goiter  was explained as the elopement, in promotion or the swelling of the thyroid gland.

          He an hostel  and explained the types of goiter as follows:

1                   the endocrine goiter

2                   tokic goiter

3                   malignant goiter

In preventive procedure, he stated that one should make use of lodozed salt as the intake could rechcle sickness in the body

 Post test Conducted  
At the end of the lecture, a post test was conducted for the participants for a period of ten minutes.


Test Kite 
The test kits were shared among the patrician from different schools for the actual iodine test for salt.

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